by H. Everard |
Chapter 2 |
THE tranquility which ensued from the Treaty of Ryswick was but of short duration. The decease of Charles II. of Spain without issue, on 1st November 1700, was followed by the Accession of Philip, Duke of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV., in prejudice to the claims of the House of Austria. Angry feelings were further engendered by the French Monarch proclaiming the titular Prince of Wales (known as the Old Pretender), Sovereign of Great Britain, Scotland, and Ireland, on the death of King James II. at St. Germain in Sept., 1701. This combination of events induced England to enter into the War of the Spanish Succession by supporting the pretensions of Charles. Archduke of Austria, to the Crown of Spain.
The raising or reforming of Farrington's Regiment, with 8 others,† was one of the last acts of the life of William III., who had begun to place the British Army on its War footing; and on the 12th February, 1702, Col. Thos. Farrington was placed on full pay.
† LIST OF REFORMED COLONELS OF FOOT IN ENGLAND, AND SENIORITY OF REGIMENTS:- 5. Richard Coote (39F). 3. Luke Lillingston (38F). 8. John Gibson (28F). 9. Thos. Farrington (29F). 2. Henry Mordaunt (Marines). 7. Thos. Sanderson (30F). 4. Henry Holt (disbanded 1713). 6. Thos. Brudenell (Marines). L Edward Fox (32F).—British Museum Documents relative to Army and Garrisons, 1699-1706.
Upon the decease of William III. on the 8th of March, the Crown, according to the Act of Settlement, devolved on Princess Anne of Denmark (sister of the late Queen Mary), who had in 1683 married Prince George of Denmark. The Accession of Queen Anne did not 1702 produce any alteration in the policy of the late Sovereign, and War was proclaimed against France and Spain on the 4th of May.
In July the Duke of Marlboro' assumed command of the allied army in Flanders, whilst the combined English and Dutch fleet, under Sir G. Rook, with troops on board commanded by the Duke of Ormonde, proceeded to Spain.
Many Colonels, commanding corps broke in 1698, when their officers were placed on h.p., were in 1701-2 ordered to raise new regiments, but in several cases, instead of their former officers being re-commissioned with the new corps, an entirely new lot were brought in. Such, however, was not the case with Farrington's regiment, as the accompanying list of its officers will show. This fact, I think, establishes the connection of the regiment reduced in 1698 with the one raised in 1702, though, I know, some people fail to see ‡.
In lists of officers previous to 1756, the names of subalterns were generally entered by companies, not by seniority.
Capt. Lieut. Edwd. Pyles |
John Miller |
Lieut.-Col. Wm. Watkin |
Francis Lewis |
Peter Bonafous |
Major Chr. Wray |
John Danvers |
Henry Goddard |
Chas. Cracherode |
Robert Carr |
Alexander Mann |
Robert Minzies |
Ruben Caillaud |
William Carr |
John Dally (Grenadier) |
{John Greenwood
{Richard Goddard |
John Bickley |
Vere Harcourt |
Anthony Gawdy |
Saml. Pitman |
Robert Picke |
Cha. de Boileau Castelnau |
Richard Nanfan |
John Brooke |
Abell Cooke |
Robert Cheyne |
John Denise |
Thos. D. Farrington |
James Otway |
Robert Uthwait |
William Cooke |
John Wright |
David Chatelain |
Dawkins Wilmot |
Lieut. Francis Lewis, ADJUTANT. |
Ensign John Miller, QUARTER MASTER. |
Abraham Silk, CHIRURGEON. |
‡When, in 1861, the 19th and 20th Hussars were formed (chiefly from Volunteers from the H.E.I.C. Bengal European Cavalry Regiments) their connection with the late 19th and 20th Light Dragoons was so far acknowledged that they were subsequently authorized to bear on their appointments, etc., the Regimental Device, and Battle Scrolls of those Regiments which had been disbanded in 5819 and 1818.
Warrant, dated 18th March, 1702, authorizing Coll. Thos. Farrington, by Beat of Drum or otherwise, to Raise Volontiers for a Regiment of Foot which is to consist of 12 Companies, of 2 Serjeants, 3 Corporally, 2 Drummers, and 59 Private Soldiers in each Company, the Servants included, with the addition of 1 Serjeant more to the Company of Granadiers . . . . . . . . ; and when the whole number of Non-Commission Officers and Soldiers shall be fully or near compleated in each Company, they are to march to Manchester, Macklesfield, Warrington, Wigan, Knotsford, Stockport, Altringham, and Leigh, appointed for the Rendezvous of the said Regiment.
The Surgeon Mate and the Non-Commission Officers drew full pay from the 1st, the private Soldiers from 20th April to 13th May, when the Regiment was placed on the Establishment of Ireland.
Colonel Farrington was paid £1316 for raising his Non-Commissioned Officers and men, being the rate of 40s. each man.
About the middle of April, orders were received for the regiment to take up quarters in the North, East, and West Ridings of Yorkshire ; and, soon after, for each of the companies to be reduced to 50 private soldiers.
On 30th May orders were issued for 1 company at Bury St. Edmunds, to march to Congleton and Sandbach.
1 Company at Worcester to march to Knutsford and Altrincham.
1 Company at Easingwold to march to Leigh.
1 Company at York to march to Bury in Lancashire.
1 Company at Knutsford to march to Newton, and hold themselves in readiness to embark at Chester.
20 June, 1702.
It is Her Majesty's pleasure that all the pikes, already delivered to the Regiment of Foot under your Command, be returned into the Stores of Ordnance, in lieu of a sufficient number of Muskets, which you are first to receive out of the said Stores.
I am,
Yrs, &C.,
"P. S.—This is not to hinder yr carrying yr
pikes to Ireland, in case Muskets
be not in time enough delivered to
To Col. Farrington."
Early in July, preparatory to embarkation, the Regiment again took up quarters in Lancashire and Cheshire, and sailing 1st August, arrived off Dublin the 15th, whence it proceeded to Carrickfergus, and on landing there was stationed as follows :-2 Companies at Carrickfergus ; 1 Drogheda ; 4 Derry, with a Detachment of 40 men at Culmore ; 1 Armagh Barracks and Town ; 1 Carlingford Barracks and Town ; and 1 Enniskillen.
In December, Captains Cracherode and Otway, Lieut. Picke, 3 Serjeants, and 2 Drummers proceeded to England for Recruits.
In 1703 the Regiment proceeded to Dublin, where it did duty from 24th April to 7th September, during which time the Non-Commissioned Officers and Private men received a penny a day in addition to their pay, as granted by King William III. to all Regiments doing duty there.
On the arrival of the Duke of Ormonde in June, to take up the duties of Lord-Lieutenant, the street from the Castle gate to the College Green was lined by Col. Sankey's and Col. Farrington's Regiments. On the Lord-Lieutenant entering the Castle, he was saluted by the discharge of 15 pieces of cannon, and soon after by three salvos of 21 guns each, and as many volleys of the small arms of the two Regiments of Foot above-mentioned who were in the Castle Yard.
"These are to pray and require your Lord to cause to be delivered out of her Mat's Stores of Warr under your care unto Coll. Willm Watkins, three Barrels of powder in Lieu of the like Quantity expended by Coll° Farrington's Regt in firing Volleys on 23rd of Aprill, her Matie's Coronation day ; upon the good news of the takeing of Bonn ; and on the 29th of May, the Restoration of the royall family, as in such cases is usuall, and for so doing this, with the Receipt of the said Coll° Watkins for the quantity of powder aforesaid, shall be your Lordsps sufficient Warrant.
Given at her Maties Castle of Dublin the 7th day of June, 1703.
By his Grace's Command,
"To our very good Lord the Earl of Mountalexr
Masr Genll of the Ordnance in this Kingdome."
The following Proceedings of Courts Martial are interesting, in 1703 that they give one an idea how Soldiers were treated, and the punishment they were awarded for various offences.
"The Proceedings of the Court Martial held the 9th of June, 1703,
are most humbly Represented.
Present—Major Christopher Wray, President ; and 12 Officers of the Sevll Regiments.
The Court being Sworen sect, and Serjeant Francis Parens, of Capt Wright's Company in Coll° Farrington's Regtt, charged James Ward, Richd Rosse, Abraham Mathews, and Alexander Vance, private Sentinells, with Mutiny.
They all pleaded Not Guilty;
And upon examination of the Wittnesses on oath against and on the Testimony of Sevll Credible Persons produced in behalf of the Prisoners, it appeared that there happened a sudden quarrell between a Townsman, who was the aggressor, and Vaunce, one of the Prisoners, which was immediately appeased, and not attended with any Circumstance to make it mutiny either in intention or consequence; the Court did therefore unanimously acquit the said James Ward, Richd Rosse, Abraham Mathews, and Alexr Vaunce of the mutiny wherewith they stood Charged, but Abraham Mathews having during the Affray used some unfitting words, the Court did therefore adjudge that the said Abraham Mathews doe ride the Wooden horse* at the Relief of the Guard one hour, with a Musquett at each foote.
Lieut. James Dennis of Coll° Farrington's Regt chargd James Norman and John Howard, private Centinells, with mutiny, and resisting him their Commanding Officer ; and Serjeant David Rust charged James Commin, of the same Regiment, Drummer, with the like Crime.
The Court did adjudge that James Norman was guilty of Mutiny, but by a Majority it was carried that it was not a mutiny to that degree as to deserve death, but severe Corporall punishment, and that he doe accordingly run the Gauntlope,‡ one day six lengths of the two Regiments now in Garrisson, and that after four days' intermission the same punishmt be repeated on him ; that he remained Confined for some time afterward, and then be released, and continued in the Service. The Court being of oppinion that John Howard was in a less degree Criminall than the other, did unanimously adjudge that the said John Howard doe run but four lengths through the said Regts on each day, and be also continued in the Service. And that James Commin was not guilty of the mutiny, but that for insolent words by him given to the Serjeant, he doe run the Gauntlope, two lengths of the said Regts on each day, and be continued in the Service.
All wch is most humbly submitted to yr
Grace's Consideration,
* " The Wooden Horse " was formed of planks nailed together so as td form a sharp ridge or angle about 8 or 9 feet long. This ridge represented the back of the horse ; it was supported by 4 posts or legs about 6 or 7 feet long, placed on a stand made moveable by trucks. To complete the resemblance, a head and tail were added. When sentenced to ride the horse, the Soldiers were placed on the back, with their hands tied behind them, and frequently, to increase the punishment, had muskets tied to their legs.
‡ "Run the Gauntlope." The Regiment was formed 6 deep, and the ranks opened and faced inwards. Each man being furnished with a switch, the offender, naked to the waist, was led through the ranks, preceded by a Serjeant, the point of whose reversed halbert was presented to his breast, to prevent his running too fast. As he thus passed through the ranks every Soldier gave him a stroke.—Grose "Military Antiquities."
"Proceedings of the Court Martial held the 4th of August, 1703,
are most humbly Represented.
Lieut.-Coll° Wm Watkins, President ; Captain Robert Minzies, Captain John Dally, Captain Richd Nanfan, Captain Richd Lewis, Captain Robert Fletcher, Captain Chas. Middleton, Captain Edward Pyle, Captain Talbot Young, Captain Thoms Candler, Lieutenant John Danvers, Lieutenant John Miller, Ensign Wm Cooke.
The Court being Sworen, satt.
Ensign Lewis . . , charged Andrew Lawless, Corporall in Coll° ____________'s Regiment, with mutinous behaviour, in pushing, resisting, and striking him, and spetting in his face.
The Prisoner denyed the Charge.
The Ens delivered in his Complaint in writeing on oath, and Nicholas ________, Adjutant, John Flood, Corporall, and Mich Tooley, Provost Martian, was sworen, by whose Evidence it appeared to the Court that the Ens being near the Ring when orders were giving out, the Corporalls being directed to keep all clear, the Prisoner went to putt back the Ens, and as the Ens Swears, thrust him away, and tho' he asked him if he knew what he was doeing, and told him he was an Offr, yet the Prisr pushed him more rudely than before, upon wch the Adjt beat the Prisr, telling him the Gent was an Offr, and that then commanding him to the Guard, the Prisr as he was going stept up to the Ens, spett in his face, and gave him two or three blows on the head.
The adjut could give no acct of the 1st beginning of the matter but said that seeing the Prisr pushed the Ens, he came out of the Ring, beat him, and commanded him to the Guard, and soon after, hearing a 2nd Scuffle, he came and beat the Prisoner more Severely than before, but did neither see the blows given by the Prisr or that he did spitt at the Ens, but that the Prisoner was in drink.
"From evidence given by Corpl Flood and the Provost Martial," it appears that as the Prisr was being conducted to the Guard, the Ens followed and kickt the Prisr, who turned about, struck at him with his hand, made a dent in his hand, and spett in his face.
The Prisoner confessed he was something in drink. Upon full debate and consideration of the whole course of the evidence, altho' they did not cleerly agree in all the circumstances, yett the Court was of oppinion that a Soldier strikeing and threatning an Offr with such indignity on any acct whatsoever is of very ill consequence to the Discipline and Governmt of the Army, and therefore the Court did unanimously agree to find the said Andrew Lawless Guilty of the Charge, and the question being putt whether he should suffer death for the same, it was carryd in the Negative ; and thereupon the Court did adjudge That the said Andrew Lawless be tyed to a Post on the Parade in the Lower Castle Yard, and be Lasht with Six Twiggs three times by each drummer of Coll° Farrington's Regt, and that 4 days after he doe receive the like punishmt from each Drumr of Coll° Farrington's Regt, and that 4 days after he doe receive the like punishmt from each Drumr of Coll°_____ Regt, that he will be confined 14 days after, and be reduced to serve as a private Centinell a year following.
Captain William Higginson charged Francis Clifton, Serjt of Coll° Farrington's Regt, with Mutiny.
The Prisoner pleaded not Guilty; but upon full evidence of the Captn and another Gent of good Creditt upon Oath, it appeared to the Court that the Prisr, upon pretence of an old debt of 13s. 6d. from the Captn, followed him in the Streets makeing a Loud outcry and gathering a crowd about him complained to them of the wrong done him ; that the Captn demanding what he meant, the Prisr flew into an extravagant passion and gave the Capt very ill language, and being commanded to the Guard as Prisr, he did not god but waited till the Captn returned from a place he was going to, and then renewed his abuses, and made a motion as if he would have drawn upon the Captn, but did not, and then went through sevll Streets to the Guard clamouring all the way and uttering very base and Scandallous Reflections on the Captn, and continued so to doe after he was committed to the Mainguard.
Upon full debate of the matter, the Court did unanimously find the Prisr Guilty of the Charge, and by a Majority it was carryed that he should not suffer death, but they did adjudge that the said Serjeant Francis Clifton be tyed to the Gallows post on the green, with a rope
about his neck, and be picquetted† an hour every field day of the two Regts now in this Garisson while they remain here; that the Adjutants of the Regts see it done ; that he be reduced to serve as a private Centinell and be incapable of being more dureing this warr, and be continued on the Marshalls while the Regts stay in the Towne.
All which is most humbly Submitted to
Your Grace's Consideration.
In August, Cols. Sankey's, Farrington's, Fairfax's, Gibson's, Temple's, and Tidcombe's regiments were each ordered to send a detachment of 34 men to Cork, under a captain, lieutenant, ensign, and non-commissioned officers, to complete the respective companies of Mountjoy's and Brudenell's regiments, then ordered to Portugal. No Papists, or men extracted from the native Irish, were to be amongst the detachments.
† The Picket was another corporal punishment. The mode of inflicting it was thus : A long post being driven into the ground, the delinquent was ordered to mount a stool near it, when his right hand was fastened to a hook in the post by a noose round his wrist, drawn up as high as it could be stretched ; a stump, the height of the stool, with its end cut to a round and blunt point, was then driven into the ground near the post before mentioned, and the stool being taken away, the bare heel of the sufferer was made to rest on this stump, which though it did not break the skin, put him to great torture ; the only means of mitigation was by resting his weight on his wrist, the pain of which soon became intolerable.—Grose.
On the regiment leaving Dublin, 4 companies marched to Kilkenny, 2 Enniscorthy, 2 Arklow, 1 Bray, and 3 to Wicklow, where they remained till the following March. When it having been decided to employ the regiment in Holland. it embarked at Dublin, and on landing at Neston and Highlake, proceeded in 3 divisions to Harwich. Being placed on the establishment of the Low Countries from the 12th March, each company was augmented by 1 serjeant, and 4 private men. The regiment having embarked on the 16th May, the transports which also took recruits and horses to Holland, were detained by contrary winds, and anchored in Hollesley Bay till near the end of the month, when starting once more, they arrived in the Maas the 10th of June.
The Duke of Marlborough having started for Bavaria on the 24th of April, left only a corps of observation in the Low Countries to restrain any attack the French troops might make during his absence; and it is most probable that Farrington's regiment formed part of that corps, no account existing of its employment elsewhere. Lieutenant Boileau, was however, more fortunate, for we find he commanded a corps of French gentlemen at Blenheim.*
* Charles Boileau, né le 10me Février 1673, sortit de France en 1691 pour aller dans les Mousquetaires de Brandebourg, d'où étant sorti, it passa en Angleterre, où it fut Enseigne (25 May, 1694) dans le Regiment de Farrington, qui fut cassé ou reformé en 1698. Massa en Irlande jusqu'à a 1701, quand it fut remplacé au dit Regiment, où it fut fait Lieutenant en 1703. Fut fait prisonnier a Launingen le 25 Octobre 1704, fut echangé a Valenciennes le 1re Février 1709, passa en Angleterre pour faire sa Compagnie, qu'il vendit, en 1711, et de la fut en Dublin en 1722, où it mourut le re Mars 1733.—From an old MS. in possession of Surgeon-Major J. P. H. Boileau, late 29th Regt.
1705 was a memorable year in the history of this regiment, which, forming as it did part of the column that marched up the Moselle, was, for the first time since its formation, actively engaged.
As the French still occupied Flanders and the greater part of Brabant, the plan proposed for the ensuing campaign was that two columns, " the one, under the command of the Duke of Marlboro', marching up the Moselle, the other, being under Prince Louis of Baden," should penetrate into Lorraine and carry war into the enemy's country.
All preparations having been made, on the 14th of May the Duke inspected the Dutch and English troops, near Maestricht, after which the latter, under command of Genl Churchill, commenced their march. Monsr. d'Auverquerque was left near Maestricht, in command of the troops intended for the protection of Holland.
On the 3rd of June, having passed the Moselle, and the Saar near Consaarbruck, the army advanced by the defile of Tavernen towards Sirk, where Marshal Villars was encamped. After an arduous march of 18 miles, the troops arrived within a quarter of a league of Elft, where the enemy had an advance post.
It being too late to encamp, the troops formed up and bivouacked for the night. At daybreak it was discovered that the French detachment had fallen back on the main body, which occupied a strong position formed by the heights of Sirk.
The allies therefore made a slight advance and encamped with their right at Perle and their left at Ellendorf ; in this position Marlboro' awaited the arrival of Prince Louis of Baden, whose tardy movements in a great measure frustrated his scheme for carrying on the war. Information was in the meantime received from the Low Countries that Marshal Villeroy and the Elector of Bavaria, having assumed the offensive, had captured Huy, and were advancing on Liege. It was therefore resolved to march back to the Meuse, and on the 17th of June, at midnight, the allied army decamped, without beat of drum, in the midst of heavy rain, and having without molestation repassed the defile of Tavernen, reached Consaarbruck the next morning.
It being ascertained that the enemy had not yet commenced the siege of the citadel of Liege, the march towards the Meuse was continued without delay, the Earl of Orkney being pushed forward with " all " the grenadiers of the army, and t00 men out of " each " battalion. This rapid advance caused the enemy to send back their artillery to Namur, and abandoning the siege, they retired within their lines, which reached from Marche-aux-Dames, on the Meuse, to Antwerp, and had taken 3 years to construct. Before advancing further, Huy was retaken, after which, early in the morning of 17th July, the enemy's lines were surprised and successfully forced between Neer Hespern and Elixheim, with but small loss to the confederates. The loss of the enemy, in killed and wounded, was inconsiderable, but many officers of distinction were captured, and 1200 prisoners were made the next day. Many trophies fell into the hands of the allies, amongst which were 10 pieces of cannon with 3 barrels each.
In this action, " Webb's brigade " was composed of Tatton's, Temple's, Farrington's, and Ingoldsby's regiments, and formed the right of the 2nd line of infantry.
The enemy having retreated across the Dyle, posted themselves very advantageously at Parc, near Louvain.
An unsuccessful attempt having been made there to cross the river, and Marlboro', finding he could neither induce the Dutch again to attempt the passage, nor could he baffle the vigilance of the enemy, resolved to turn it at its source. With this object the confederates, marching by Genappe, on the 17th August approached the borders of the forest of Soignies, and encamped between Hulpen and Braine l'Allieu.
In the meanwhile the enemy had taken up a fresh position, and established themselves behind the Ische.
General Churchill was now detached with 20 battalions, including Tatton's, Sabines', Fergusson's, Lalo's, Farrington's, and Meredith's," and as many squadrons, and posted in front of the army. When the confederates advanced the next day, Churchill's troops taking the route on the left, moved towards the convent of Groenendal, with orders to come out of the wood near Hollas, and attack the enemy in flank.
On approaching the convent it was found that the roads were broken up and trees felled across them, also that a corps of 20 French battalions was strongly posted at the opposite opening of the wood. The detachment therefore halted whilst awaiting fresh orders.
By noon the whole army was drawn up in line in sight of the enemy, and occupied the ground which in 1815 was covered by Napoleon's army, whilst the French held the forest of Soignies and 1705 the approaches to Brussels.
The Duke of Marlboro' and Monsr d'Auverquerque, having carefully inspected the enemy's position and reconnoitred the ground, were both of opinion that the attack should be delivered at once, but General Slangenberg and the Deputies of the States absolutely refused to consent, alleging that the enemy were too strongly posted.
The Duke's project being thus defeated, General Churchill's detachment was recalled, and the confederates retired to Lane. Marching by Lower Wavre, Tirlemont was reached early in September, when detachments from each regiment were employed in dismantling it, and levelling the enemy's late lines between the river Mehaigne and Leuve. After this the troops crossed the Demer, and on the 28th marched to Herenthals, where they soon after "hutted," the weather being very cold.
The season for campaigning was now drawing to a close, and, it having been ascertained that the enemy had gone into winter quarters, towards the end of October Generals Lumley and Churchill, with the British troops, separated from the main army then encamped at Turnhout, and marched off by themselves to their winter quarters along the river Demer.
Proposal of the General Officers, relative to the clothing of the army. At a meeting in the Great Room at the Horse Guards, on the 4th of Feb., 1705-6, and at another on the 7th February, it was agreed that the quantity and quality of clothing for the Foot shall be, viz. :—
" For the first year - A good cloth coat well lined, which may serve for the waistcoat the second year ; a pair of good thick kersey breeches ; a pair of good strong stockings ; a pair of good strong shoes ; a good shirt and a neckcloth ; a good strong hat, well laced."
"For the second year - A good cloth coat well lined, as for the first year ; a waistcoat made of the former year's coat ; a pair of strong kersey new breeches ; a pair of good strong stockings ; a pair of good strong shoes ; a good shirt and neckcloth ; a good hat, well laced. That all accoutrements, as swords, belts, patrontashes, and drum carriages be made good as they are wanted ; that the recruits be supplied with a new waistcoat, and one shirt, and one neckcloth more than the old soldiers, who have some linen beforehand ; and that the serjeants and drums be clothed after the same manner, but everything in its kind, better."
In a letter, dated Whitehall, 2nd April, 1706, we find by the last returns from Holland, that Farrington's regiment consisted of no more than 384 men. However, in May it again took the field, and proceeded to the general rendezvous of the army between Borchloen and Coswaren.
It being ascertained that Marshal Villeroy, "having received reinforcements, and depending on his superiority of numbers," had crossed the great Gheete and was advancing on Judoigne, the Duke of Marlboro' resolved to attack him in this position.
Early in the morning of the 23rd of May, the army of the allies was put in motion, and on approaching Mierdorp, the enemy was discovered moving towards Mont St. Andre, between the two Gheets and the Mehaigne, and taking up the very ground which the confederates hoped to occupy.
As the heads of the eight columns of the allies cleared the village of Mierdorp, they diverged into an open plain, and the 5th and 6th, in one of which was Meredith's brigade, were ordered to march on the steeple of Offuz.
In the approaching battle, which decided the fate of the Netherlands, Meredith's brigade was composed of Orkney's, Ingoldsby's, Farrington's, Meredith's, and Lord North and Grey's regiments. It formed the right of the 2nd line of infantry,* and subsequently took part in the attack on Ramillies.
The enemy's left and centre, stretching from Autreglise to Ramillies, whilst protected from attack in front, by reason of marshy ground, was for the same reason unable to act on the offensive. Their right occupied the open space between Ramillies and the Mehaigne, and their position being concave in shape, afforded great advantages to the assailants.
By one o'clock, the allies were drawn up in two lines, in order of battle the infantry in the centre, the cavalry on either flank.
Perceiving that the " Tomb of Ottomond," between Ramillies and the Mehaigne, was the key of the enemy's position, the Duke of Marlboro' ordered the British, Dutch, and German infantry composing the right, supported by the cavalry, to make a demonstration against the enemy's left. This feint had the desired effect, for Villeroy hurried up reinforcements from his centre. Marlboro' at once ordered the infantry on the right, to retire a short distance, and the 2nd line marching rapidly to its former left, formed in rear of the centre, and joined in the attack on Ramillies, which was surrounded by a ditch, and in which village twenty battalions had been posted. The enemy's right, having, after a stubborn resistance, been turned, and their troops driven out of Ramillies, the battalions, which had made or sustained the attack on that village," supported by the British horse, were ordered to penetrate through the swamp towards Offuz.
The enemy however, gave way without waiting their approach, and were pursued by the cavalry from 4.30 to 10.0 p.m., whilst Mon" d'Auverquerque, with a detachment, followed them till i.0 the next morning.
* British Museum MS. 30995/1334, also Had. MS. 31860/324
This battle cost the enemy 13,000 in killed and wounded, whilst eighty colours and standards, together with almost the whole of the French artillery, and baggage which had not been sent to the rear, were captured.
The casualties of the different corps of the allied army are not known, but their total losses were—killed 1066 (of which 82 were officers), wounded 2567 (of which 283 were officers).
The famous battle of Ramillies introduced the Ramilie cock of the hat ; and a long gradually diminishing plaited tail to the wig with a great bow at the top, and a small one at the bottom, called the " Ramilie tail " ; the sides of the wig consisted of a bushy heap of well-powdered hair.
The immediate result of this splendid victory was the acquisition of nearly all Austrian Flanders ; Brussels, Louvain, Alost, Luise, and nearly all the great towns of Brabant opened their gates on the approach of the allies. Bruges and Ghent speedily followed their example. Daum and Oudenarde soon declared for the Austrian cause. Antwerp capitulated on the 6th of June.
Of all the towns in Flanders, Ostend, Dunkirk, and two or three smaller places alone held out for the French.
The siege of Ostend being decided upon, it was commenced the 18th of June, and carried on under the direction of Mons d'Auverquerque.
By a plan of this siege, it appears that Farrington's, Stringer's, and Macartney's regiments were brigaded together, and formed the right of the front line of attack.
On the night of the 4th July an assault was made by fifty English grenadiers, commanded by a lieutenant, supported by a Dutch battalion. These having effected a lodgment, the next morning the enemy made a sortie and endeavoured to drive them out, but on being repulsed by the battalions which advanced from the trenches, they beat a parley.
According to the terms of capitulation, the garrison, which was commanded by Comte de la Motte, marched out with its baggage, but without military honours, and on condition the men should not bear arms against King Charles III., or his allies, for a period of six months.
This important conquest did not cost the allies above 500 men.
In the place were found 24 colours, 1 standard, and 90 pieces of cannon, besides ammunition and powder.
A design being now formed for a descent on the coast of France with an army of about 10,000 foot and 1,200 horse, the Earl of Rivers was given the command of the land forces, whilst Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell commanded the fleet which was to convoy them, and secure their landing near Bordeaux.
Towards the end of June, Brigadier Cadogan was directed to send to the head quarters of Farrington's and Macartney's regiments, any of their men he had, either at Dendermond or Oudenarde.
Ostend having capitulated, these two regiments were embarked, and sailed for St. Helen's, where the transports with the troops for the projected descent were assembling. Here the fleet lay in expectation of the Dutch squadron and transports, which were detained in the Downs by contrary winds till the 1 2th of August. This fatal delay occasioned the abandonment of the projected descent, and the destination of the forces was altered to Lisbon.
Sixty-one days' pay had been advanced to the commissioned officers to enable them to provide themselves with necessaries ; the establishment of the regiment was completed to 876, and though sent to Portugal, it remained, nevertheless, upon the establishment in Flanders till the end of the year 1708.
By reason of contrary winds, the fleet was weatherbound in Torbay till the 1st October, when it weighed anchor, and after a 24 days passage, during which it encountered much bad weather, arrived at its destination.
During its stay at Lisbon, Dom Pedro, King of Portugal, died; and the attitude of the new sovereign being thought uncertain, Lord Rivers held a council of war, the result of which was that all the colonels of the forces under his command were ordered to repair to their respective posts, and hold their troops in readiness to land at once if required. This however, proved unnecessary, as the king declared he would keep true to the interests of the allies.
The Court of Spain, at Valencia, being now in disorder and danger from the superiority of the French and Gallo-Spaniards, it was resolved to proceed with the forces and join the Earl of Galway.
Leaving Lisbon the 18th January, 1707, the fleet arrived at Alicant about the 8th February, and the troops commenced at once to disembark.
Having been above six months exposed to all the inconveniences which attended long voyages in those times, the force now numbered scarcely 7,000 men, the loss by mortality being computed at about 300 men a battalion.
On the 22nd February, six regiments which had suffered most, viz., Brudenell's, Hamilton's, Mohun's, Toby Caulfield's, Allen's, and Farrington's, were " reduced," their private men being delivered over to complete the establishment of others; those of Farrington's being sent to Southwell's (6th Foot) and Breton's (afterwards disbanded).
With the exception of Lieutenants Alexr. Man, John O'Bryan, John Spark, and Ensign Lewis Griffith, who were posted to serve with the Miquelets, the officers, non-commissioned officers, and drummers of Farrington's regiment re-embarked for Lisbon the 27th February en route for England, to recruit.
On the 27th May orders were given for any commissioned or non-commissioned officers belonging to the six regiments lately reduced in Spain, who should arrive at Spithead, to disembark at Portsmouth, and on the 29th July, for those of Farrington's regiment, to march from London to Norwich.
In September each company was ordered to be completed to 56 1707 men, including servants, and the following month the regiment was quartered as follows:-
6 Companies at Norwich.
1 Company at Swaffham.
1 Company at Harleston.
1 Company at Attleboro'
1 Company at Buckenham, with detachments.
On the 31st of December, Captain Columbine's company was ordered from Abingdon to Thetford.
The union of England and Scotland having this year been ratified by the Scottish Parliament, St. Andrew's cross was placed on the colours of the English regiments, in addition to St. George's.
Although serving in England, Farrington's regiment continued 1708 to be borne on the establishment of the Low Countries, and consisted of 1 colonel, 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 1 chaplain, 1 surgeon and his mate, and 12 companies, viz., 12 captains, 13 lieutenants, 11 ensigns, 36 serjeants, 36 corporals, 24 drummers, and 672 private centinels.
In February a change of quarters took place, when 8 companies marched to Romford and Hare Street, 2 to Mile End, 1 to Bow and Stratford, 1 to Barking ; detachments being also sent to Epping and Ongar. Whilst in these quarters the regiment was reviewed by Major-General Erle, after which two companies proceeded to Ongar and supplied detachments at Kelvedon, Navistock, and Blackmore.
On the 14th of March the regiment received orders to march northwards to assist in repelling a threatened invasion of Scotland by the French in favour of the Old Pretender. The French fleet having been dispersed by Admiral Sir George Byng, near St. Andrew's, the regiment halted at Wakefield until the 3rd April, when it commenced to march via Nottingham, for Farnham, Guildford, Dorking, and Godalming.
On the 1st May a Board of General Officers allotted the county of Surrey to the regiment to recruit from.
Early in June the regiment crossed over to the Isle of Wight, where it encamped with the troops which were to be employed in menacing the coast of France and making a diversion in favour of the allied army in Flanders. The fleet was under the command of Sir George Byng, the land forces under that of Major-General Erle.
Leaving Spithead the 6th August, the fleet made for Deal, where several of the soldiers were shifted from the men-of-war on to transports, after which the expedition sailed for the coast of Picardy, where a landing was effected. The troops subsequently returned on board the fleet, and after menacing the coast at several points, orders were received for them to return to Spithead.
The allied army, under the Duke of Marlboro' and Prince Eugene, was in the meanwhile carrying on the siege of Lille. The want of ammunition was its greatest drawback, and as all the roads to Brussels were wholly obstructed, the Duke, in order to open a new communication with Ostend, had sent for the British battalions which were being employed under General Erle.
Having, at Spithead, taken two months' provisions on board, Erle's expedition sailed for Ostend, where it arrived the 21st September.
Hearing of this, Comte de la Motte, who was advancing with a considerable force towards Brussels, returned immediately to Bruges, and cut the dykes of Leffinghen, in order to lay the country between Nieuport and Ostend under water, hoping thereby to prevent General Erle from communicating with the besieging army. In this, however, he did not succeed, for General Erle's troops drained the inundations, built a bridge over the canal at Leffinghen, and a convoy of 700 waggons with ammunition and other necessaries being dispatched, reached Lille in safety.
The Duke of Vendome was so enraged at this, that he marched 1708 with a strong detachment to Oudenburg ; with it, he took post along the other side of the canal between Plassendael and Nieuport, and caused the dykes to be cut in several places, which laid a large tract of land under water. General Erle therefore placed his troops, which were encamped at Raversein, in position to resist any attack the enemy might make.
Hearing of the Duke of Vendome's movements, the Duke of Marlboro' advanced against him with the greatest part of his army, on which the enemy retreated with great precipitation, and the regiments under General Erle succeeded in conveying another supply of ammunition, &c., across the inundations to places where the waggons from the army were awaiting it. These supplies proved sufficient, and the citadel of Lille surrendered on the 9th of December.
On the 23rd December, the regiment was placed on the establishment of Portugal, and in February, 1709, embarked for Hull, whence on the 7th March it left for York, but in June returned to Hull to relieve Colonel Dormer's and Churchill's regiments, which were ordered abroad. A draft of 50 men having been sent to Colonel Charles Churchill's regiment, officers were sent to recruit in Edinburgh and Berwick.
In April, the regiment returned to York, and on the 25th June was placed on the establishment of land forces in Great Britain.
It having been decided to employ it in an expedition under Lord Shannon, on the 25th March, 1710, Lieut.-General Farrington was ordered to provide tents and other camp necessaries for his regiment without delay.
Having embarked at Hull, the regiment landed at Portsmouth early in July, and on crossing over to the Isle of Wight, encamped with the troops which were assembling for the expedition.
On the 25th August another company (the 13th) was added, which brought the total establishment up to 876. Towards the middle of October the troops embarked and proceeded to Spithead.
The Tory Ministry which came into office in November, being inclined to peace, the death of the Emperor Joseph I. of Germany, which had occurred this spring, opened the prospect of its attainment, more especially as the Archduke Charles, one of the competitors for the throne of Spain, was elected his successor. Thus the views of England with regard to the War of the Spanish Succession " were entirely changed, and Lord Shannon's expedition was countermanded.
On the 7th November Major-General Whetham was placed in command of the troops, which still lay off Spithead, with orders to join the army in Spain.
On the 21st Lieut.-Colonel Sir Christy Wray, Bart., died at Portsmouth.
On the 8th January, 1711, the regiment was placed on the establishment of Spain, and on arrival in that country in March, was stationed at Gibraltar.
In 1712-13 thirty-two regiments were reduced or transferred to the establishment of Ireland, and orders were sent Brigadier Thos. Stanwix, the governor of Gibraltar, to cause Farrington's regiment to be reduced and incorporated with the other regiments, which were to be continued in that garrison.
On the 7th October Lieut.-General Farrington died, and was buried at Chislehurst. The command of the regiment was now given to Lord Mark Kerr, whose own corps had recently been disbanded.
Pursuant to orders, on the 22nd February, 1713, the regiment was reduced, and its non-commissioned officers and private men, with their arms, were drafted into the regiments of Pearce (5th), Barrymore (13th), and Newton (20th).
Lord Mark Kerr and his officers having paid for their own 1713 passage, were brought home on board the "St. George" galley, and on arriving at Whitehall the 12th of May, were ordered to take possession of the non-commissioned officers and private men of Colonel Chudleigh's regiment, which was quartered in Ireland, and about to be reduced.*
On the 24th November they proceeded to Ireland, and were posted to the head of Col. Chudleigh's late regiment, whose men were reported as being in possession of 320 arms, 288 whereof were not fit for any service.§
This regiment, it appears, was on the 22nd June‡ ordered to be reduced, Colonel Thos. Chudleigh and officers being placed on half-pay.
* Treasury Papers, clxv. ; H.O. Ireland, No. 388; Add. MS. 22616—Record Office, London.
§ Record Office, Dublin—Books of Military Entries, 26 Oct., 1715.
‡ Record Office, London—H.O. Ireland, No. 380.
Since, by the vicissitudes of the service, this battalion eventually became the 29th Foot, which is now represented by the 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment, it may interest some to know when and where it was raised, and of its services ; with this idea the following extracts have been made from the Records of the 34th Foot :-
This regiment was raised the 12th February, 1702, by Robert, Lord Lucas, and was composed of men from Norfolk, Essex, and the adjoining counties, one wing of the regiment having had its rendezvous at Colchester, the other at Norwich. In 1705 it embarked for Spain, and took part in storming the fortress of Montjuich and the siege of Barcelona. In 1707 being much reduced in numbers, those of its private soldiers fit for duty were transferred to other corps, and the regiment returned to England to recruit. In 1708 it served under General Erle ; in 1710 under the Duke of Marlboro', being present at the passing of the French lines at Pont a Vendin, the sieges of Douay and Bethune, and employed in covering the sieges of Aire and St. Venant ; in 1711, took part in the movements by which the enemy's formidable lines were passed at Arleux, and the siege of Bouchain ; in 1712, joined the army of the Duke of Ormonde which penetrated the French territory to the frontiers of Picardy, encamping at Cateau-Cambresis ; was stationed at Dunkirk until the conclusion of the peace of Utrecht, when it proceeded to Great Britain. At this time a considerable reduction took place in the army, which included Chudleigh's regiment.§
§ On 22nd May, 1715, a warrant was issued for Col. Thos. Chudleigh to forthwith raise a regiment (now the 34th Foot), which was to enjoy its former rank as if it had not been broke.—Military Entry Books : and War Office Miscellany Books, 521.