29th Foot Regiment - Chelsea Pensioners
Details of men who served with the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment and who were discharged and became Chelsea Pensioners.
Surname |
Forename |
Where Born |
Service History |
Year of Discharge |
Age at Discharge |
Period of Service |
Sampson | Samuel | Sheffield, Yorkshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 34th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1830 |
39 |
1809-1830 |
Saunders | John | Dover, Kent | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1834 |
44 |
1798-1834 |
Saunders | Thomas | Worcester, Worcestershire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1821 |
34 |
1796-1821 |
Saunders | William | Kom, Mayo | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1814 |
25 |
1810-1814 |
Savage | William | Kilown, Londonderry | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1847 |
28 |
1839-1847 |
Savewright | Charles | Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
29 |
1809-1816 |
Scanlan | Martin | Monasterevan, Kildare | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1830 |
48 |
1809-1830 |
Schofield | John | Oldham, Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
27 |
1841-1846 |
Scott | David | Orsbrow, Tyrone | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1818 |
41 |
1801-1818 |
Scott | John | Not Known | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged, | 1761 |
Not Known |
1761 |
Searles | Robert | Kilcock, Kildare | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1847 |
39 |
1825-1847 |
Seaton | Alexander | Blarinathol, Perthshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
36 |
1801-1816 |
Sharp | William | Cliffinana, Stirlingshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1826 |
44 |
1805-1826 |
Sharpless | George | Preston, Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment, Invalids or Supernumerary Invalids, 70th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1815 |
51 |
1784-1815 |
Shaw | Robert | Stapleford, Nottinghamshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1843 |
42 |
1821-1843 |
Shea | Adam | Cahin, Tipperary | 5th Dragoon Guards, 2nd Foot Regiment, 39th Foot Regiment, 97th Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1840 |
40 |
1816-1840 |
Sheehan | Michael | Cork | 29th Foot Regiment, 14th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1851 |
32 |
1838-1851 |
Sheills | James | Billy, Antrim | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
35 |
1831-1846 |
Shepherd | Charles | Garstring, Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1821 |
37 |
1803-1821 |
Sheredan | John | Killtullough, Roscommon | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
21 |
1847-1850 |
Sherlock | Robert | Carlow, Carlow | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1834 |
38 |
1812-1834 |
Sherridan | Charles | Killeshandra, Cavan | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1833 |
47 |
1812-1833 |
Sherridan | Patrick | Brosaule, Mayo | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1821 |
32 |
1812-1821 |
Sherry | James | Mucknay, Monaghan | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
40 |
1824-1846 |
Shields | Dixon | Leeds, Yorkshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 1st Life Guards Discharged | 1817 |
46 |
1817 |
Short | Michael | Clonfeckle, Tyrone | 29th Foot Regiment, 96th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1839 |
44 |
1817-1839 |
Simms | James | Eastwood, Renfrewshire | 103rd Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1828 |
37 |
1811-1828 |
Simpson | James | Coleraine, Londonderry | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1842 |
31 |
1830-1842 |
Sloey | Hugh | Clones, Fermanagh | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1831 |
46 |
1812-1831 |
Smith | Craig | Liberton, Midlothian | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1826 |
43 |
1805-1826 |
Smith | James | Rathkeale, Limerick | 103rd Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment, 88th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1821 |
31 |
1807-1821 |
Smith | James | Old Macker, Aberdeenshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1817 |
31 |
1807-1817 |
Smith | John | Howth, Dublin | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1853 |
25 |
1852-1853 |
Smith | John | Fergandenny, Perthshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1831 |
42 |
1806-1831 |
Smith | Major | Not Known | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged, | 1761 |
Not Known |
1761 |
Smith | Robert | Lynn, Norfolk | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
29 |
1840-1850 |
Smith | Thomas | Preston, Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1817 |
39 |
1805-1817 |
Smith | Thomas | Uttoxeter, Staffordshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
46 |
1793-1816 |
Smith | William | Loughall, Armagh | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1833 |
32 |
1819-1833 |
Smithers | James | Bury, Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1836 |
43 |
1813-1836 |
Sneap | William | Hockbrook, Derbyshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1838 |
21 |
1837-1838 |
Somers | George | Old Ovington, Somerset | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1851 |
29 |
1842-1851 |
Spencer | John | Gibraltar | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1836 |
25 |
1830-1836 |
Spencer | Robert | Duston, Northamptonshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
50 |
1794-1816 |
Spillan | John | Killmacomogue, Cork | 29th Foot Regiment, 49th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1854 |
32 |
1841-1854 |
Spooner | Samuel | Worcester, Worcestershire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1821 |
28 |
1813-1821 |
Sproule | David | Drummore, Tyrone | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1830 |
20 |
1829-1830 |
Standing | James | Oldham, Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1828 |
31 |
1813-1828 |
Standing | William | Steyning, Sussex | 29th Foot Regiment, 5th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1825 |
39 |
1804-1825 |
Stanford | Smith | Little Massingham, Norfolk | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1842 |
18 |
1840-1842 |
Stanley | Thomas | Sithington, Cheshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1814 |
43 |
1790-1814 |
Stans | Robert | Dromore, Tyrone | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1830 |
39 |
1812-1830 |
Stanton | Philip | Kilkenny, Kilkenny | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1841 |
35 |
1825-1841 |
Stephens | John | Not Known | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1761 |
Not Known |
1761 |
Stephenson | John | Not Known | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1761 |
Not Known |
1761 |
Stephenson | Thomas | Clonfickle, Tyrone | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1841 |
40 |
1819-1841 |
Stevens | John | Milbury, Somerset | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1841 |
24 |
1839-1841 |
Stevens | John | Little Downham, Cambridgeshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
24 |
1844-1850 |
Stewart | John | Ballyrashane, Antrim | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1841 |
29 |
1831-1841 |
Stodgel | Charles | Fivehead, Somerset | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
25 |
1841-1846 |
Stott | James | Spotland, Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1827 |
35 |
1813-1827 |
Strong | John | Not Known | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | - |
Not Known |
Not Known |
Sullivan | James | Linarnag, Cork | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1847 |
38 |
1826-1847 |
Sullivan | Mortimer | Towshert, Kerry | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
26 |
1839-1846 |
Sullivan | Timothy | Kenmare, Kerry | 29th Foot Regiment, 89th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
28 |
1841-1846 |
Sunlay | Edwin | Doncaster, Yorkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
41 |
1829-1850 |
Suthers | James | Ashton Maclesfield, Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
31 |
1837-1846 |
Suttle | William | Drumilly, Fermanagh | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1829 |
25 |
1820-1829 |
Sweeney | Patrick | Kilkenny, Kilkenny | 29th Foot Regiment, 94th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1839 |
42 |
1816-1839 |
Sweeney | Patrick | Tydavnet, Monaghan | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1834 |
20 |
1831-1834 |
Swords | Walter | Selkirk, Selkirkshire | 29th Foot Regiment, Breadalbane Fencibles Discharged | 1821 |
43 |
1800-1821 |
Sykes | Joshua | Bury, Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1838 |
37 |
1817-1838 |
Syms | Charles | Ross, Cork | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1847 |
40 |
1825-1847 |