Major-General Edward Charles Ingouville-Williams, C.B., D.S.O.

Commanded the 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment from March 1904 to March 1908.

Edward Charles Ingouville-Williams was born 13th December 1861 at Purbrook, Hampshire, son of General Sir John William Collman Williams, K.C.B., J.P., and of Georgiana Isabella, daughter of George Ingouville a landed proprietor and Albina Ingouville, of La Fregonniere, Jersey.

Edward Charles was commissioned as an officer to the 3rd Foot Regiment (East Kent Regt. known as 'The Buffs'), as Second Lieutenant, from the Militia on the 23rd April 1881. He was promoted to rank of Lieutenant with the The Buffs, on the 1st July 1881. He served in the Sudan Expedition, 1884-85 (Nile), as Special Officer for Boats (Staff Captain), and received the Medal with clasp, and Khedive's Star.

He was promoted to rank of Captain on the 1st November 1892. He was Adjutant of The Buffs from 20th May 1894 to 21st January 1898. From 22nd January 1898 to 10th April 1899, he was specially employed with the Egyptian Army, as Special Service Officer, and served in the Nile Expedition of 1898, taking part in the battles of Atbara and Khartoum, where he was in charge of Transport arrangements, and in command of the Army Transport Corps with the British Division during the Khartoum operations. He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 24th May and 30th September 1898]; was given the Brevet of Major on the 16th November 1898; received the Medal and the Egyptian Medal with two clasps. In the Nile Expedition of 1898 he was Brigade Major with Colonel Kitchener's Brigade and served as DAAG (Deputy Assistant Adjutant General) to the Kordofan Field Force, and received a clasp to the Egyptian Medal.

He served in the South African War from 1899 to 1902, on Sir Charles Warren's Staff; as Assistant Provost-Marshal, November 1899 to 19th May 1900; Brigade Major from May to 31st December 1900; Commanding Mounted Infantry Corps, and Commanding a Mobile Column from the 1st January 1901 to 25th September 1902.

Maj.-Gen. E. C. Ingouville-Williams
(Known by his men as ‘Inky Bill’)

On the 20th August 1901, Edward Charles Ingouville-Williams' Mobile Column transported General De la Rey's mother to the Klerksdorp concentration camp.

He was present at the Relief of Ladysmith, including operations of 17th to 24th January 1900; action at Spion Kop; operations of 5th to 7th January 1900, and action at Vaal Kranz; operations on Tugela Heights 14th to 27th February 1900, and action at Pieter's Hill. Operations in Natal, March to June 1900, including actions at Laing's Nek (6th to 9th June). Operations in Orange Free State and Transvaal. Operations in Orange River Colony, January to May 1901. Operations in the Transvaal, May 1901 to 31st May 1902. He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette 8th February 1900 (Sir R H Buller); 30th March, 17th June, and 9th November 1900 and London Gazette, 9th July to 11th October 1901]; was given the Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel on the 12th October 1901; received the Queen's Medal with six clasps; King's Medal with two clasps, and was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 19th April, 1901]: "Edward Charles Ingouville-Williams, Major (now Local Lieutenant Colonel), The Buffs (East Kent Regiment). In recognition of services during the recent operations in South Africa". The Insignia were presented in South Africa.

His elder brother Major George Albanus Williams was killed in action during the South African War, at Tweefontein on the 25th December 1901 (aged 41) whilst serving with the 1st Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment.

In 1902 it was reported in the Times (30th October 1902) that he changed his name by Deed Poll (in September 1902) from "Williams" to "Ingouville-Williams" it is believed in memory of his mother who's maiden name was Ingouville. His mother Georgiana Isabella Williams (nee Ingouville) had died at Portsea Island, Hampshire in 1867 (aged 29).

He was transferred to the Worcestershire Regiment on the 4th April 1903 and was given command of the 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment at Bloomfontein on the 3rd March 1904, and becoming Lieutenant Colonel on the 10th March 1904. On the 22nd October 1904 he embarked with the 2nd Battalion from Durban and sailed to Colombo, Ceylon, arriving there on the 5th November 1904. The 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment remained in Ceylon throughout 1905/1906. In December 1906 the 2nd Battalion moved by sea to Bombay, India on route to Ahmednagar where on the 10th October 1907 the 2nd Battalion was given new colours by the Viceroy, The Earl of Minto. In January 1908 the 2nd Battalion moved to Poona. In March 1908 Edward Charles Ingouville-Williams completed his command of the 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment and handed over command to Lieut.-Col. H. de. B. Hovell DSO.

He was created a CB in 1910; was Commandant, School of Mounted Infantry, Longmoor Camp from the 1st March 1910 to 17th June 1912; was given the rank of Brevet Colonel on the 25th December 1905; became Colonel on the 10th March 1908.

He became a Temporary Brigadier- General from the 18th June 1912 to 2nd June 1915 and was Commanded the 16th Infantry Brigade, Irish Command, from the 16th June 1912 to 4th August 1914.

On the outbreak of the First World War with Germany he took his Brigade to France, commanding it until he was promoted to Major- General, in June 1915, for distinguished service in the field, and given command of the newly formed 34th Division, which he trained and took to the front in January 1916, being in the front line till 4th July when the Division was withdrawn to refit, but was again put into the line, with two fresh brigades to replace the 102nd and the 103rd, which had lost heavily. The Division was in the fighting line till the 19th July when it was again withdrawn to rest and to refit.

Grave of Maj.-Gen. Ingouville-Williams

Map showing (in Red) Queens Nullah
where Major- General Ingouville-Williams was killed
(A "Nullah" is the Indian name for a dried up watercourse or river bed. 'Queens Nullah' was names after the 2nd Battalion Queens Regiment occupied this position on 1st July 1916)

After the great Battle of the Somme in July 1916, Major- General Ingouville-Williams paid the following tribute to his men: " My men did glorious deeds. Never have I seen men go through such a hell of a barrage of artillery. They advanced as on parade, and never flinched. I can't speak too highly of them. They earned a great record. But, alas ! at a great cost. I am very sad at losing all my brave fellows, but so glad that their grand work is appreciated by the Corps Commander, Army Commander and Sir Douglas Haig. My brave men had to face a long advance to reach their objective. They were swept by that awful barrage — double barrage. Some got through, but could not. remain so far off without support. They did their duty nobly. Never shall I cease singing the praises of my men, and I shall never have the same grand men to deal with again. I think they have done their part well, and their attack made all the subsequent success possible."

Although he was renowned as a stern disciplinarian, he was affectionately known by his men with the nickname ‘Inky Bill’.

On the 22nd July Major- General Ingouville-Williams went with his ADC to the Bois-de-Mametz to make a personal reconnaissance of the ground where he was to take his Division into action the following week; on the bank at Queen’s Nullah, south-west of Mametz Wood, after having walked back from Contalmaison round the south side of the wood to meet his car which was at Montauban, he was caught in a barrage of fire and was hit by a piece of shell which killed him instantly. He was 54 years of age when he was killed.

He had been mentioned in Despatches four times for his services in the European War.

His grave is at Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery extension ( a village about 21 kilometres north-east of Amiens), France. Grave number III. D. 13.




As Major-General Edward Charles Ingouville-Williams, C.B., D.S.O. and his wife Florence lived at Oaklands, Stakes Hill, Cosham, Hampshire, his name is inscribed on the base of the local First World War Memorial Cross and Monuments in the grounds of St Andrews Church, Farlington, Portsmouth, in total memorial is inscribed the names of 84 men who died in in WW1.