Worcestershire Regiment in the Great War
By Capt H. FitzM Stacke
Published by G. T. Cheshire & Sons Ltd., Kidderminster.
Published 1928
History of the twelve fighting battalions - on the Western front, at Gallipoli, in Mesopotamia, Macedonia, Italy and Persia. Roll of Honour, list of Awards.
A magnificent publication it is with its profusion of maps, illustrations and photos - each page of photos contains several. The Worcesters was one of the five regiments that had four regular battalions before the war, with two special reserve and two territorial battalions. By the end of the war another fourteen battalions had been raised for a total of twenty-two of which twelve went on active service. 9,460 officers and men gave their lives, 71 Battle Honours were awarded and eight VCs one of whom, attached to the RFC, was the airman Leefe Robinson, famous for shooting down a zeppelin. Battalions served on the Western Front, in Gallipoli, Macedonia, Mesopotamia, Italy; one battalion ended the war in North Persia. Appendices provide the Roll of Honour; Honours and Awards including Mention in Despatches, with date of Gazette (for ‘Companion’ of the British Empire read ‘Commander’); details of Badges, Colours and Distinctions of the regiment; and the music for regimental marches. Illustrations are by wel l-known artists depicting battle scenes including each VC-winning action - apart from Leefe’s zeppelin.
After considering various factors, explained in his very informative preface, the author decided to present this history as one general story in which the number of the battalion concerned is printed in the margin of the pages dealing with its deeds. Attention is paid to minor actions such as trench raids, which usually find no place in compressed official histories; they are recorded in this history. The plans illustrate the engagements recorded in the book, and are designed to depict the part played by the several battalions in their battles and to enable the visitor to the battlefields to recognise the ground on which each fight took place, as much as to make clear the general course of those actions. The book opens with a very interesting account of the regiment in the years before the war, beginning at the turn of the century, and there is a very comprehensive index of 25 pages.
Facsimile Reprint Copy of Original Book
Is available from Naval & Military Press. It is printed in two large volumes of 667pp,
plus 127 plans/maps, 22pp b/w illus and 36pp of b/w photos.
Published in 2002
ISBN 1843423782
The book is currently available for a special price of £45 which is excellent value for money
as an original copy would cost several hundred pounds if you can find one.
Order line Tel. +44 (0)1825 749494
Click here for link to Naval & Military Press
Latest (June 2004)
This book is also now available on CD ROM from Midlands Historical Data, 49 Blossomfield Rd., Solihull,
West Midlands, B91 1NB, England. Check out the Military Book section on their website.
Click here for link to Midlands Historical Data
REGIMENTAL HISTORY - A record of the first release of this book in 1929
A meeting of the History Sub-Committee of the Worcestershire County War Memorial was held on Saturday,
27th October, 1928.
Capt. H. Fitz M. Stacke reported that the whole of the proofing of the book, including the index, was
practically completed, and he submitted the first 30 pages, including the title page, dedication,
foreword, preface, notes to the maps and plans, contents and introduction, etc., which were examined and
approved by the meeting, as also was the arrangement of the photographs and letterpress.
The meeting requested the Hon. Editor to send a letter of thanks from the Committee and a free copy of the
book to the draughtsman at the Staff College, for the valuable work he had done in preparing the maps and
The meeting confirmed the action of the Chairman in inviting certain gentlemen who had done good service
for the County and the Regiment at home during the war, to lend their photographs for reproduction and
inclusion in the History.
Upon the motion of Field-Marshal Sir Claud Jacob, seconded by the Chairman, the meeting resolved that the
grateful thanks 0f this Committee be given to Capt. Stacke for the time and energy he has expended on the
work of compiling and editing so comprehensive a History of the Worcestershire Regiment.
Speaking for the Regiment, the Field-Marshal desired to thank Capt. Stacke most gratefully for all the
time, hard work and trouble he had been to in order to produce a really good history. He had read through
it, and it was so well arranged that the doings of any one of the many Battalions of the Regiment in
existence during the War could be easily followed. He thought it was better than any other Regimental
History he had seen.
Upon the motion of Field-Marshal Sir Claud Jacob, seconded by the Chairman, the Meeting resolved and
directed:— That a free copy of the book be sent to the Staff College, Camberley, Royal United Services
Field-Marshal Sir Claud Jacob undertook to present copies to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, and
to the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.
That Field-Marshal Sir Claud Jacob be requested to invite His Majesty the King and H.R.H. the Prince of
Wales to be graciously pleased to accept a copy of the History and that in the event of a favourable
reply two specially bound copies of the History be made for that purpose, and be presented to His Majesty
and His Royal Highness by Field-Marshal Sir Claud Jacob.
The Hon. Secretary submitted to the meeting a statement of the financial position of the History Fund to
date, showing a balance at the bank of £358 13s. 9d., and £297 promised by subscribers for 792 copies of
the book at 7s. 6d. per copy.
Upon the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Field-Marshal Sir Claud Jacob, the meeting resolved that the
book be issued to the subscribers who have already paid at 7s. 6d. per copy, but to those who have ordered
it and have not paid and to the members of the Regiment and their wives and children, parents,
grand-parents, brothers, and sisters, at 7s. 6d. per copy plus 1s. 6d. for packing and postage, and to
all other applicants at 15s. per copy, plus 1s. 6d. for packing and postage.
The meeting directed that a circular be sent to those who have already ordered copies, but have not paid
for them, stating that the book will be forwarded to them on receipt of the sum of 9s.
Page xiii — footnote of the page :—Initials of Mr. Payne (“Snaffles”) should be “C. J.”
Page xv — line 26—Seventh word should be “of.”
Page xxvi — footnote (g)—correct the spelling of “Jhansi.”
Page xxvii — footnote (b)—for “seven” read “five.”
Page 8 —fifteen lines from foot of page - " (B2)" should read " (B1)" ; and, two lines further on, " (B3)" should read " (B2)"
Page 18 — footnote (d) line 3 :—After “Serving on the Staff” insert “(Brigade-Major 17th Inf. Bde.).”
Page 26 — footnote (f) —for “Johnson” read “Johnston,”
Page 42 — last line—Ninth word should be “Chairmen.”
Page 43 — line 10— Initials of Lt.-Colonel Garnett should be "F.H."
Page 44 — footnote (d)—for “3rd Battalion” read “4th Battalion.”
Page 47 — illustration facing page 47 —initials of Lt.-Colonel Garnett should be "F.H."
Page 48 — sixth line from foot of page—for “Holden” read “Holder.”
Page 50 — footnote (c)—after “packed” delete “for.”
Page 64 — last line—for “April” read “March.”
Page 67 — footnote (d)—1/8th Bn. for "Kewrood" read "Kerwood."
Page 67 — footnote (d). To list of the 1/7th Battalion add— “Major B. Addenbrooke R.A.M.C. (T.F.) (Medical Officer).”
Page 73 — line 34— footnote (d) should read “(e)” and also in the footnotes to the page.
Page 73 — footnote (d) :—the blank bracket should read “(see page 68).”
Page 86 — footnote (d) :— initials of 2nd-Lt. Charles should be “L. S.”
Page 88 — footnote (d) :—initials of 2nd-Lt. Atkinson should be “C. J. B.”
Page 101 — line 7 and footnote (f) :— 2/Lieut. R. T. Cavanagh should read 2/Lieut. R. T. Cavenagh
Page 106 — line 41 and footnote (c) :—initials of 2nd-Lt. Greenway should be “D. H. W.” (see page 622).
Page 111 — line 28—for “sung” read “sang.”
Page 128 — line 26-for “greater” read “greatly.”
Page 135 — line 26 - thirteenth word should be “of.”
Page 148 — footnote (e) :— 2/Lt. R. T. Cavanagh should read 2/Lt. R. T. Cavenagh
Page 159 — footnote (a)—2/8th Bn. — For “Well” read “Wall.”
Page 166 — footnote (f) add— “The collection of the wounded was directed by the devoted Medical Officer of the Battalion, Captain N. H. W. Saw, R.A.M.C., who for five days and nights worked incessantly, and several times went out into ‘No-Man’s Land’ with the utmost bravery in the course of his work of mercy. He was awarded the M.C.”
Page 170 — illustration facing page 170 : — Initials of Private Turrall should be “T. G.”
Page 170 — at the end of the second paragraph add "(b)"
Page 170 — last paragraph the word "haft" sould read "shaft"
Page 178 — footnote (c), line 2. delete from “and” to “M.C.”
Page 179 — footnote (c)—First line—last word should be "wood"
Page 181 — footnote (e) —for “Tyree” read “Tyrie.”
Page 185 — line 16-for “West” read East.”
Page 192 — footnote (a), line 3. after “Captain Hopewell” for “was” substitute “. . . . .and Captain Tomkinson were . . . ."
Page 200 — line 49 ninth word—correct the spelling of “fumes.”
Page 201 — footnote (b)—correct the spelling of “was.”
Page 203 — footnote (g)—Line 2—after “his Service” insert “with the Regiment.”
Page 211 — three lines from foot of page :—after “ An officer” delete “(h)” and substitute “(g) “. The footnote “(h)” should actually be part of footnote “(e).”
Page 218 — footnote (b)—for “has” read “as.”
Page 243 — footnote (a) :—For “page 339” read “page 337.”
Page 250 — footnote (a)—Line 2—after “intact” add “Battalion Headquarters of the 1/8th Worcestershire had spent two tours of four days each in the Dugout, and had it twice ‘vetted’ by Sappers.”
Page 261 — line 13—after “near” delete “at.”
Page 284 — marginal number opposite line 21 - " 1/8th" should read " 2/8th"
Page 284 — footnote (c)— "M.M. was awarded to Pte. B. Norris" should read "M.M. was awarded to Pte. B. Novis"
Page 300 — footnote (f) :— “Lt. L. G. Hepstead” should read "Lt. L. G. Mepstead"
Page 301 — line 11—for “M.C.” read “D.S.O.”
Page 304 — line 37—for “2/7th and 2/7th” read “2/8th and 2/7th.”
Page 305 — line 28-for “dust” read “dusk.”
Page 310 — line 5—after “defensive line” add “(b).”
Page 315 — line 27—for “Territorial” read “ 1/7th & 1/8th.”
Page 321 — Bottom of page in notes (h) “Lt. G. V. Hammersley” should read "Lt. E. V. Hammersley"
Page 323 — line 27—for “ defensives” read “defensive.”
Page 338 — footnote (e) :—should read “Road (C)—(D) on the plan.”
Page 357 — add “(Point "C")” after the word cowshed in the 5th and 8th paragraph
Page 381 — Fourth line from foot of page—for” right” read “ left.”
Page 383 — footnote (a) :—after “killed” instead of “4” read “5, and after “Gardner” add “Lieut. C. J. Smith.”
Page 383 — footnote (a)—3rd Bn.—for “Wastley” read “Wasley.’
Page 394 — line 33 - ninth word should be “The.”
Page 407 — footnote (a)—third line—For “271” read” 269.”
Page 438 — footnote (c) :—Initials of Captain Gadsby should be “E. F.”
Page 443 — heading” Battle of the Canal du Nord “—add footnote— “(*) See maps facing pages 247 and 415.”
Page 458 — heading “The Advance to Douai” add footnote— “(*) See maps facing pages 253 and 415.”
Page 462 — line 15 : — lnitials of Captain Coxwell should be “E. C.”
Page 469 — footnote (a) Line 3—for “5” wounded read “55.”
Page 477 — footnote (f) :—For last two words substitute” a bar to his M.C.’
Page 483 — fourth line from foot of page—for” 1/8th” read “ 2/8th."
Page 483 — footnote (a) :—Second part of first sentence should read :— “and Sergt. Yates a bar to his D.C.M.”
Page 485 — line 24 - for” past eastwards” read “eastwards past.”
Page 486 — For lines 13-14 substitute — " . . . . . . .Espierres, on the banks of the River Escaut. The British advanced troops had crossed the river and had gained a footing on the further (eastern) bank. The river had been spanned by a duckboard bridge, and the outpost line taken over by the Battalion consisted of posts along the eastern riverbank, facing the small village of Pottes. That village was occupied by the enemy, who were holding the line of a canal which there runs parallel with the river; but the enemy showed no sign of activity, and the night was quiet.”
For lines 17-18 substitute— " . . . . . . dark, reconnoitring patrols went forward. One minute after midnight a patrol led by Captain N. M. Goodman crossed the canal and found the enemy’s outpost line deserted. The news was sent back. The remainder of the Battalion quickly followed . . . . . . "
Page 496 — line 36 - after “strong” read “(d).”
Page 501 — footnote (e) :—For “Kirley” read “Kirby.”
Page 512 — nine lines from foot of page :—For” 1924” read “ 1914.”
Page 513 — Under 7th Battalion in first line, after “Lieut.-Colonel F. M. Tomkinson, D.S.O.” add “Lieut.-Colonel G. S. Tomkinson, O.B.E., M.C.” In second line delete “O. S. Tomkinson, M.C.”
Page 513 — footnote (b)—8th Bn—Line 1 for “Howe” read How.’ ; Line 3 For “Stenton” read Stinton.” after” Smith “add “M.C.’ ; footnote (d) Line 1—for “Cumings” read “Cuming.”
Page 518 — opposite” Ancre 1916” for “2/8th” read “2/7th.”
Page 519 — opposite “Poelcappelle” add “14th.”
Page 526 — List of the O.B.E.— against “T0MKINSON G. S. “ for “Captain—1/ 1/18" substitute A/Lieut.-Colonel—1/1/19.”
Page 527 — For “Brush, S. W., 8537” read “Brush, G. W., 8538”
Page 528 — add “Dunnett, Raymond Frederick - Lieut. - 1/1/17 - 2nd - High Wood (July 1916)
Page 529 — For “Heselton, A.” read “Heselton, J. L.”
Page 532 — against “ TOMKINSON G.S.” for” 1/7th—Somme 1916— 178” substitute “ 2/7th Fauquissart —192.”
Page 532 — opposite “Watson H. W.” for “Somme 1918” read “Somme 1916.”
Page 533 — For “Bevan, S., 16079” read “Bevan, S., 26079”
Page 535 — For “Mayston, A., 4314” read “Mayston, A., 4438”
Page 535 — For “Oakes, J. 200496, Pte.” Gazette date should read 18/7/17
Page 536 — For “Sealey, C., 201150” read “Seeley, C., 201150”
Page 536 — the regimental numbers of the two Sergeants H. Smith should be interchanged.
Page 536 — For “Summer, D. C., 8827” read “Sumner, D. C., 8827”
Page 542 — For “Mapp, W., 210916” read “Mapp, W., 201916”
Page 548 — add “Gibbon W. D. Lt.-Colonel—Order of La Solidaridad (Panama) . . . 17/2/20."
Page 551 — For “Bingham, J., 13620” read “Bingham, J., 13260”
Page 552 — For “Cocks, E. H. T” read “Cocks, E. J. T”
Page 552 — For “Clemo, M. F.” read “Clemo, F. J.”
Page 552 — For “Farley, H. F., 5661” read “Farley, H. J., 5661” (note medal card shows name as James H. Farley)
Page 553 — For “Firbank, 19479” read “Firbank, C., 19479”
Page 553 — For “Gadsby, F. E.” read “Gadsby, F. L.”
Page 553 — For “Garbutt, J. C., 18264” read “Garbutt, J. C., 18364”
Page 553 — For “Grosvenor, J. E. - Major” Gazette date should read 14/6/18
Page 553 — For “Hansen, P., 14830” read “Hanson, P., 14830”
Page 553 — For “Hanson, H. G.” read “Hanson, H. D.”
Page 553 — add new line “Hanson, H. D. - Lt. - 25/5/1917 - F.”
Page 553 — For “Hirschfeld, F., 10415” read “Hirschfield, F., 10415”
Page 554 — For “Johnson, J., 7987” read “Johnson, J., 7829”
Page 554 — For “Lillie, G., 6914” read “Lillis, G., 6914”
Page 556 — For “Shelton, W. A., 7137” read “Shelton, W. H., 7137”
Page 556 — For “Timms, G., 2533” read “Timms, G., 25331”
Page 556 — against “TOMKINSON G. S.” add “A/Lt.-Col.”
Page 557 — For “Wheeler, W. H., 4214” read “Wheeler, W. H., 421”
Page 560 — line 34 — ninth word should read “offices.”
Page 571 — add “ADDENBROOKE, B., Major (R.A.M.C.) . . . . . 67” against “ADDENBROOKE, R. G.” for “Capt.” substitute “Lieut.”
Page 576 — against “Coxwell” delete “ 187.”
Page 579 — Initials of Lt.-Colonel Garnett should be “F. H.”
Page 579 — After “GOODMAN, N.M. 2/Lt.”—add “—Capt. . . . . . . 486.”
Page 580 — initials of 2nd-Lt. Greenway should be “D. H. W.’
Page 581 — Col. 2., "Hepstead, L. G., Lt." should read "Mepstead, L. G., Lt."
Page 583 — delete” Kirley R.M. Lt.” and to” Kirby R.M.” add page 501.
Page 590 — Opposite “ SAW, N. H. W. Capt. (R.A.M.C.)" add " 166.”
Page 593 — against "TOMKINSON G. S." for " Capt." substitute "Lt.-Col." and delete “ 178.”
Page 593 — delete "Tyree, J, 2/Lt. The entry below it should read “Tyrie, J. 2/Lt. — Capt. . . . . . 181, 556."
Page 594 — For “Wastley” read “Wasley.”
Page 599 — Col. 1., “2nd Battalion” Regt. number for Arnold, Samuel Robert should read “803184”
Page 599 — Col. 2., “2nd Battalion” Atkins, Thomas add Regt. Number “14632”
Page 599 — Col. 2., “3rd Battalion” “Allcock, William, 19434, Pte., F. & F., 24/8/16.” should read “Allcock, William, 19434, Pte., d. of w., F. & F., 24/8/16.”
Page 599 — Col. 2., “3rd Battalion” the date for Archard, Frederick John should read “24/8/16.”
Page 599 — Col. 2., “3rd Battalion” :— surname “Aiss” should read “Ariss”
Page 600 — Col. 1., “1/7th Battalion” :—“Attwell, Ernest, 2/Lt., F. & F , 15/6/18.” should read “Attwell, Ernest, 2/Lt., Italy , 15/6/18.”
Page 601 — Col. 1., “1st Battalion” :— Christian names of Lt. Baird should read “Andrew Arthur Dering”
Page 601 — Col. 2., “Other Units” :— Allen, John Hugh date should read “6/6/15”
Page 601 — Col. 2., “Other Units” :—Christian names of Capt. Amphlett should read “Edward Baylie.”
Page 601 — Col. 2., “1st Battalion” :— the date for Bonser, Henry, 41126 should read “1/4/18.”
Page 601 — Col. 2., “1st Battalion” the surname “Balkeway” should read “Blakeway”.
Page 602 — Col. 2., “2nd Battalion” :— “Billington, Thomas, 7659, Pte., F. & F., 31/10/14.” should read “Billingham, Thomas, 7659, Pte., F. & F., 31/10/14.”
Page 604 — Col. 2., “4th Battalion” :— “Bird, Eric James, 2/Lt., F. & F., 23/4/17.” should read “Bird, Eric James, 2/Lt., F. & F., 25/4/17.”
Page 606 — Col. 1., 2/7th Battalion:— Balfour replace “P” with “Percy”
Page 607 — Col. 1., 9th Battalion:— add new line with "Box, Arthur Frederick, 35272, Pte., Mesopotamia, Home, 9/8/18"
Page 608 — Col. 1., “4th line from top” name should read “Brabyn, William”
Page 608 — Col. 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” for Burgess “(3/8th Bn.)” should read “(2/8th Bn.)”
Page 608 — Col. 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” add new line “Breakwell, Horace George, 9366, Pte., 10/2/21 (5th Bn.)”
Page 612 — Col. 2., “9th Battalion” :— Clift, Ernest, 30190 - add “Pte.” also add “buried at Baghdad”
Page 613 — Col., 2., “Other Units” :—after “Carpenter, Ernest, Capt,” insert “(Att. R.A.F.).” : after “Colledge, Arthur Vincent, Lieut.” read “(Att. 45th R. Fus.).”
Page 613 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :—add new line with “Gledhill, Albert Sykes, 9481, Sgt., 5/7/17 (Depot)”
Page 613 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :—add new line with “Clark, George, 240899, Pte., 11/10/17 (8th Bn.)”
Page 613 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :— add new line with "Cheal, George, 5239655, d. of w., Home, 14/7/21"
Page 616 — Col. 1., “10th Battalion” the date of death for Dwyer, Charles Henry, Capt., should read “17/11/16”
Page 616 — Col. 1., “1st Battalion” the number for Eacock, Alfred William, should read “27471”
Page 617 — Col. 2., “9th Battalion” the number for Elwell, Alfred, should read “13954”
Page 618 — Col. 1., “1st Battalion” :—“Forsyth, James Corson, 2/Lt., F. & F., 31/8/17.” date of death should read 30/8/17.
Page 618 — Col. 2., “3rd Battalion” :— add new line with "Fellows, Ernest, 9722, F. & F., 26/7/15"
Page 620 — Col. 2., “14th Battalion” :—“Farmer, Frederick Stanley, 2/Lt., F. & F., 20/7/17.” should read “Farmer, Frederick Stanley, 2/Lt., d. of w., F. & F, 20/7/17.”
Page 622 — Col. 1., “4th Battalion” :— surname “Goodyer” should read “Goodyear”
Page 624 — Col. 1., “1st Battalion” to “Haynes, John Eustace Tarleton, 2/Lt., F. & F., 23/3/18” add “attached to 2/8th Battalion”
Page 624 — Col. 1., “1st Battalion” :— “Hedworth, Thomas Hedworth, 2/Lt., drowned, 10/10/18” should read “Hedworth, Thomas, 2/Lt., drowned, 10/10/18” also add “was with 1st Garrison Battalion” - should be listed under “Reserve Battalions, etc.” on page 630.
Page 624 — Col. 2., “2nd Battalion” Hall, James, 7507 :—date of death should read 31.10.14. also name should read Hall, James Richard.
Page 625 — Col. 1., “2nd Battalion” Holland, Edward Matthew, Lt. :—date of death should read 6/11/16.
Page 625 — Col. 1., “2nd Battalion” :— “Hough, Thomas, 8431, Pte., F. & F., 24/10/14.” should read “Hough, Thomas, 8431, Pte., d. of w., F. & F., 24/10/14.”
Page 626 — Col. 1., “3rd Battalion” the number for Hill, George William, should read “12631”
Page 630 — Col., 2., “Other Units” :— surname “Halley” should read “Halle”
Page 630 — Col., 2., “Other Units” :— the rank for Heyworth, Peter George should read “Capt.”
Page 630 — Col., 2., “Other Units” :— date of death for Hilton, Murray Venables should read “20/10/15.”
Page 630 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :—add new line with “Hooper, John, 10496, Pte., 2/4/21 (6th Bn.)”
Page 630 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :— add new line with “Hollis, George, 59305, Pte., d. Home, 6/12/19 (17th Bn.)”
Page 630 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :—add new line with “Horton, Harry Oswald, 19182, died, Home, 22/3/18.”
Page 630 — Col. 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :—add new line with “Hedworth, Thomas, 2/Lt., drowned, 10/10/18”
Page 630 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :—add new line with “Higgins, E, 70076, Pte., 13/3/19 (5th Bn.)”
Page 632 — Col. 2., “1/8th Battalion” :— add new line with “Johns, Albert, 242048, Pte., F. & F., 24/4/17"
Page 632 — Col. 2., “2/8th Battalion” :— remove “Johns, Albert, 242048, Pte., F. & F., 24/5/17" as he was in 1/8th Battalion and date of death wrong.
Page 635 — Col. 1., 1st Battalion — Leach, Eric Thomas :—date of death should read 22.10.18. (please note that the Commonwealth War Graves Commission still shows his date of death as 14.10.18).
Page 635 — Col. 1., 2nd Battalion :— date of death for “Lea, Gerald Ernest, Capt. F. & F.,” should read 16/9/1914.
Page 635 — Col. 1., 2nd Battalion :—add new line with “Large, Alfred, 9167, Pte., d. Home, 14/9/1919”
Page 635 — Col. 2., 2nd Battalion :— “Lowe, Henry Shanten, Lt., d. of w. F. & F., 21/10/14” should read “Lowe, Henry Stanley, Lt., d. of w. F. & F., 21/10/14”
Page 636 — Col., 1., “1/8th Battalion” :— Lee, George Thomas, 49261 - Italy should read France”
Page 636 — Col., 2., “1/8th Battalion” :—Lloyd, William Henry, 1906 - Italy should read France”
Page 636 — Col., 2., “2/8th Battalion” :— add new line “Lloyd, Ira Cyril, 2/Lt., d. France, 24/11/18”
Page 637 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :—"Lewis, Albert, 27309, Pte., 16/3/18 (Depot.) date and battalion should read “10/3/18 (11th & Depot.)”
Page 637 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :— “Lloyd, Ira Cyril, 2/Lt., 24/11/18” removed and added to 2/8th Battalion on page 636 (see above).
Page 637 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :— “Luker, Frank Percy, 2/Lt., 24/11/18 (1st Gn. Bn.)” should read “Luker, Frank Percy, 2/Lt., 1/11/18 (1st Gn. Bn. attached R.A.F.)”
Page 637 — Col. 2., “Other Units” :—add Regt No. “12944” at end of line for Lamb, Frederick Ernest.
Page 637 — Col. 2., “Other Units” :—add “Lloyd, Frank, 2/Lt. 1.2.19 (Att. R.A.F.).”
Page 638 — Col. 1., 2nd Battalion: “Christian names of Mountford should read "Louis" Also add a footnote stating that his true family name was Doffman but he served as Mountford.
Page 638 — Col. 2., 3rd Battalion: Christian names of 2nd-Lt. McMichael should read “John Douglas Wyld.”
Page 639 — Col. 2., 2/7th Battalion: delete "Minors, Ronald Towers, Capt" as his name is now moved to page 641 (see below).
Page 640 — Col. 1., “1/8th Battalion” :— "Munford, Horace William, 2284, Pte., F. & F., 30/8/16." should read "Mumford, Horace William, 2284, Pte., F. & F., 30/8/16."
Page 640 — Col. 1., “2/8th Battalion” :— "Merrifield, Percy, 2/Lt., F. & F., 21/3/18." should read "Merifield, Percy, 2/Lt., F. & F., 21/3/18."
Page 641 — Col. 2., “Reserve Battalions, &c.” :—After Meal, William, Capt., &c. add “(Garrison Bn.).” also date should read “2/6/19.”
Under “Other Units” :—add new entry “Minors, Ronald Towers, Capt., att. R.A.F., 27/3/19.”
Page 641 — Col. 2., “Reserve Battalions, &c.” :— "Miles, W. N., 2/Lt., att. R.A.F., died 24/7/18." should read "Miles, William Norman, 2/Lt., att. R.A.F., died 24/7/18."
Page 641 — Col. 2., “Reserve Battalions, &c.” :— add new line “Munday, Benjamin, 51117, Pte., F. & F. 14.12.19, 17th Bn.”
Page 642 — Col. 1., “4th Battalion” :— delete "Newcombe, Clark Charles Upham, 2/Lt., F. & F., 17/8/17." - see below moved to 10th Battalion.
Page 642 — Col. 2., “10th Battalion” :— add "Newcombe, Clark Charles Upham, 2/Lt., F. & F., 17/8/17."
Page 644 — Col. 1., “2nd Battalion” :— for Phillips, Leonard Harry Perrins add “12th Bn. att. 2nd Bn.”
Page 644 — Col. 2., “2nd Battalion” :— for Pugh, Samuel Wellstead should read Pugh, Samuel Wellsted”
Page 646 — Col. 1., “1/8th Battalion” :— Patchett, Charles Percy “Italy” should read “F. & F.”
Page 646 — Col. 2., “2/8th Battalion” :— move Pearce, Edward Saxelby to bottom of “2/7th Battalion”
Page 646 — Col. 2., “2/8th Battalion” :— change Parry, Walter number to read 240408”
Page 647 — Col. 1., “10th Battalion” :—“Peacock, Sidney Alic, 15639, Pte., F. & F., 3/7/16.” should read “Peacock, Sidney Alick, 15639, Pte., F. & F., 3/7/16.”
Page 647 — Col. 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :— surname “Peaks” should read “Perks” also his date of death should read “13/3/16.”
Page 647 — Col., 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :—add new line with “Potter, Bertie, 1943, Pte., 3/12/18 (8th Bn.)”
Page 648 — Col. 1., “Other Units” :— Painter, John Sigley “2/Lt.” should read “Lt.” also add “7th Bn.” in front of “att.”
Page 648 — Col. 2., “Other Units” :— Parker, Cecil William Hannington “Lt.” should read “Capt.”
Page 648 — Col. 2., “2nd Battalion” :— for Ratchfore, Harry should read Ratchford, Harry”
Page 648 — Col. 2., “2nd Battalion” :— “Rowe, John Thomas, 8826, Pte., F. & F., 24/10/14.” should read “Rowe, John Thomas, 8826, Pte., d. of w. F. & F., 24/10/14.”
Page 649 — Col. 1., “4th Battalion” :—“Ray, Archibald Douglas Hussey, Capt., Gallipoli, 25/4/15.” date should read “30/4/15.”
Page 651 — Col 1., “1st Battalion” :— “Saunders, Edward, 24111, F. & F. 10.2.16.” ; surname should read “Sanders”.
Page 651 — Col 1., “1st Battalion” :— “Slater, Ronald Mortimer, Lt., F. & F., 21/11/14.” should read “Slater, Ronald Mortimer, Lt., d. of w., F. & F., 21/11/14.”
Page 651 — Col 1., “1st Battalion” :—add “Smith, Charles John, Lieut., F. & F. 27.5.18.” ; Col. 2., “ 1st Battalion,” Steele: for “Ben” read “Benjamin.”
Page 651 — Col 2., “2nd Battalion” :— Smith, Arthur, 8393 date should read “20/5/14”
Page 651 — Col 2., “2nd Battalion” :—add “Smith, Donovan Richardson McCallum, 2/Lt., attached from 4th Bn. Manchester Regiment, France, 27/5/18.”
Page 654 — Col 2., “1/8th Battalion” :— “Spilsbury, James, 240265, Pte., F. & F., 5/10/18” should read “Spilsbury, James, 240265, Pte., d. of w., F. & F., 5/10/18”
Page 654 — Col., 1., “4th Battalion” :—add new line with “Shrubshall, Gordon Stewart, 9899, Pte., 13/3/19 (4th Bn. later 6th)”
Page 655 — Col 1., “9th Battalion” :—add “Sampson, William James, 36024, died, Turkey, 24/5/19.”
Page 656 — Col 1., “11th Battalion” :—add “Skingley, Thomas William, 22217, Pte., d. POW, Bulgaria, 23/12/18.”
Page 656 — Col 1., “1st Battalion” :— surname “Thrumpstow” should read “Thumpston”
Page 656 — Col 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :— Sykes, Albert add “Sgt.” also add “true family name is Gledhill but served as Sykes”
Page 657 — Col. 1., “2nd Battalion” Tucker, Joseph Charles, 8336 :—date of death should read 31/10/14.
Page 657 — Col. 1., “2nd Battalion” Tyler, William, 23690 :—add extra chistian name to read “William Arthur”.
Page 658 — Col 1., “1/7th Battalion” :— “Toms, Harr” should read “Toms, Randle Harry”
Page 658 — Col. 1., “4th Battalion” Taylor, George, 21049 :—add extra chistian names to read “George Thomas R.”.
Page 659 — Col 1., “1/7th Battalion” :— “Underwood, Cyril Charles, 2/Lt., F. & F., 6/2/17.” should read “Underwood, Cyril Charles, 2/Lt., F. & F., 4/2/17.”
Page 659 — Col 2., “Other Units” :— “Taylor, Robert Leslie” should read “Taylor, Robert Lester”
Page 659 — Col 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :— add new line with “Taylor, George, 24050, Pte., 9/9/20, d. Home, (9th & 6th Bn)”
Page 660 — Col 1., “1st Battalion” :— “Wagstaff, Harry” should read “Wagstaff, Frank Harry”
Page 661 — Col 2., “2nd Battalion” :— Willby, George, 8704 surname should read “Wilby”
Page 662 — Col 2., “3rd Battalion” :— add “Wilkinson, Charles, 23332, Pte., d. Home, 31/1/1918”
Page 662 — Col 2., “3rd Battalion” :— “Woolridge, Albert, 46794, Pte., F. & F., 11/4/18.” surname should read “Wooldridge”
Page 665 — Col 1., “9th Battalion” :— add new line “Wingate, William, 7783, L/Cpl., d. Home, 26/3/19”
Page 666 — Col 2., “Other Units :— Willis, John “9355” should read “9335”
Page 666 — Col 2., “Reserve Battalions, etc.” :— add new line “Whitworth, Charles B., 42175, Pte., d. Home, 4/12/18”