Worcestershire Regiment War Diaries - Glossary of Terms
Abreviation | Meaning | |
2i/c | Second-in-Command | |
7 Hamps. | 7th Battalion Hampshire Regiment | |
A/ | Acting | |
A/C | Air Command | |
a/Tk. | Anti-Tank | |
Adjt. | Adjutant | |
Arty | Artillery | |
Bde. | Brigade | |
B.E.F. | British Expeditionary Force | |
B.H.Q. | Battalion Headquarters | |
bldgs | buildings | |
Boches | Germans | |
Br. | British | |
Capt. | Captain | |
C.C.S. | Casualty Clearing Station | |
Chinese Party | Fire plan activity intended to expose enemy M.G. positions | |
Civvies or Civs | Civilians | |
C.M. | Court Martial | |
Cnd | Canadian | |
C.O. | Commanding Officer | |
Col. | Colonel | |
Comd | Command | |
Conc. | Concentration (area) | |
Coy | Company | |
Cpl. | Corporal | |
C.S.M. | Company Sergeant Major | |
d/d | day by day | |
D. of W. | Duration of Service or Died of Wounds | |
D.C.L.I. | Duke of Cornwall Light Infantry | |
Deproof | De-waterproof vehicles | |
Div | Division | |
D.P. | Displaced Person | |
D.R. | Despatch Rider | |
D.S.O. | Distinguished Service Order | |
DUKW | Duplex-Drive Amphibious Truck (commonly know as “Duck”) | |
E. Yorks R. | East Yorkshire Regiment | |
Embussed | To put troops on vehicle transport | |
E.N.S.A. | Entertainments National Service Association | |
FUP | Forming Up Point | |
Gp. | Group | |
H hour | Scheduled time for start of an operation or action | |
H.E. | High Explosive | |
H.L.I. | Highland Light Infantry | |
H.Q. | Headquarters | |
hrs. | hours | |
“I” | Intelligence | |
Inst. | Instruction | |
I.O. | Intelligence Officer | |
Kangaroos | Turret-less tank used as a troop carrier | |
K.I.A. | Killed in Action | |
K.O’d. | Knocked Out | |
K.O.S.B. | Kings Own Scottish Borderers | |
K.R.R. | Kings Royal Rifles | |
K.R.R.C. | Kings Royal Rifles Corps | |
L.C.A. | Landing Craft Assault | |
L of C | Lines of Communications | |
L.C.I. | Landing Craft Infantry | |
L. Div. | Lowland Division | |
Lewis Gun | Automatic Machine Gun (American design) | |
L.I. | Light Infantry | |
LK | Location (Area) | |
L.M.G. | Light Machine Gun | |
Lt. | Lieutenant | |
Lt.-Col. | Lieutenant-Colonel | |
Lt. Inf. | Light Infantry | |
Mad Minute | All artillery, mortars and small arms, fire for 1 minute. | |
Maj. | Major | |
M.C. | Military Cross | |
M.G. | Machine Gun | |
M.I.D. or mid | Mentioned-in-Despatches | |
M.M. | Military Medal | |
M.M.G. | Medium Machine Gun | |
M.O. | Medical Officer | |
M.T. | Motor Transport | |
M.T.O. | Motor Transport Officer | |
N.E. | North East | |
Nebelwerfer | German multiple rocket launcher (nickname "Moaning Minnie") | |
N.C.O. | Non Commissioned Officer (i.e. Sergeant) | |
O.C. | Officer Commanding | |
Offr | Officer | |
“O” Group | Orders Group meeting | |
Op | Operation | |
O.P. (or op) | Observation Post | |
O.R’s. (or O.Rs.) | Other ranks | |
pdr | pounder (normally used referring to a 6 Pounder or 25 Pounder Gun) | |
Petard | Explosive device used to break down a gate or wall | |
PIAT | Projector Infantry Anti-Tank (hand-held anti-tank weapon) | |
Pl | Platoon | |
pls (or Pls) | Platoons | |
Pnr | Pioneer | |
P.R.I. | President of the Regiment Institute | |
P.T.C. | Primary Training Centre | |
Q.M. | Quartermaster | |
R | Regiment | |
“R” or Recce | Reconnaissance | |
rd | Road | |
rds | rounds (usually refer to mortar rounds) | |
R.E. | Royal Engineers | |
R.V. | Rendezvous | |
P.O.W. | Prisoner of War | |
posns | positions | |
P.W. or P’s.W. | Prisoner of War | |
R.A. | Royal Artillery | |
R.A.M.C. | Royal Army Medical Corps | |
R.A.P. | Regimental Aid Post (Medical) | |
R.E. | Royal Engineers | |
Ps. W. | Prisoners of War | |
Pz | Panzer | |
“R” Group | Reconnaissance Group | |
RHU | Regiment Holding Unit | |
rly junc. | Railway Junction | |
R.S.F. | Royal Scottish Fusiliers | |
R.S.M. | Regimental Sergeant Major | |
S.B.'s | Stretcher-Bearers | |
Spandau | German Machine Gun (MG34 or MG42 machine-gun) | |
S.E. | South East | |
Sjt. | Sergeant | |
slits | Slit Trenches | |
S.L. | Start-Line (starting position for an attack or advance) | |
Som. L.I. | Somerset Light Infantry | |
S.O.S. | Struck Off Strength | |
Sp | Support (usually refers to Support Company) | |
S.P. | Self Propelled (gun) | |
Stonk or Stonking | Military slang for a concentrated artillery bombardment | |
S.S. | Schutzstaffel (Literally Protection Force or Defence Squad) | |
S. Sas. Regt. | The South Saskatchewan Regiment | |
T/ | Temporary | |
Tac | Tactical | |
T.C. | Transport Control | |
T.C.V. | Troop Carrying Vehicles | |
TEWT | Tactical Exercise Without Troops | |
TK | Tank or Tanks | |
T.O.S. | Taken On Strength | |
tps (or tp) | troops (troop) | |
Tpt or tpt | Transport | |
Typhoons | British single-seat fighter aircraft (Hawker Typhoon) | |
VE | Victory in Europe | |
Wilts | Wiltshire | |
W.O. | Warrant Officer (i.e. Regimental Sergeant Major) | |
Worc or Worc R. | Worcestershire Regiment | |
WS | War Substantive rank | |
X rds | Cross Roads |