Major-General Frank Crowther ROBERTS, V.C., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C.

Commanded the 1st Battalion Worcestershire Regiment from June 1918 to August 1919.

Frank Roberts was the son of the Rev. Frank Roberts of Southall. After education at St. Lawrence College and R.M.C. he was commissioned into The Worcestershire Regiment in 1911 as a 2nd Lieutenant and in 1912 went with the 1st Battalion The Worcestershire Regiment to Egypt. In 1914, at the outbreak of War, his Battalion was moved to France, where, after only three months in action he won the first of his distinctions, the D.S.O., for gallantry when leading a trench raid.

By 1917 he had become Brigade Major for 23 Infantry Brigade, with whom he gained the Military Cross for gallantry at the Battle of Ypres.

During the ensuing winter he was appointed to the temporary command of his old Battalion, despite the fact that he was then only 26. In March, after five months in command, the Battalion was ordered to hold an extended position in the face of the German Spring offensive. To prevent the Battalion being outflanked, he personally led a counter attack with soldiers gathered from Battalion Headquarters and stabilised the position. For his part in this and subsequent actions during the same week, Major Roberts was awarded the Victoria Cross for his courage and fine leadership.

After the 1914-18 War, ' Culley ' Roberts served in a variety of Staff appointments in Egypt, the Rhine Army and in the Far East, before transferring to the Royal Warwickshire Regiment on accelerated promotion in 1927. After further service in India, the Middle East, with the Iraqi Army and as a Staff Officer in Northern Ireland, he was selected to command 1st Battalion The Royal Warwickshire Regiment in 1937. He subsequently served as a Brigade Commander in India and as G.O.C. 48 Inf. Div. (T.A.) before retiring in December 1939.

He had married Winifred Wragg in 1932 and on retirement settled in Bretby, near Burton-on-Trent, his wife's home. There were no children and Mrs. Roberts died in December 1980.

In addition to the V.C., D.S.O., O.B.E. and M.C. awarded during the 1914-18 War, General Roberts was Mentioned in Despatches seven times. He also held the Gold Medal of the Order of Mohamid Ali (Egypt), and many other service medals. During the 1914-18 War he was wounded three times.

Capt. F. C. Roberts
(later Major-General)

General Roberts's thoughts were always with his old Comrades in the Worcestershire Regiment. He has bequeathed his medals to the Regimental Museum and has also left a handsome bequest to the Regiment.

Major-General F. C. Roberts, V.C., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C.
The death occurred on 12th January, 1982, of Major-General F. C. Roberts, V.C., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C., at his home at Bretby, Burton-on-Trent. He was aged 90 and prior to his death was the last living ex-member of The Worcestershire Regiment holding the Victoria Cross.