Colonel Alexander George CHESNEY

Commanded the 4th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment from 1900 to February 1904.
Commanded the 10th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment from 1914 to December 1916.

Alexander George Chesney was born on April 30th, 1858, and was a member of a distinguished military family. His grandfather, Captain Alexander Chesney, saw service under the Marquess of Hastings in the American War of Independence; and his father, the celebrated soldier and Euphrates Valley explorer, General Francis Rawdon Chesney, whose life was written by Stanley Lane Poole, was in his seventieth year when his son was born. Chesney was educated at Cheltenham and at Sandhurst, and was commissioned to the South Staffordshire Regiment in 1885.

Colonel A. G. Chesney, for long a leading figure in Malta, was the first Adjutant of the Malta Militia on its foundations in 1889. He fought in the Egyptian Campaign of 1882, when he was mentioned in dispatches, in the Sudan, 1884-85.

Reaching the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in 1900, when he was promoted to command the newly raised 4th Battalion of the Worcestershire Regiment. He was given the Brevet of Colonel in 1904, a month before he retired. On the outbreak of the 1914-18 War he rejoined and, in spite of his age, commanded the 10th Battalion The Worcestershire Regiment in France until 1916, and was mentioned in despatches. He returned to England to command the 1st Garrison Battalion The Middlesex Regiment.

In 1895 he married Rosalie Mary Josephine Baronessina Sceberras Trigona D'Amico I nguanez, sister of the Baroness of Diar-El-Bniet, Bucana, and Castel Cicciano, the premier noble of Malta. There were two sons and two daughters of the marraige. On his final retirement from his military duties Chesney settled down in Malta, and in his later years took part in local politics. He had been a Nationalist member of the Maltese Parliament.

Colonel A. G. Chesney died in 1940 at the age of 81.

Colonel A. G. Chesney

Officers of the 10th (Service) Battalion Worcestershire Regiment at Perham Down, Salisbury Plain (November 1914)
Back row L to R: Capt. I. N. Mason, 2/Lt. Hartley, Lt. H. R. Raymond, Lt. C. H. Pigg, 2/Lt. W. F. Tree, Lt. J. H. Samuel. Lt. Fauknes
Middle row seated L to R: Capt. E. F. H. Evans, Capt. D. C. H. Chisholme, Capt. H. A. Gillium-Webb (Adjutant), Major W. A. Lenox-Conyngham,
Colonel A. G. Chesney, Capt. F. St. G. Tucker, Capt. D'A. H. Kay,Capt. W. A. Bowen (with 'Booty' the dog), Capt. D. M. A. Sole.
Front row L to R: Lt. Walters, Lt. ??????, 2/Lt. L. J. A. Will, Lt. H. S. H. Wallace, 2/Lt. C. H. Dwyer, 2/Lt. Hartley
(photo provided by David Braddell grandson of Captain W. A. Bowen)