Major-General William CAULFIELD (2nd Viscount CHARLEMONT)

Colonel of the 36th Regiment of Foot (became 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment in 1881)
Appointed Colonel on 28th June 1701 to 9th May 1706

William Caulfeild, the second Viscount Charlemont, for his services in the cause of King William III., was rewarded by a regiment of infantry. His Majesty also made him Governor and Custos Rotulorum of the counties of Tyrone and Armagh, and Governor of the fort of Charlemont. Several regiments of infantry being ordered to be disbanded in 1697, and his Lordship's regiment being one of them, His Majesty, in consideration of his faithful services, directed the sum of eight shillings per day to be paid him as half-pay, and on the 28th of June 1701, His Majesty again appointed him to the command of a newly raised corps, which is now the 36th Regiment. On the 25th of August 1704, his Lordship was promoted to the rank of Brigadier-General, and in the following year was called upon to serve in Spain under Charles, Earl of Peterborough. Lord Charlemont rendered important services at the siege of Barcelona; and at the attack of Fort. Montjuich on the 14th of September 1705, his Lordship marched into the works, at the head of his men, and was near the Prince of Hesse Darmstadt when he received the wound which terminated mortally. After the action Lord Charlemont, and Lieut.-Colonel Southwell of the Sixth foot, were presented to the King of Spain as officers that had performed signal service on that occasion, for which they received the thanks of that Sovereign. The taking of this fort paved the way for reducing Barcelona, which surrendered on the 9th of October 1705.

His Lordship was subsequently removed from the 36th Regiment, by the Earl of Peterborough, and, in justice to his character and feelings, preferred a complaint to Her Majesty Queen Anne against his former Commander; this was referred to a Council of General Officers, who, after several meetings, at which witnesses were heard on both sides, made two satisfactory reports to Her Majesty, copies of which are inserted at the end of this memoir. On the 1st of January 1707 Queen Anne advanced him to the rank of Major-General, and he was honoured with the confidence of Her Majesty, as had been the case with King William III, both as a Peer, and in his military capacity.

William Viscount Charlemont

In May 1709, his Lordship was one of the committee appointed to draw up an address of condolence to Her Majesty on the decease of Her Royal Consort Prince George of Denmark, and also to congratulate the Queen on the success of her arms.

In May 1726, his Lordship was sworn of the Privy Council to King George I, and after having enjoyed the peerage upwards of fifty-five years, and being reputed the oldest nobleman in the Kingdom, he died on the 21st of July 1726, and was buried at Armagh.

The following are copies of the Reports of the General Officers concerning the difference between the Earl of Peterborough and Viscount Charlemont, alluded to in the foregoing Memoir.

"May it please your Majesty,
We, the General Officers of the Army, in obedience to your Majesty's commands, have examined into the Memorial of the Lord Viscount Charlemont, complaining of hardships received from the Earl of Peterborough, in Spain, in relation to his regiment, from which he alleged he had been removed upon a pretended order from your Majesty; and having fully heard what their Lordships had severally to offer therewith with witnesses, and other testimony, as were produced on both sides, on due debate and con¬sideration of the whole, we are humbly of opinion,— That it appears to this Board, that a pretended Order from the Queen was made use of, to induce the Lord Charlemont to part with his regiment ; and that there have been indirect means used for the doing it.
That it likewise appears to the Board, that the Earl of Peterborough has not done anything irregular to compel the Lord Charlemont to part with his regiment. All which is most humbly submitted to your Majesty this 12th day of February 1707-8.

(Signed) SCHOMBERG, President.
William Stewart. Mobun.
Portmore. Stairs.
Richard Ingoldsby. Richard Temple.
Charles Ross. Thomas Pulteney.
William Seymour. Barthol. Ogilvy.
Argyle. Thom. Crowther.
Shannon. Kellum.
Francis Palmes. Tatton."

"May it please your Majesty,
In obedience to your Majesty's command, referring to the General Officers of the Army a Petition of the Lord Viscount Charlemont, praying his conduct at the Fort of Montjuich may be examined into, as to which he lay under some reflections; the General Officers have met, and heard several witnesses produced on that occasion; and do there upon humbly report to your Majesty, that they find as followeth: That the Lord Charlemont was at the attack of the Fort of Montjuich, and marched into the works at the head of his men, and was near the Prince of Hesse when he was killed; and continued doing his duty during the heat of the action.
That toward the end of the said action, a panic fear took the troops, to which the Lord Charlemont no way contributed; but the contrary, his Lordship having endeavoured, both by himself and other Officers, to put a stop to the disorder.
That when the action was over, after the Lord Charlemont had been first relieved by Brigadier Gorges, the Earl of Peterborough took his Lordship and Colonel Southwell, and presented them to the King of Spain, as Officers that had done His Majesty signal service in that action; for which they both received His Majesty's thanks.
That by the disposition of the attack of the breach of the town of Barcelona, as the same is attested by the Earl of Peterborough's secretary, the Lord Charlemont was commanded, with the First brigade, for that attack.
The General Officers do also take leave to observe to your Majesty, that it does not appear to them, that any General Officer refused rolling with the Lord Charlemont; but that they did their duty with him as before. Which is most humbly submitted to your Majesty, this 24th of March 1707-8."

(Signed) TYRAWLEY, President.
Richard Ingoldsby. Richard Temple.
Thomas Farrington. Sherrington Davenport.
Robert Ecklin. Bartholomew Ogilvy.