General Sir Arthur Augustus Thurlow CUNYNGHAME, G.C.B.

Colonel of the 36th Regiment of Foot (became 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment in 1881)
Appointed Colonel on 2nd December 1868 to 2nd of February 1876


The fifth son of Sir David Cunynghame, Bart., by his first wife, a daughter of the first Lord Thurlow, Arthur Augustus Thurlow Cunynghame was born 2nd of August 1812. He entered the army on 2nd of November 1830, as Second Lieutenant by purchase in the 60th Rifles, and was promoted to Lieutenant on 2nd of May 1835.

He purchased a company on 17th of August 1841, and was transferred to the 3rd Buffs on 3rd of December 1841. He served in the First China War of 1842 as aide-de-camp to Major-General Lord Saltoun, was present at the storm and capture of Chin-kiangfoo, and led the column of attack on the heights of Makinkiow, and was at the investment of Nankin (mentioned in despatches. Medal). He served as aide-de-camp to the Major-General until 12th of January 1844.

On 8th of August 1845, he was promoted to Major by purchase in the Buffs, exchanged to 13th Light Infantry on 28th of August 1846, and was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel of that regiment by purchase on 3rd November following. On 1st of December 1846, he exchanged to Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel in the Grenadier Guards; was transferred to the command of the 20th Regiment on 27th April 1849, and to the 27th Regiment on 2nd of April 1852, but was placed on half-pay on 16th of December 1853, on his appointment as Aide-de-camp to the General Commanding-in-Chief, Viscount Hardinge, which appointment he relinquished on the commencement of war with Russia in 1854.

He accompanied the army to the East, in 1854, as Assistant Quartermaster-General to the first division, and was present at the affair of Bulganac, the battle of the Alma, taking of Balaklava, the battle of the Tehernaya, and the battles of Balaklava and Inkerman. At Inkerman he served with the Guards in the Saudbay Battery, and led into action a detached portion of the 20th Regiment. Served in the siege of Sebastopol up to May, 1855. He was twice mentioned in despatches, received the Crimean medal with four clasps, Turkish medal, the Fourth Class of the Legion of Honour, the Fourth Class of the Medjidie, and was created a C.B.

He received the Brevet rank of Colonel on 20th June 1854. In March 1855, he was appointed local Major-General; in May took command of a Division of the Turkish Contingent, and in August received the personal thanks of the Sultan, and was created a Lieutenant-General in the Turkish Army.

In October 1855, he sailed in command of 10,000 men to occupy Kertch, and assisted to maintain that position throughout the second winter in the Crimea. For these services he was advanced to the Third Class of the Legion of Honour of France, and the Second Class of the Turkish Order of the Medjidie.

From 21st of July 1856 to 2nd of March 1860, he commanded an Infantry Brigade at Dublin, with the temporary rank of Major-General. From 28th of March 1860, to 9th May 1862, he commanded the forces at Bombay, with the local rank of Major-General.

On 20th of April 1861, he was promoted to the rank of major-general, and commanded the troops in Bengal from 10th of May 1862, to 24th February 1865. On 1st of October 1865, he was appointed to command the Dublin District, and on 2nd of December 1868, was appointed Colonel of the 36th Regiment. On 2nd of June 1869, he was advanced to K.C.B., and promoted to Lieutenant-General 22nd of October 1870, his command at Dublin having expired on 31st of July previous. From 5th of November 1873, to 1st of March 1878, he commanded the forces at the Cape of Good Hope, serving through the Kaffir Campaign in 1877, in command of the forces against the Galekas and Gaikas, for which he was made a Knight Grand Cross of the Bath. On 2nd of February 1876, he relinquished the Colonelcy of the 36th Regiment, on becoming Colonel Commandant of his old Corps the 60th Rifles. On 1st of October 1817, he was advanced to the rank of General.

General Cunynghame died in 1884.