Lieut.-Colonel Gerald Blakeney DE COURCY-IRELAND, L.V.O., M.C.
Commanded the 11th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment from June 1940 to July 1940.
Gerald Blakeney de Courcy-Ireland was born on the 11th February 1895 in Doncaster. He was first commissioned into the Kings Royal Rifles Corps in October 1914 and two years later transferred to The Worcestershire Regiment. He saw service throughout the First World War in France and was awarded the military Cross after the Battle of the Somme in 1916. In 1917 he acted as escort for H.M. King George V when he visited France and was awarded yhe M.V.O. (redesignated L.V.O. in 1984) for this. After the 1914-18 War he saw service in Southern Ireland, China, and India with the 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment. In 1940 he commanded the new 11th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment for a month. During the Second World War he served with the 7th Battalion and commanded a R.A.O.C. Battalion until his retirement in December 1946. In the 1950's when he held a Retired Officers appointment at Shrewsbury, he was often to be seen at Regimental Cricket weeks at Norton Barracks. Until 1984, when ill health caught up with him, he remained a staunch supporter of Regimental function. |
Lieut.-Colonel G. B. de Courcy-Ireland |
Lieut.-Colonel Gerald Blakeney de Courcy-Ireland died on the 28th March 1986 (age 91).
H.Q. Wing, 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment - Sialkot 1938
Winners of the Inter-Company Sports
Pte. W. Stone, Pte. E. Cook, Dmr. D. King, Pte. H. Hemming,
Bdm. G. Cumming, Pte. C. Dubock, Pte. T. Chambers, L/Cpl. M. Medcroft, L/Cpl. C. Pitt, Pte. R. Hughes, Bdm. C. Strutt, Pte. R. Baker,
Pte. E. Brindley, Pte. S. Weston, L/Cpl. T. Rudge, Captain G. B. de. Courcy-Ireland, CSM F. Smith, L/Cpl. D. Kimberlin, L/Cpl. S. Shepherd