George Andrew Cusack (7671741) 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment |
George Andrew Cusack (age 91) |
CSM George Cusack - Burma 1944 |
Back standing: CSM Ivor Howells ('B' Coy), CSM George Cusack ('D' Coy) |
RQMS George Cusack - Mandalay, Burma (1946) |
L to R: RQMS George Cusack , CSM Fred Street ('C' Coy), CSM Ivor Howells ('B' Coy) - Maymyo, Burma 1945
George Cusack was also csm for H.Q. Company. Fred Street was a professional Footballer with Southampton Football Club.
Ivor Howells played rugby for Llanelly 'B'
All three played football for the Company's and 2nd Battalion.
Company Football Team
Back standing L to R: ????, Pat Cannon, Bob Munn, Mick Dodd, ????, George Cusack, Sgt. Hanson, ????, White
Front kneeling L to R: Ken Jarman, ????, ????
(Burma 1945-46)
Sergeants Mess - 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment
Regimental Football Cup Winners - Meiktila, Burma (1946)
Back row standing L to R: Sgt. ?????, Sgt. Sammy Holmes, Sgt. ?????
Middle row L to R: Sgt. ?????, CSM George Cusack, Sgt. ?????
Front row L to R: Sgt. ?????, Sgt. ?????, CSM Ivor Howells, CSM Fred Street, Sgt. ?????
All the above photos were submitted by his daughter Carmen Cusack