During the Boer War, the then Lieutenant Ernest Charles Forbes Wodehouse was Adjutant of the 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment. He was promoted to Captain and later to Major. He was awarded the D.S.O. for his gallant service in the South African War. He kept a diary of events during the Boer War, the details of which are recorded below. A key to the abbreviations used in the diary can be found at the bottom of this page. THE 2ND BN. THE WORCESTERSHIRE REGIMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA 1899-1902.December, 1899. Note: A telegram was sent to the War Office requesting that the Battalion be sent to South Africa, and this was granted |
Captain E. C. F. Wodehouse |
Officers of the 2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment (1900)
Jan. 25th. Reconnaissance in force—first occasion of the 2nd Bn. being under fire since Toulouse. February, 1900 Casualties – Officers:
Killed. |
Wounded. |
Casualties - Other ranks:
Sgts. Watkins, Carter; Cpl. Pritchard, L/Cpl. Allen, Ptes. Mason, Carrington, McNaughton, Parton, Danks, Pinner, Parker, Lammas, Weissner, Morris, Deverill, Turley.
28 (1 died of wounds); missing and prisoners, 19 (2 died of wounds).
Embarkation State.
Lieut.-Colonel C. Coningham
Major (Brevet. Lt.-Col.) G. Hacket Pain
Major W. F. G. Hardisty
Captain C. M. Edwards
Captain H. de B. Hovell
Captain G.W.Lewis
Captain M. J. J. Sweetman
Captain B. H. Thomas
Brevet. Major A. K. Stubbs
Lieut. W. R. Chichester
Lieut. H. J. Bartholomew
Lieut. B. K. W. Bacon
Lieut. H. A. Carr
Lieut. R. G. D. Nivison
Lieut. E. B. Hankey
Lieut. H. A. Lang
Lieut. R. A. C. L. Leggatt
Lieut. J. H. M. Arden
2/Lieut. G. M. C. Davidge
2/Lieut. M. R. Carr
Lieut. & Adjutant E. C. F. Wodehouse
Captain (Quartermaster) J. Ralston
Sgt.-Maj. J. J. Ryder
N.C.O.’s and Men: 917
Mounted Infantry Company
Captain W. D. Holland. Lieut. C. C. Lambton
Lieut. E. C. Hobson. Lieut. C. H. Palmer
N.C.O.’s and Men: 136
Major A. K. Stubbs
March, 1900
1st. General Clements’ Bde. Advanced on Rensberg via Arundel considerably augmented by M.I. and guns; left Rensburg on the 4th and arrived at Van Zyl Siding on the 9th.
A party of the regiment under Lieut. Bartholemew proceeded to Worcester Kopjes (Sliegersfontein), where those who fell on Feb. 12 were given burial.
15th. Passage of the Orange River was effected at dawn by 2 Worc. R. and ½ Bn. Berks. Without opposition under cover of the guns.
16th to 4 Apr. Long and continuous marching visiting Phillopolis and Fauresmith, halting a day at each place to allow the Burghers to surrender their arms.
Total mileage for the month—140 miles.
April, 1900
4th. Arrived Bloemfontein. Strength on arrival—Officers: 18, Rank and file: 723.
From Apr. 4 to May 19 during the enteric scourge—Died 13, admitted to hospital 216, of whom 13 eventually died; 103 invalided home.
Increase in strength: Volunteer Company—3 Officers, Captain Bucknall, Lieuts. Checketts and Pardoe; Rank and file, 120.
29th. Draft of Sec. D Army Reserve — 2 Officers, Captains. Maitland and Alderson, 100 rank and file.
Officers joined — 2/Lieuts. Ray and Hamilton.
Officers invalided — Captain Chichester, Lieuts. Arden, Winnington and Pardoe.
May, 1900
19th. Strength on marching out—Officers 20, Rank and File 721. Trained to Smaldeel and marched on to Winberg—arrived 24th.
28th. Marched to Senekal, arriving 30th.
Sgt.-Maj. Ryder left on 2nd on promotion to Qr.-Mr.; duties taken over by Col.-Sgt. Pavett.
June, 1900
11th. Bn. took part in the ceremony of proclaiming the Orange Free State as Orange River Colony.
18th. Draft of Militia Reserve joined — 1 Officer, 2/Lieut. Gibbs and 89 rank and file.
25th. Draft of Militia Reserve joined at Winberg—R. & F. 139.
During the month the Bn. was employed on convoy duties between Senekal and Winberg.
21st. Right half Bn. under Major Edwards with 2 Companies of I.Y., the Malta M.I. and two guns left Winberg on return journey and was met at Riet Spruit by an empty convoy under Gen. Clements with left half Bn., Bn. Bedfords, and 2 guns 8th Bty. R.F.A.
23rd. Combined force attacked at dawn by a strong force of enemy under Commandant De La Rouse, who was eventually driven off with loss. The convoy returned to Winberg.
The conduct of the Bn. on this occasion was the subject of remark by the G.O.C. and the following order was published at his request.
Extract from Bn. Orders by Lt.-Col. Hacket Pain, 25.6.00:
“The Commanding Officer has great pleasure in informing the Bn. that the G.O.C. was extremely pleased with the smart way the Bn. got under arms and into fighting formation on the occasion of the attack by the enemy on Saturday last.”
25th. The convoy resumed its march to Senekal, having been reinforced by two 5in. guns.
28th. Force composed as follows—1Royal Irish, 2 Bedfords, 2 Worc. R., 2 Wilts, 8th Bty. R.F.A., 2 Coys. Yeomanry, 1 Coy. Malta M.I. Brabants Horse, under command General Clements, moved out of Senekal in the direction of Lindley and embarked on operations, which resulted finally in the capture and occupation of Bethlehem on July 7th.
July, 1900
5th. Previous to moving off a message from the C. in C. necessitated a slight alteration in the composition of the force. The Bedfords and the Malta M.I., with a convoy of wounded and sick men, were ordered to return to Lindley with instructions to occupy and garrison that place. The advance of the column was continued and Bethlehem was occupied on the 7th. The operations which had resulted successfully in the occupation of this town had extended over a period of ten days, demanding a considerable amount of endurance on the part of the troops owing to continuous marching and daily opposition, illiciting the following commendatory order from the G.O.C.:
Brigade Order, Bethlehem, July 7th:
“The G.O.C. wishes to congratulate the force under his command on the way it has acquitted itself during a trying time since its march from Senekal. The mounted troops have seen very hard work and a good deal of fighting. The artillery have performed most excellent service and made excellent practice. The infantry have had hard work, continuous marching, and done excellently when in contact with the enemy. The Royal Irish Regiment particularly distinguished itself to-day. To each and all the thanks of the G.O.C. are due, and he has the utmost confidence that the 12th Brigade, as now constituted, will continue to maintain the high reputation it has already won.”
9th. - 11th. The force left Bethlehem with a convoy of empty wagons to fill up at Winberg; on the 11th the force camped at Biddulphsberg, the empty wagons being sent on into Winberg with an escort of mounted troops.
18th. A small force under Lt.-Col. Hackett Pain, 2 Worc. R., left to take part in the operations that culminated in the surrender of General Prinsloo and 4,000 of the enemy. The force consisted of 2 Worc. R., Bn. 2 Wilts, 8th Bty. R.F.A. and two Squadrons I.Y.
19th. This force occupied the hills round Wit Nek watching the Nek pending the arrival of other columns taking part in the operations.
23rd. A combined attack was made on the several Neks, which form the principal outlets from the Brandwater basin into the northern and western portions of the O.R.C.
The task assigned to Lt.-Col. Pain’s force was a demonstration of all arms against Wit Nek to prevent the enemy from reinforcing Slobberts and Relief Neks where the attacks were to be pushed home. The losses of the Bn. on this occasion was one man wounded.
25th. The force left Wit Nek, marching by way of Slobberts Nek, where a portion of the force was left to hold the Nek; the remainder marched to Reliefs Nek on the 26th, continuing to hold this till August 1st.
August, 1900
2nd. The force rejoined Gen. Clement’s Bde and the whole force moved off the following day under orders for Kronstadt.
8th. This was reached, where the regiment remained till the 12th.
12th. On this day the regiment entrained for Elandsfontein, near Johannesburg. Strength of the Bn.— 23 Officers, 807 R. & F.
16th. Marched by road to Pretoria. At Irene (?) met several of the men who were taken prisoners at Sliegersfontein. They had been released on the occupation of Pretoria by the British and were now being used in guarding the lines of communication.
18th. The Regt. marched into Pretoria and were met by the C.-in-C., Lord Roberts, who remarked on the workmanlike appearance of the men.
20th. Left Pretoria by train at 4.30 a.m. and detrained at Waterval. After the successful operations, which had just been completed in the O.R.C., the Transvaal now became the centre of activity and numerous columns were in course of formation to sweep the N.E. portion of this colony. The troops taken for this task were those who had been for some little time resting in Pretoria and those holding the various stations in our possession along the railway running east to Kemati Poort. These were replaced by the troops daily returning from the arduous operations in the Caledon Valley, and for this reason the force under General Clements was being rapidly scattered in various directions. The only remaining unit was 2 Worc. R., who formed part of a new Bde. which was eventually raised in the Transvaal by General Clements, to whom had been assigned the task of clearing the Magaliesberg Valley.
23rd. The right half Bn. was sent to Hamans Kraal.
September, 1900
1st. The right half Bn. left Waterval by train and camped on the Race Course Pretoria; marched to Reitfontein to join General Clements, the left half Bn. having joined the previous day.
The force now consisted of 2 Northumberland Fus., 2 Worc. R., 2 K.O.Y.L.I., 1 Border R., 8th Bty. R.F.A., one 4.7 gun and Imperial Yeomanry.
3rd. This force, with the exception of K.O.Y.L.I. and Bn. Border R., who were left behind in charge of base supplies, commenced a march in a westerly direction up the Magaliesberg valley. Strength of the Regment - Officers 24; R. & F. 828.
9th. The force arrived at Heckpoort, about 30 miles west of Reitfontein, having been sniped heavily all the way by the Boers from the Magaliesberg mountains and the Witwater range. About 3.0 p.m. the Boers opened fire on the Camp with two guns and a pompom; owing to the range being too great the latter was withdrawn. The remaining two guns pitched shells till dusk into the Camp from a rocky Kopje N.W. of camp, but did little damage. During the night four companies of 2 Worc. R. were ordered to attack this Kopje, which was taken by dawn the following morning. The Boers cleared out before our men could make contact.
10th. The force continued its march, occupying various hills during the morning, which were weakly held by the enemy. At midday a short halt was called, information having been brought in that a long line of Kopjes running N. and S. across the entire valley was held by General de la Rey with three guns and a considerable force, including the Corps of Zarps (Johannesburg Mounted Police). 2 Worc. R. and Bn. Border in support, were ordered to advance on this position and hold the enemy in front while the mounted troops, under General Ridley, worked round with the object of turning the enemy’s flank. The ground over which the advance of the infantry had to be conducted, with the exception of a broken line of rocks about 800 yds. from the enemy’s position was perfectly open and had in addition been burnt. The advance was commenced under a heavy artillery and Mauser fire. Slowly but steadily the leading troops crept up, taking advantage of the smallest cover that offered, until the line of rocks was reached. This position was held till dusk, although exposed to incessant rifle and shellfire. The movement of the mounted troops on the left not having succeeded in turning the enemy’s flank, the brunt of the attack had devolved solely on 2 Wore. R.
Casualties: Killed, 2 men, 3878 Pte. Richardson, 3373 Pte. Farrell. Wounded 11.
From the 11th to the 5th October the force continued its march around the valley, sniping being of daily occurrence.
October, 1900
5th. The force reached base depot at Reitfontein and the Bn. took over the duties from the K.O.Y.L.I.
Throughout October the Bn. was stationed at Reitfontein, finding outposts at Commando Nek, Lilicats Nek, and Shoe-mans Farm. On the 7th the Volunteer Company left the Bn. en route for England, but were detained at Brandfort for over four months before actually embarking. The following orders with reference to the Volunteer Company were published by the G.O.C. and C.O. :-
“The G.O.C. cannot allow the Volunteers of the Battalions of the 12th Bde. to leave his command without recording his high appreciation of the soldierly manner with which all have acquitted themselves. They have shared in every particular the hardships and dangers of the line battalions to which they have been attached and in all circumstances have acquitted themselves excellently. The G.O.C., while regretting their departure, wishes them Godspeed and a pleasant journey home.”
Remarks by O.C. Bn. :-
“In wishing the Volunteer Company goodbye, the Commanding Officer wishes to thank all ranks for the excellent service they have done during the campaign; long marches, constant outposts and hard fatigues, they have cheerfully and willingly performed, and their steady behaviour in the presence of the enemy has been remarked with great pleasure by the C.O., and it will be his pleasant duty to bring their conduct to the notice of their own commanding officer.”
22nd. Cpl. Hook, E. Coy., was struck dead by lightning whilst asleep behind his sanger at Commando Nek.
28th. Lieut. Leggett and 2/Lieut. Bentley with 60 men left to reinforce the M.I. Company.
November, 1900
8th. Major Edwards with 100 men and 100 of Ceylon M.I. raided farms north of Lilicats Nek and took one prisoner.
10th. Lieut. Gibbs and six men were struck by lightning at Commando Nek—Lieut. Gibbs and 4 men seriously, and 2 men slightly. Owing to the reduced strength of the Bn. from sickness and other causes, companies were organised as under for purposes of outposts and manoeuvres.
A. & B. Coys. formed No. 1 Composite Coy.
C.& D. formed No. 2 Composite Coy.
E. & attd. men formed No. 3 Composite Coy.
F.&G. formed No. 4 Composite Coy.
14th. Major Lewis with F. and C. Coys. made a night march to Wildebeest Hoek, about 12 miles N.E., and brought in 2 prisoners. Outpost work throughout the month was heavy, the average nights on outpost for the month being 17.
December, 1900
3rd. The Boers captured the first half of a convoy consisting of 120 wagons near Bokfontein 15 miles N.W. The second half of the convoy, also consisting of 120 wagons, halted some miles in rear and was saved. Captain Maitland, with 100 men, was sent out to reinforce the detachment of A. & S.H. escorting the second half.
13th. General Clements’ force was defeated at Nooigedacht, 18 miles west of Reitfontein. The guns could be distinctly heard in camp.
14th. Gen. Clements’ force returned to Camp.
16th. The force again went out on trek down the Magaliesberg Valley, having received reinforcements and being composed as follows :—1 Border, ½ Bn. 2 Worc. R., 2 Innis. Fus., 6th M.I., one 4.7 gun, and 8th Bty. R.F.A. Co-operating were 800 M.I. under General Alderson, with one Bty. R.H.A., and a Pompom. Major Edwards was in command of 4 Bn. 2 Worc. R. (C.D.F. and C. Coys.). This force trekked through the valley until the 25th, when it returned to Reitfontein, having encountered severe opposition on the 19th.
27th. A large convoy with 3 months’ provisions for Rustenberg started from Reitfontein; the second section consisting of 168 wagons was under escort of 2 Worc. R. Owing to a telegram received by the G.O.C. that a large force of Boers were at Buffelspoort, blocking the road to Rustenberg, the three divisions of the convoy returned to Reitfontein. The force entrenched itself until the 3rd January.
January, 1901
3rd. The whole force advanced to Buffelspoort and occupied it without opposition and remained there while the three months’ provisions were passed up to Rustenberg.
19th. Brig.-Gen. Cunningham took over the force and Gen. Clements was ordered to take command of the Pretoria district.
20th - 22nd. The force was on trek.
24th - 25th. The force was heavily engaged with the enemy at Middlefontein. The force suffered three men killed and Capts. Maitland and Hankey wounded, the latter severely. The force continued on trek, being daily sniped.
30th. A., B. and D. Coys. were detached for temporary garrison duties at Krugersdorp.
31st. The force marched to the relief of Modderfontein.
February, 1901
1st - 4th. The force marched to the relief, but were too late to effect it.
5th - 8th. The force halted at Roodipert Nek, where A., B. and D. Coys. joined.
9th - 28th. The force was continuously on trek; sniping by the enemy was of almost daily occurrence.
During this month S.A. Army. Orders contained the names of 2971 Pte. W. Box, 3147 Pte. H. Link, 3334 Pte. C. Carter and 3544 Pte. J. Patton.
All the above were promoted Corporal for conspicuous gallantry at the action at Middlefontein.
March, 1901
9th. Having been on trek since the 1st, the force reached Naaupoort Nek. The Bn. remained here until the 12th April, holding the Nek; the remainder of the force went on trek. During this
period, convoys were escorted by various companies to Krugersdorp to fill up and return to Naaupoort.
April, 1901
7th. Gen. Dixon, C.B., A.D.C., took over command.
13th. The force moved out on trek, the Derbyshire Regt. having arrived and taken over the Bn.’s garrison duties at the Nek.
13th - 24th. The force was on trek round Krugersdorp and returned to Naaupoort Nek, where the Bn. remained till 15th May.
26th. Pte. J. Lyons, for whom an application for trial by D.C.M. was applied for, was, by direction of the G.O.C., ordered to be dealt with summarily, the G.O.C. taking this step on account of the universal good behaviour of the Bn. and the excellent spirit displayed by all ranks.
May, 1901
15th. The Bn. marched to Krugersdorp, accompanied by 2 guns of P. troop R.H.A. and about 150 Scottish Horse. Sniping occurred on each day of the march.
17th. The Bn. arrived and remained in garrison until the 29th, on which day it entrained for Kroonstadt, where it arrived on the 30th and remained till the 20th June. During the stay there orders arrived for the Bn. to embark for Bermuda to guard Boer prisoners there, but this order was cancelled 15th June.
June, 1901
20th. March to Heilbron was commenced; force consisted of Worc. R., 2 Coys. M.I., 2 guns and a pompom.
26th. Heilbron was reached after a good deal of opposition; there were no casualties in the Bn. The defences of the town were taken over from the Oxfordshire L.I., who returned with the M.I. and guns to Kroonstadt. The garrison under command of Col. Hackett Pain consisted of 2 Worc. R., 33rd Squadron I.Y., 2 guns 5th Bty., 15in. gun.
July, 1901
Nothing of great importance occurred during this month. The defences were altered and strengthened; outpost work was very heavy, the men getting, on an average, only two nights in bed.
August, 1901
9th. Captain Alderson, who was in command of the Regtl. M.I., endeavoured to surround some Boers in a farmhouse; one man of the M.I. was wounded.
17th. Capt. and Adjt. Wodehouse took out a letter from Lord Kitchener to various commandants under a flag of truce. During this month blockhouses were erected along the railway line from Wolverhoek to Heilbron and were garrisoned by the E. Lancashire Regt.
26th. Three men of the local M.I. were captured by the Boers, having lost their way returning to camp.
September, 1901
The following promotions in Army Orders appeared during this month :-
Promotions for distinguished gallantry in the Field:
4315 L./Cpl. Gwilliam - 2 worc. R., to be Corporal.
4221 Pte. J. Stanley - 2 worc. R., to be Corporal.
Particulars: “When scouting from Heilbron were attacked by 30 Boers. They made good their retreat into Heilbron, killing 2 of their pursuers. They have done good work throughout the campaign.”
9th. The local M.I., while out reconnoitring, were attacked by Boers in superior numbers. Sgt. Underwood was mortally wounded and 3 men captured.
24th. The blockhouse line to Frankfort was commenced. Distance 40 miles.
October, 1901
14th. The blockhouse line was completed and garrisoned by the R.W.K. temporarily.
During the end of the month the garrison of the line Heilbron-Frankfort was taken over by 2 Worc. R. from the R.W.K.
12th. The second Volunteer Coy. joined the Bn., strength 1 Officer (Lieut. Watson) and 34 men.
November, 1901
During the month the Bn. took over the blockhouses between Heilbron and Wolverhoek in relief of the E. Lanes.
December, 1901
3rd. A draft of 102 men arrived from England.
27th. Owing to a misunderstanding on the part of Col. Wilson’s column, who were making a slight raid and took the wrong road close to the town forts, our men opened fire on the column, killing one and wounding three.
January, 1902
19th. The Christmas presents from Her Majesty arrived; 22 pipes were distributed to the senior N.C.O.’s and one to each Coy. to be given to a selected N.C.O. or Pte.
28th. Lieut. Gibbs with 20 men of the Bn. local M.I., endeavoured to recover some horses that had been raided by the enemy. Attacked in superior force, Lieut. Gibbs was forced to retire to camp, losing Sgt. Sylvester killed, 3 men wounded and 4 captured.
February, 1902
7th. The first large combined “drive” took place on to the Frankfort-Wolverhoek blockhouse line; every available man was sent out to strengthen the line. The drive resulted in the capture of 283 Boers.
March, 1902
29th. Intelligence was received that the Boers would probably try to cross the blockhouse line and reinforcements were sent out to strengthen the line. A party of Boers, about 300 strong, crossed the line where Lieut. Woods and 7 men of C. Coy. were posted. The crossing was made at midnight and resulted in the loss to the Boers of 2 killed and 3 wounded; there were no casualties on our side.
30th. A wire was received by the G.O.C. from Lord Kitchener, which said: “Glad to see you are making it warm for Boers attempting to cross the blockhouse line.”
April, 1902
19th. The Boer Peace delegates en route for Pretoria arrived in Heilbron.
May, 1902
15th. The 2nd Volunteer Service Coy. left the Bn. en route for England.
31st. Peace was signed at Pretoria.
The following notes are from Mr. A. Bradish who served with the battalion in the South African War. His Company Commander was Captain C. M. Edwards.
12th February 1900 Three companies bore the weight of the attack, "A," "E," "C." "A" and "E" held the Kopjes, with "C" in support. Lieut.-Colonel Conningham went from the H.Q. Camp immediately he heard the Boer attack was in force. He was leading the supporting company, commanded by Captain Thomas, " C " Coy. Both fell very early, the Colonel killed and Captain Thomas severely wounded, afterwards died. The Colonel had been in command of the battalion only two months. Major Stubbs, O.C. "E" Coy., was killed and Lieutenant Bartholomew took command of the company. Captain Hovell immediately assumed command of the three companies, and the position was held against great odds without one yard of ground being yielded. Severe casualties were inflicted on the Boers. This outpost line, of which Sligersfontein was the extreme right flank, was 20 miles in length and held by four battalions of infantry, the 12th Brigade commanded by General Clements. |
Sgt. A. Bradish |
On 13th February the whole brigade retired to Rensburg and then on to Arundel, closely followed by the Boer General, De La Ray, and his commandoes, a distance of 30 miles. At Arundel reinforcements arrived and the Boers were halted. The advance was resumed after 14 days on March 1st.
While at Arundel we heard from Lord Roberts, the C.-in-C., that he had captured Cronje and his army. Thus the strategy and tactics of Lord Roberts had succeeded. Broadly, the 12th Brigade were to draw and hold General De La Ray while Roberts dealt with Cronje, who was the Boer C.-in-C. in the Orange Free State.
Major (Bt. Lieut.-Colonel) G. Hacket Pain took over command of the battalion when Colonel Conningham was killed. He commanded the battalion throughout the war without one day's absence. He was a fearless and gallant soldier, loved and respected by all ranks and had the confidence of all. For his services he was made C.B. and Governor of Bloemfontein, one of the "plums" of the war.
23rd June 1900
The empty convoy mentioned had no supplies, but, this is important, with it were a number of wounded of the Brigade of Guards, including Colonel Lloyd, of the Grenadiers. These wounded came from the action fought at Biddulphsburg Mountain. This Riet Spruit attack opened at first light of dawn. The Boers had managed to bring their guns to within a thousand yards of the convoy, which was parked on the road. The shells from the Boer guns were well directed and were aimed at the parked convoy, fortunately without casualties. The attack was from the East, and as the sun came up it partly obscured our vision. This was an old trick of the Boers, but it did not work this time. At the first shell Colonel Pain's voice could be heard "The Worcesters will attack." We slipped on our equipment and inside a few minutes we were on them. Lieutenant Wodehouse, our Adjutant, rode fearlessly about with orders from Colonel Pain to company commanders, and he really inspired the whole battalion by his gallantry. Our rifle shooting was good and we had the Boer guns silenced in less than half-an-hour. Within two hours the fight was ours and the Boers, in full retreat, were dispersed in all directions, but we had not sufficient mounted troops to trap them—all the Boers were mounted. It was a very spirited and well-fought action. Colonel Lloyd told Colonel Pain that he had never seen a battalion handled better in all his soldiering, and he wished it conveyed to all ranks the magnificent way they had conducted themselves. General Clements also added his congratulations.
N.B.—Colonel Lloyd was afterwards General Sir F. Lloyd, commanding London District.
Key to the Abbreviations used in the Diary
1 Bedfords. |
1st Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment |
1 Border. |
1st Battalion Border Regiment |
1 Border R. |
1st Battalion Border Regiment |
1 Royal Irish R. |
1st Battalion Royal Irish Regiment |
2 Bedfords |
2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment |
2 Innis. Fus |
2nd Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers |
2 K.O.Y.L.I. |
2nd Battalion King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry |
2 Northumberland Fus. |
2nd Battalion Northumberland Fusiliers |
2 Wilts. |
2nd Battalion Wiltshire Regiment |
2 Wilts. |
2nd Battalion Wiltshire Regiment |
2 Worc. R. |
2nd Battalion Worcestershire Regiment |
2/Lieut. |
2nd Lieutenant |
A.& S.H. |
1st Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders |
A.D.C. |
Aide-de-Camp |
Adjt. |
Adjutant |
attd. |
attached |
Bde. |
Brigade |
Bedfords, |
2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment |
Berks. |
Berkshire Regiment |
Bn. |
Battalion |
Brig.-Gen |
Brigadier General |
Bt. |
Brevet |
Bty. |
Battery |
C. -in- C. |
Commader in Chief |
C.B. |
Companion of the Order of Bath |
C.D.F. |
C.O. |
Commading Officer |
Capt. |
Captain |
Col.-Sgt. |
Colour Sergeant |
Coy. |
Company (Coys. - Companys) |
Cpl. |
Corporal |
D.C.M. |
District Court Martial |
G.O.C. |
General Officer Commanding (Brigade Commander) |
Gen. |
General |
I.Y. |
Imperial Yeomanry |
Inf. |
Infantry |
L/Cpl. |
Lance-Corporal |
Lieut. |
Lieutenant |
Lt.-Col. |
Lieutenant-Colonel |
M.I. |
Mounted Infantry |
Malta M.I. |
Malta Mounted Infantry Mounted Pioneers |
N. |
North |
N.C.O.'s. |
Non-Commisioned Officer's |
N.E. |
North-East |
N.W. |
North-West |
O.C. |
Officer Commanding |
O.R.C. |
Orange River Colony |
Pompom |
converted Maxim Machine Gun (Pom-Pom) |
Pte. |
Private |
Qr.-Mr. |
Quartermaster |
R. & F. |
Rank and File |
R.F.A. |
Royal Field Artillery |
R.H.A |
Royal Horse Artillery |
R.W.K. |
2nd Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment |
Regt. |
Regiment |
S. |
South |
Sgt. |
Sergeant (Sgts. - Sergeants) |
Sgt.-Maj. |
Sergeant-Major |