Colonel Thomas ALNUTT
Colonel of the 36th Regiment of Foot (became 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment in 1881)
Appointed Colonel on 10th May 1706 to 7th May 1908
Upon Viscount Charlemont's raising the corps which was later numbered the 36th Regiment of Foot, this officer was appointed to a company in the regiment; and he embarked with it in the expedition against Cadiz in 1702. The then Captain Alnutt subsequently proceeded with the regiment to the West Indies; and in 1704 returned with it to Ireland. His services are also connected with the expedition to Spain under the Earl of Peterborough in 1705, the siege of Barcelona in the same year, and its gallant and successful defence against King Philip in 1706. Lieut.-Colonel Alnutt, to which rank he had been advanced at this period, was appointed Colonel of the 36th Regiment on the 10th of May 1706, in succession to the Viscount Charlemont. At the Battle of Almanza on the 25th of April 1707, Colonel Alnutt was wounded and taken prisoner.
He died on the 7th of May 1708.