Recognition (Worcestershire Regiment, August 1917)
By Martin Newman
This is book is a tribute to all the Men of the Worcestershire Regiment who gave their lives
in the First World War. The purpose of this book is to help the reader understand the smaller
details of the history of the Worcestershire Regiment during the month of August 1917,
including where relevant the months of July, and September 1917 during the Third Battle of
Ypres (Iepers), of which the Worcestershire Regiment played a large and costly part. |
Martin Newman |
"This book has been well researched and provides a very good understanding of the realities of
war in the trenches during the Battle of Ypers in 1917. It is highly recommended reading to
anyone wishing to learn more about those difficult days of trench warfare in WW1" Louis Scully - The authors great uncle Albert has been the inspiration for Martin Newman's music CD with its contemporary interpretation of Passchendaele. This book is available direct from Martin Newman or from the Museums and Book shops in Ieper Belgium. The cost of the book is Euro 17.90 (which includes U.K. post and packaging). You can order directly by clicking on the link below: Orders accepted by credit card. If you have any problems ordering the you can email Martin Newman by clicking on the link below: Recognition in Music The Netherlands |
You can also visit Martin Newman's website for more information on his music and history of the 3rd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment during the Capture of Westhoek in August 1917.