Fragments of Battle

Fragments of Battle




By Captain Rex Fellows MC
Published by Louis Scully, Surrey.
Printed by Antony Rowe Ltd., Chippenham, Wiltshire.

ISBN 0-9526-6060-1
Published 1995 and 2002

This is the second addition of this privately published book (292 pages). This new addition has been greatly enhanced with the addition of 100 pages plus 66 photographs. The names index has also been extended.
The stories in this Anthology are those of comrades in arms — men who went into battle and in so doing put on the mantle of lead players. (You cannot lead, or get further forward, than the “sharp-end” of battle).

Captain Rex Fellows These fragments, brought together as a collection with some of the Author’s personal reminiscences, have been talked about at branch meetings, Legion Clubs and annual Battalion re-unions, for the past fifty years. It is a matter of regret that so many other stories will surely remain unrecorded, having passed away with narrators and writers, alas no longer with us.

The collection of these anecdotes will, it is hoped, give the uninitiated reader some idea of the realities of those wartime years.

Copies of this book can be purchased for £17 (includes p & p) directly from:
Louis Scully (email:

Note: This book is not available in the shops only a limited number were printed.