29th Foot Regiment - Chelsea Pensioners
Details of men who served with the 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment and who were discharged and became Chelsea Pensioners.
Surname |
Forename |
Where Born |
Service History |
Year of Discharge |
Age at Discharge |
Period of Service |
Bagworth | Thomas | Melton Mowbray , Leicestershire | 29th Foot Regiment, 14th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
26 |
1841-1850 |
Balding | James | Milford , Hampshire | 5th Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1821 |
30 |
1809-1821 |
Baldock | James | Sandy Acre , Derbyshire | 3rd Dragoon Guards, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1814 |
46 |
1814 |
Bampton | John | Dublin | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1851 |
38 |
1826-1851 |
Barnett | Alexander | Old Meldrum , Aberdeenshire | 21st Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1853 |
39 |
1832-1853 |
Barratt | Eli | Rochdale , Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1835 |
41 |
1812-1835 |
Barratt | Patrick | Brousole , Mayo | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1817 |
25 |
1812-1817 |
Barratt | Thomas | Wellford , Berkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1817 |
36 |
1801-1817 |
Barry | Michael | Kinross , Leitrim | 29th Foot Regiment, 88th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1837 |
46 |
1811-1837 |
Batchelor | Edmund | Filetown , Wiltshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
34 |
1831-1846 |
Bateman | John | Clonakilty , Cork | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1842 |
34 |
1825-1842 |
Bawler | John | Culluburn , Wiltshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 5th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1827 |
39 |
1811-1827 |
Bay | Benjamin | Pancras , Sussex | 5th Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1828 |
40 |
1805-1828 |
Bayliss | James | Worcester , Worcestershire | 29th Foot Regiment, 53rd Foot Regiment, 26th Foot Regiment, Worcestershire Militia Discharged | 1812 |
45 |
1786-1812 |
Beasley | John | Coventry , Warwickshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 14th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1849 |
24 |
1840-1849 |
Beck | John | Barrony , Lanarkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
39 |
1825-1846 |
Beer | Joseph | Monkleigh , Devonshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1818 |
40 |
1798-1818 |
Begley | Andrew | Killarney , Kerry | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1851 |
34 |
1835-1851 |
Bennett | Joseph | Sansbury , Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
44 |
1797-1816 |
Bennett | Thomas | Flint | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1847 |
28 |
1841-1847 |
Beregan | Richard | St. Andrews , London | 29th Foot Regiment, 14th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
23 |
1841-1846 |
Berry | Patrick | Westport , Mayo | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1824 |
34 |
1810-1824 |
Betts | William | Sutton-In-Ashfield , Nottinghamshire | 29th Foot Regiment, Nottinghamshire Fencibles Discharged | 1818 |
39 |
1796-1818 |
Billington | John | Acton , Cheshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1854 |
38 |
1833-1854 |
Bilsbury | Thomas | Preston , Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1818 |
38 |
1802-1818 |
Birch | Thomas | Iver , Buckinghamshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 9th Foot Regiment, 38th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1848 |
39 |
1825-1848 |
Birks | Richard | Stone , Staffordshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
37 |
1802-1816 |
Birney | George | Innis Macksent , Fermanagh | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
27 |
1809-1816 |
Birse | Charles | Aboyne , Aberdeenshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1839 |
31 |
1825-1839 |
Black | George | Astragh , Tyrone | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1838 |
37 |
1819-1838 |
Black | John | Reencurrin , Cork | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1847 |
39 |
1825-1847 |
Black | Robert | Hamilton , Lanarkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1832 |
24 |
1825-1832 |
Blackwell | John | Rodborough , Gloucestershire | 11th Dragoons, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1818 |
42 |
1815-1818 |
Blain | James | Waverham , Cheshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 14th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1854 |
30 |
1840-1854 |
Blake | Edward | Balrothery , Dublin | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1831 |
46 |
1810-1831 |
Blake | Richard | Chulcourts , Yorkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
23 |
1845-1850 |
Blakely | James | Heap , Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1817 |
34 |
1807-1817 |
Blantach | Alexander | Baroney , Lanarkshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 3rd Foot Guards Discharged | 1841 |
39 |
1819-1841 |
Boarman | George | St. Margaret , London | 14th Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1848 |
28 |
1841-1848 |
Bohannon | Thomas | Madras , East | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
46 |
1788-1816 |
Bond | James | Loughgall , Armagh | 29th Foot Regiment, 2nd Foot Regiment Discharged | 1838 |
34 |
1822-1838 |
Bond | John | Lancaster , Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1827 |
39 |
1806-1827 |
Bond | Thomas | Loughall , Armagh | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1840 |
45 |
1819-1840 |
Boot | John | Lenton , Nottinghamshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1818 |
39 |
1797-1818 |
Botterill | William | Northampton , Northamptonshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1854 |
31 |
1839-1854 |
Botwood | Edward | Stanlacey , Shropshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1835 |
41 |
1812-1835 |
Bowen | William | Leeds , Yorkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
39 |
1826-1846 |
Boyd | William | Not Known | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1801 |
Not Known |
1801 |
Bradbury | John | Market Bosworth , Leicestershire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1824 |
40 |
1800-1824 |
Bradley | William | Henley , Berkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1838 |
42 |
1813-1838 |
Bradney | James | Ashton , Warwickshire | 1st Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1830 |
45 |
1809-1830 |
Bradshaw | Joseph | Shrewsbury , Shropshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1843 |
40 |
1819-1843 |
Brady | Laurence | Dublin , Dublin | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
25 |
1845-1850 |
Brain | Thomas | Thornbury , Herefordshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 39th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1853 |
39 |
1831-1853 |
Brain | William | Banbury , Oxfordshire | 14th Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1847 |
24 |
1839-1847 |
Bramford | William | Sutton In Ashfield , Nottinghamshire | 29th Foot Regiment, Surrey Fencibles Discharged | 1816 |
34 |
1799-1816 |
Brennan | James | Rathfarnham , Dublin | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1830 |
42 |
1810-1830 |
Brennan | Michael | Kilkenny , Kilkenny | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1842 |
32 |
1825-1842 |
Brennan | Patrick | Kilkenny , Kilkenny | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1846 |
33 |
1831-1846 |
Brice | James | Hardingstone , Northamptonshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 90th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1817 |
45 |
1796-1817 |
Brice | John | Canterbury , Kent | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1812 |
23 |
1809-1812 |
Bridges | William | [Not Known], [Not Known] | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1761 |
[Not |
1761 |
Brierly | John | Castletown , Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1831 |
25 |
1825-1831 |
Broadhead | Charles | Sheffield , Yorkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1838 |
22 |
1838-1838 |
Brobson | Joseph | [Not Known], [Not Known] | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1761 |
[Not |
1761 |
Brooks | George | Bray , Berkshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 76th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
30 |
1838-1850 |
Brooks | Matthew | Bentham , Yorkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1831 |
42 |
1812-1831 |
Brough | John | Dumferling , Fife | 29th Foot Regiment, 71st Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
37 |
1800-1816 |
Brown | James | Drumall , Antrim | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1854 |
41 |
1831-1854 |
Brown | John | Dublin , Dublin | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1835 |
41 |
1810-1835 |
Brown | Robert | Farlington , Yorkshire | 29th Foot Regiment, 91st Foot Regiment Discharged | 1816 |
55 |
1793-1816 |
Brown | Thomas | Clones , Fermanagh | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1832 |
41 |
1809-1832 |
Browne | John | Hillsborough , Berkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1831 |
[Not |
1815-1831 |
Brownlie | William | Dalkeith , Midlothian | 21st Foot Regiment, 29th Foot Regiment, Southern Fencibles Discharged | 1817 |
41 |
1793-1817 |
Bryan | Michael | Cahir , Tipperary | 29th Foot Regiment, 89th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
27 |
1840-1850 |
Buchannon | Alexander | Campsey , Stirlingshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1817 |
40 |
1804-1817 |
Buckley | George | Ashton-Under-Lyne , Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1814 |
36 |
1797-1814 |
Bullock | Thomas | Edinburgh , Midlothian | 29th Foot Regiment, 49th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1848 |
24 |
1841-1848 |
Bullough | William | Bolton , Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1827 |
39 |
1813-1827 |
Bunce | John | Penton , Wiltshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1835 |
44 |
1814-1835 |
Bunting | Thomas | Moira , Down | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1825 |
36 |
1812-1825 |
Burke | Charles | Athlone , Roscommon | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1830 |
21 |
1825-1830 |
Burke | Edward | Newport , Tipperary | 29th Foot Regiment, Royal Newfoundland Veterans Discharged | 1816 |
44 |
1807-1816 |
Burke | Patrick | Castlebar , Mayo | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1828 |
37 |
1809-1828 |
Burnes | Michael | Aughaloo , Tyrone | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1821 |
26 |
1812-1821 |
Burns | James | Lisburn , Antrim | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1851 |
26 |
1841-1851 |
Burns | James | Lisburn , Antrim | 29th Foot Regiment, 94th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1830 |
30 |
1818-1830 |
Burns | John | Castle William , Down | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1815 |
48 |
1794-1815 |
Burrell | Hugh | Barony , Lanarkshire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1848 |
41 |
1826-1848 |
Bushell | Thomas | Kilthavan , Roscommon | 29th Foot Regiment, 52nd Foot Regiment Discharged | 1838 |
47 |
1810-1838 |
Butler | John | Bishopsgate , London | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1815 |
32 |
1812-1815 |
Butt | John | Burnham , Somerset | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1850 |
30 |
1836-1850 |
Butterworth | Charles | Spotland , Lancashire | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1837 |
48 |
1813-1837 |
Byrne | Peter | Escar , Dublin | 29th Foot Regiment Discharged | 1827 |
47 |
1810-1827 |