by H. Everard

Chapter 7


Let us now trace the detachments of the regiment, which, on 1793 reaching Hilsea Barracks towards the end of January, 1793, embarked on board the following ships:—

H.M. FRIGATE "REGULUS," 44 guns; 11th of February. Captain Alexr. Saunders, Lieut. Wm. Jaques; 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 42 rank and file. These, on the 14th, were turned over to

H.M.S. "LEOPARD," 50 guns; and, on the 8th of March, to

H.M.S. "BRUNSWICK," 74 guns. On the 22nd, twenty-two privates were lent to H.M.S. "Boyne," 98 guns, which sailed with Rear-Admiral Gell from Spithead on the 2nd of April. When off Corvo (Azores), on the 10th of May, it is stated in this ship's log that Private Thos. Robson,* 29th Regiment, was punished with one dozen. This detachment rejoined the " Brunswick " on the 7th of June following.

On the 17th, Ensign Harcourt Vernon, 1 serjeant, 35 rank and file, were taken on the muster rolls of the "Brunswick," which sailed, under Lord Howe on the 14th of July, to cruise at the mouth of the Channel, and was with him when, on the 18th of November, he fell in with a French squadron.

On the 15th of December, Lieut. Jaques was transferred to H.M.S. "Glory."

In March, 1794, the "Brunswick" was cruising, under Rear-Admiral Bowyer, in the Channel, and Soundings. On the 2nd of May, she sailed from St. Helens under Lord Howe, and formed part of the centre squadron on the glorious 1st of June.

Extracts from Log- of H.M.S. "Brunswick."

          1st June. "At 10 past 10 fired into and raked our intended opponent; at 15 past fell on board another ship of the French line, and engaged her side by side about four hours. At ½ past 11, Captain Hervey received a wound; continued the engagement, though much disabled in our hull, guns, and rigging: shipping great quantities of water into our lower deck ports, 10 of them being knocked off, and all our anchors on the starboard side. Enemy alongside."
        13th June. Moored at Spithead.
          6th July. Returned sails and guns to gunwharf, and rigging to dockyard.
        14th July. Carrying ship's company to the "Robust."

H.M.S. "ROBUST," 74 guns. On the 20th of August, Lieut. James Monsell was transferred to this ship from the "Ramillies." On the 3rd of September, the "Robust" sailed from St. Helens, and continued to cruise during the winter under Lord Howe; the detachment on board her consisting of 2 subalterns, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 83 rank and file.

In February, 1795, she formed part of the fleet which sailed to escort the East and West India convoys, to clear the Channel, and which afterwards cruised off Brest and in the Bay. In May she returned to Spithead, and on the 12th, landed the detachment of the Regiment at Portsmouth.

H.M.S. "EDGAR," 74 guns. 13th February, 1793. Captain Geo. Richd. Marton, Lieut. Joseph Clayey, Ensign Chas. Bulkeley Egerton; 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 76 rank and file. This ship sailed from Spithead with Rear-Admiral Gell in April, and on the 15th, the "Edgar" and the "Phaëton" fell in with and captured the French privateer "Dumourier," and the "St. Jago," a Spanish register ship from Lima (the latter had recently been captured by the French privateer after an engagement of five hours). The following day, the "Edgar" was ordered to sail with the "St. Jago" in tow, and the "Dumourier" in company, for Spithead, where they arrived on the 28th.

In Lloyd's Evening Post is a correct account of the cargo of the re-captured Spanish register ship. It mentions that "This cargo has been two years in collecting from different parts of the coast, and is without exception the richest that was trusted on board any single ship. It is impossible to form a just estimate of its value, but it is certainly not over-rated when it is stated at £1,300,000."

Colonel Enys wrote: "Captain Marton received as his share of this prize £2,000; Lieut. Clayey and Ensign Egerton £1,200 each; the serjeants £300, and privates £60 each."

On the 14th of July, the "Edgar" joined Lord Howe, and continued to cruise during the winter, as did the "Brunswick" (q.v). In February, 1794, she moored at Chatham, when 1 lieut., and 30 seamen, with 1 serjeant, and 13 privates of the 29th, were sent to the "Thunderer" to assist in fitting her for sea; and, on the 25th, the "Edgar" paid off, and turned over her crew to

H.M.S. "THUNDERER," 74 guns. On the 9th of March, Captain Marton was discharged. This ship formed part of the fleet that sailed on the 2nd of May, from St. Helens under Lord Howe, and was present on the 1st June, but in the rear squadron.

On the 19th of June, Captain Clayey (from head quarters, Portsmouth), was entered on the muster rolls of this ship.

On the 23rd of June, received from La Juste, a prize belonging to H.M.S. "Alfred," Lieut. John Tucker, 1 sergt., 25 rank and file of 29th Foot; these were discharged on the 30th to the "Latona," who returned them on the 4th of July to the "Alfred."

On the 3rd of September, the "Thunderer" sailed from St. Helens, and continued to cruise under Lord Howe during the winter. In March, 1795, she was cruising in the North Sea, under Rear-Admiral Henry Harvey; and, on the 20th of May, Captain Clayey, Lieut. Egerton, &c., were discharged, with orders to forthwith join their regiment.

H.M.S. "DUKE," 98 guns. 18th February, 1793. Captain James Kirkman, Lieut. D. White, Ensign W. S. Bertrand ; 4 serjeants, 2 drummers, 94 rank and file.

Deputies from the Islands of Martinico and Guadaloupe, having arrived in London to solicit the protection of the British Government against the French, the "Duke" formed part of a fleet which sailed from Spithead on the 24th of March, under Rear-Admiral Gardner, for the West Indies. On the 10th of May she anchored in Carlisle Bay, Barbadoes, and on the 24th was standing off, and occasionally close to, the shore of Martinico, between Case Navire and Case Pilote.

Admiral Gardner, and Major-General Bruce "commander-in-chief of H.M. forces in the West Indies," being encouraged by the disputes which existed between the Royalists and Republicans in that island, and invited by the former to join in an attack on the town of St. Pierre, on the 14th of June the 21st Regiment was ordered to land at Case Navire, and there take post, so as to enable the officer who commanded the Royalists to collect his forces in that neighbourhood. On the 16th, additional forces were disembarked; these joined the 21st and the Royalists at a very strong position within about five miles of St. Pierre.

Extracts from the "Duke' s" Log.
        17th June. "At 2 p.m., landed at Fond Capot 3 officers and 77 men belonging to the 29th Regiment serving as marines on board : at the same time the rest of the fleet are landing troops. At 4 p.m., in company with the "Hector," "Ephigenia," and "Ulysses," made sail to the northwards. Several shots and shell were fired at us from several batteries in the town of St. Pierre, and from one northward of it, but received no damage. At 5.40 was fired at by the battery on the Point a la Mer, which was soon silenced. Steered down towards the village of La Precheur, and received several shots from two batteries at that village, and at 7.20, having silenced them, left off firing. Weather cloudy and calm, with much lightning. At half-past ten a ball of lightning, with a tremendous clap of thunder, struck our main-top gallant masthead, and shivered the topgallant mast and topmast to small pieces, but luckily no person was hurt."

When, on the 18th instant, the troops were put in motion to attack St. Pierre, some alarm unfortunately took place amongst the Royalists, who by mistake fired on one another, and severely wounded their commander ; nor would they submit to the control of any other officer, but returned to their former position. The British not being strong enough to deliver an attack by themselves, with any prospect of success, and not having become engaged, commenced the following day to re-embark.

The "Duke," having now rejoined the Admiral's fleet, took on board the detachment of the 29th; on the 21st she parted company with the fleet and anchored in Prince Rupert's Bay, Dominica. Sailing thence by Antigua and St. Kitts, she anchored at Spithead on the 2nd of October, and on the 7th of November the detachment was turned over to

H.M.S. "GLORY," 98 guns. On the 18th instant, Captain Kirkman and Lieut. White were discharged by order, and the following day Ensign Patrick Henderson came on board from Plymouth. Lieut. Jaques, having been discharged from H.M.S. "Brunswick," was entered on the muster rolls of the "Glory" on the 17th of December. On the 1st of January, 1794, the detachment on board this ship consisted of 3 subalterns, 3 serjeants, 1 drummer, 90 rank and file. On the 5th of February, Lieut. Jaques was discharged, on obtaining his promotion.

In March the "Glory" was cruising under Rear-Admiral Bowyer in the Channel and Soundings. On the 21st of April, Lieut. Bertrand was discharged at Haslar. On the 2nd of May this ship sailed under Lord Howe from St. Helens, and formed part of the rear squadron on the 1st of June. Sailed again in September, under Lord Howe, and continued to cruise during the winter.

On the 12th of May, 1795, the detachment was discharged.

H.M.S. "ALFRED," 74 guns. 28th February, 1793; Ensign Barker Edmeston, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 32 rank and file.

In a decree of the French Convention of November, 1792, the Republic declared their intention of extending their assistance to the disaffected and revolted subjects of all monarchial governments. The British Ministry demanded a disavowal of this assertion, but it not being complied with, war was the result. Alliances were formed with Austria, Russia, Spain, Portugal, Holland, and Prussia, all of whom agreed to shut their ports against French vessels. The French army then invaded Holland, where it met with several repulses from the allies. Orders were now sent to Admiral Macbride to sail from the Downs with all the frigates and armed vessels that he could muster, to blockade the port of Ostend, and not to allow any of the French vessels there to escape. On the 19th of March Ensign Edmeston's detachment was transferred to

H.M. FRIGATE "FLORA," 36 guns; and on 1st April to

H.M. FRIGATE "REGULUS," 44 guns, which, on the 6th, was sent to Ostend.

                                                 LETTER FROM LORD CATHCART.#
                                                                                 "Albemarle Street, April 23, 1793.

              "The promotion of Capts Sir John Wrottesley and Dundas makes two vacancies. Lord Cathcart recommends the two eldest ensigns, Bertrand and Edmestone, for promotion. It is true they are both young, but they are both on actual service, and Ensign Edmestone had the singular good fortune and honour to relieve the Austrian garrison at Ostend, and to remain there for some time with a con¬siderable detachment of the 14th and 29th Regiments under his command, and the detachment having been landed without subsistence, he subsisted them himself for several days."

On the 27th of April the detachment was transferred at Ostend to

H.M.S. "CUMBERLAND," 74 guns, which sailed, under Lord Howe, on the 14th July, and was with him when, in November, he fell in with a French squadron. On the 28th of June the detachment was augmented by Captain J. Mallory, Lieut. Augustus Colman, 43 rank and file; these two officers were discharged in December, but on the 1st of March, 1794, Lieutenant Edmeston, 1 serjeant, 1 drummer, 68 rank and file were transferred to

H.M.S. "MINOTAUR," 74 guns. Lieut. Edmeston having received his promotion, was discharged on the 21st of May, and the following day Ensign Wm. Seymour was taken on this ship's muster rolls. On the arrival of the intelligence of Lord Howe's victory, the "Minotaur," which was cruising between the Lizard and Portland, was ordered to reinforce Rear-Admiral Montagu's squadron, after which she cruised in the Bay under Rear-Admiral Cornwallis.

In February, 1795, she formed part of the fleet which sailed under Lord Howe to escort the East and West India and other convoys, after which she cruised off Brest and in the Bay.

In May, formed part of Rear-Admiral Waldegrave's squadron cruising to the westward.

In July, cruising in the Soundings, under Vice-Admiral Colpoys. On the 15th of August the detachment was discharged.

H.M.S. "STATELY," 64 guns. 31st May, 1793. Captain Edwd. E. Coleman, Ensigns Montagu Burrows, Wm. Edgell Wyatt, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 52 rank and file. This ship formed part of the squadron stationed at Newfoundland under command of Vice-Admiral Sir Richard King. On the 26th of December, Ensign R. Duddingstone joined the detachment.

On the 4th of January, 1794, Capt. Coleman was sent ashore with orders to join the head quarters of the regiment, Ensign Burrows being likewise discharged the following day. On the 8th of April the detachment was turned over to

H.M.S. "COLOSSUS," 74 guns, which during this year was employed in a similar way to the "Minotaur." (q.v.)
On the 12th of May, 1795, Lieut. Wyatt, Ensign Duddingstone, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 73 rank and file, were discharged at Portsmouth.

H.M.S. "RAMILLIES," 74 guns. On the 30th of June, 1793, Captain Lawrence Dundas (discharged by order 25th December), Lieut. James Monsell, Ensign Patrick Henderson (discharged 17th November, 1793, to the "Glory"), 2 serjeants, 2 drummers, 73 rank and file, embarked on board this ship. The stations for this ship were the same as those of the "Brunswick." (q.v.)

On the 28th of January, 1794, Ensign G. Dalmer was entered on the ship's muster rolls. The "Ramillies" was present with Lord Howe's fleet on the glorious 1st of June. On the 19th of August Lieut. Monsell was transferred to the "Robust." Ensign Dalmer's detachment, consisting of 2 serjeants, 68 rank and file, was, on the 30th September, turned over to

H.M.S. "ORION," 74 guns, which cruised during the winter, and in February, 1795, sailed to escort the East and West India convoys. On the 19th of March the detachment was turned over to

H.M.S. "LEVIATHAN," 74 guns, and on the 15th of April was disembarked at Portsmouth.

H.M. FRIGATE "PEGASUS," 28 guns. On the 1st of July, 1793, Lieut. James Allen (discharged 14th December), 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 22 rank and file came on board. Was cruising with Lord Howe on the 14th, at the mouth of the Channel; was also with him when, on the 18th of November, he fell in with a French squadron. Sailed from St. Helens with the fleet on the 2nd of May, 1794, and on the 1st of June was attached to the centre squadron to repeat signals.

Sailed under Lord Howe in February, 1795, as did the "Minotaur." The detachment was discharged at Sheerness on the 26th of June.

H.M.S. "VANGUARD," 74 guns. 27th of July, 1793. Lieut. R. Harrison, Ensigns John Tucker and L. Augustus Northey, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 73 rank and file. In July was cruising under Lord Howe, also on November 18th, when he fell in with a French squadron. On the 9th of February, 1794, the detachment was turned over to

H.M.S. "ALFRED," 74 guns, which cruised under Rear-Admiral Bowyer in the Channel and Soundings. Was present in the Rear Squadron of Lord Howe's fleet on the 1st of June.

Extracts from Log of H.M.S. "Alfred"
        1st June. Had two ensigns shot away with the staff, six men wounded. The "Rattler" brought orders for us to take possession of a dismasted French ship. Sent an officer on board, and found her to be the "Vengeur," of 74 guns. Hoisted out all our boats to save her people. She began sinking in about an hour. Got out 213 men, when she went down with the rest at 7.
Took "La Juste," of 80 guns, in tow after action.

        9th June. Cut off "La Juste," and delivered her to the "Valiant." (Vide "Thunderer," 23rd. of June. Lieut. Tucker, 1 sergeant, and 25 rank and file).

        13th Novr. On 13th Novr the ship's company, including the detachment of 29th, was turned over to

H.M.S. "BLENHEIM," 98 guns. Although borne on the muster rolls of this ship till the 15th of August, 1795, it appears that Captain Robert Harrison had been left behind at Plymouth, without leave.

The "Blenheim" sailed from St. Helens on the 3rd of September, and cruised under Lord Howe during the winter.

In February, 1795, escorted convoys, &c., as did H.M.S. "Minotaur," but on the 20th parted company with the fleet, and joined Admiral Hotham in Myrtello Bay, Corsica, on the 27th of March.

Formed part of Admiral Hotham's squadron, which on the 13th of July discovered the enemy's fleet off the Hyères Islands, and, together with the "Gibraltar" and "Captain," was closing on the rear ships of the enemy when the recall was made.

Extract from Log of H.M.S. "Blenheim."
        13th July. Off Cape de la Coops.  12.12 , "Victory" and "Culloden" began to engage the enemy. 
1.15, Opened our fire.
3.10, Answered signal to discontinue action; ceased firing; had one man killed and two wounded.

After this, the "Blenheim" cruised about Corsica, Leghorn Roads, and on the 12th of January, 1797, when moored in the Tagus, the last detachment of the regiment serving on board the fleet (consisting of Lieuts. Northey, Tucker, 5 serjeants, 1 drummer, 59 rank and file) was turned over, by order of Sir John Jervis, to

H.M.S. "GIBRALTAR," 80 guns, which moored at Spithead on the 30th of January. On the 10th of March, 1797, the detachment landed, and marched to join the head-quarters of the regiment, then stationed at Weymouth.

                                                  GLORIOUS 1ST OF JUNE, 1794.


The Channel Fleet passed most of the winter of 1793 between the ports of Torbay, Plymouth, and Portsmouth; but the following spring Lord Howe collected the East India ships and his own fleet at St. Helens, having the following objects in view, viz.:—

1st —To convoy the East India fleet of nearly 40 sail to a sufficiently south latitude.
2nd—To force the French fleet to action, should it put to sea.
3rd—To intercept the French convoy returning from the ports of America richly laden with the produce of the West Indian Islands, and with provisions and stores for the Republic.



By noon on the 2nd of May, a fair wind having sprung up, the ships were all clear of their anchorage. On reaching the Lizard, Rear-Admiral Montagu's squadron was detached to escort the East India ships to a certain latitude, whilst Lord Howe steered for Ushant, and early on the morning of the 5th, with his fleet reduced to 26 sail of the line, arrived off that island. Finding that the enemy's fleet was still at Brest, he steered for the latitude in which he imagined the French convoy would run in its passage from America. From the 5th to the 19th of May the English fleet swept the bay in various directions, but without success. On returning to Brest it was ascertained that the French had sailed thence some days previously. Lord Howe therefore steered eastward for the Bay, but it was not till about 7 o'clock on the morning of the 28th, the weather being hazy and cold, with a stiff breeze, that two or three sail were discovered directly to windward; these the advanced frigates signalled as the enemy's men-of-war. The British fleet therefore cleared for action, and a general chase to eastward was commenced. A partial action then ensued, and the firing on both sides, for nearly two hours, was very brisk; but when darkness came on the enemy's fire began to slacken. In the evening the wind increased, the sea ran high, and, the firing having ceased, both fleets stood under easy sail, parallel to each other. They resembled a long street lighted up on both sides. Every British ship carried a light, those of the admirals' two each. Of the enemy's fleet, the admirals' ships only were lighted. Next morning the sea moderated, but the wind was still strong. During the partial action which ensued several ships on both sides suffered severely in their rigging and sails.

Very hazy weather prevailed on the 30th and 31st, and though only a few miles apart, the fleets got but occasional glimpses of each other; the men, however, were kept constantly at their guns. On Sunday morning, the 1st of June, the haze having cleared away, the enemy was discovered in order of battle, but so far to leeward that their lower deck ports were not visible. The wind being moderate from S. by W., the British admiral made the signal, "Are you ready to renew the action?" to which every ship answered in the affirmative.

As the fleets had each lost a ship, the British were now 25 to the enemy's 26.

At 7.16 a.m., Lord Howe made signal that he intended to attack the enemy's centre, and engage to leeward. The fleets at this time were about four miles apart, and the crews of the British ships after the fatigue of sitting up three nights, needing some refreshment, Lord Howe hove to, and gave the men time to breakfast.
At this time the following detachments of the 29th Foot were serving on board Lord Howe's fleet:—



Captains Subalterns Serjeants Drummers Rank & File


"Brunswick" 1 1 2 1 76 Captain A. Saunders, Ensign Harcourt Vernon.
"Ramillies"   2 2 1 73 Lieut. Jas. Monsell, Ensign George Dalmer.
"Alfred"   3 2 1 75 Lieuts. R. Harrison and John Tucker, Ensign L. A. Northey.
"Glory" 1 2 2 1 98 Captain Wm. Jaques, Lieut. W. T. Bertrand, Ensign Patk. Henderson.
"Thunderer"   2 2 1 73 Lieut. ( Josh. Clavey ‡) ? and C. Bulkeley Egerton.

At 8.12, the British fleet filled and bore up, and signal was made for each ship to steer for, and engage her proper opponent. At 9 o'clock the enemy's van opened fire upon the "Defence," and half an hour later the "Queen Charlotte" (Lord Howe's ship) steered for "La Montagne," 120 guns, on board of which were Admiral Villaret de Joyeuse, and Jean Bon St. Andre, member of the National Convention.

The French ships astern of "La Montagne" were "Le Jacobin," 74; "Le Pelletier," 80; "Le Patriote," 74; and, fourthly, "Le Vengeur," 74 guns. The "Queen Charlotte," whilst steering for the French admiral's ship, was fired at by Le Vengeur," but Lord Howe did not permit a shot to be returned until he got the broadside of his ship under the stern of his intended opponent.

The "Brunswick" (Captain John Harvey) suffered much from the fire directed at the "Queen Charlotte," and her cockpit was filled with wounded before she fired a shot. It was Captain Harvey's intention to have cut the enemy's line between "Le Jacobin" and "Le Pelletier," but finding them in very close order, he bore up for an opening which he saw between "Le Patriote" and "Le Vengeur." The latter ship, on seeing this, pushed forward to close the interval. Captain Harvey then kept his helm aport, which brought his ship alongside "Le Vengeur," the Brunswick's " anchor hooking the French ship's port fore shrouds and channels. On being asked by the master, Mr. George Stuart. if they should endeavour to cut her clear, Captain Harvey exclaimed, "No, we have got her, and will keep her." The ships then swung broadside to broadside. and so close were they to one another that eight of the "Brunswick's " starboard ports could not be opened; but this difficulty her crew soon overcame by firing their guns through them. Thus fiercely engaged, they dropped out of the line. On the "Brunswick's" quarter deck, forecastle, and poop "Le Vengeur's" musketry proved very destructive, but on the lower deck the seamen, profitting by the rolling of the French ship, frequently drove home the coins, and depressed the muzzles of their guns, each of which was double shotted; then again withdrawing the coins, and pointing the muzzles upwards, alternately fired into their opponent's bottom and ripped up her deck. So furious was the fire and dense the smoke, that at 11 o'clock "L'Achille" having her rigging and gangways crowded with men, as if intending to board, managed to approach unperceived upon the port quarter of the "Brunswick," but the discharge of a well-directed broadside, added to the cannonading she had previously received, brought down all three of her masts, the wreck of which, falling over her starboard side, rendered her incapable of further resistance, and she struck her colours, which were, however, subsequently re-hoisted.

The "Brunswick" and "Vengeur" continued their destructive operations, during the early part of which Captain Harvey was hit in the right hand; but he bound the wound up in a handkerchief and still kept on deck. The "Ramillies," commanded by Captain Harvey's brother, now emerged from the smoke of the action, and stood towards the still tightly-locked ships. The crew of the "Brunswick" then raised a cheer for the two captains, and their captain, who had by this time partially recovered from the effects of a severe concussion, was in the act of waving his disabled hand, when the crown of a double-headed shot, which had split, struck this gallant officer, and shattered his arm near the elbow.

This brave man waited a short time while the "Ramillies" took up a position, then, faint from loss of blood, was obliged to go below. A seaman offered to help him, but Captain Harvey said, "No man shall leave his quarters on my account. My legs still remain to bear me down to the cockpit;" and turning back as he descended, he cried, "Persevere, my brave lads, in your duty! Continue the action with spirit for the honour of our King and country! And remember my last words: The colours of the Brunswick' shall never be struck."

The difficulty of striking one ship and not the other. obliged the "Ramillies," after attempting a few broadsides, to haul off.

About 1 p.m. "Le Vengeur" ceased firing. and showed a union jack over her quarter; this she afterwards displayed at her cross-jack-yard-arm, but the "Brunswick" had not a boat to send to take possession of her. Every man on her forecastle had been killed except the boatswain; such also (with the exception of two men) was the fate of Captain Saunders, 29th Regiment, and his party, who were stationed on her poop. Glorious as was the behaviour of Captain John Harvey during the action, still more conspicuous was it after it was over, for the "Brunswick," having lost her mizen mast, her other masts being so badly wounded that she was unable to haul up for the fleet, having been on fire three times from the "Vengeur's" wads, and 23 of her guns disabled, her starboard quarter gallery knocked away, and the best bower anchor with the starboard cathead towing under her bottom, she drifted to leeward, and 13 sail of the French fleet separated her from the British.

Such was the state of affairs when the 1st lieutenant sent to apprise Captain Harvey of his danger, and ask for orders. His answer was to "sustain and return the fire as long as possible, even from every one of those 13 ships, and to let the "Brunswick" sink, rather than strike after such a glorious day."

In this action the casualties on board H.M.S. "Brunswick" were 45 killed; 113 wounded. Of these, some were of the 29th Foot, viz.:—

Captain—Alexr. Saunders.
Corporals—Adsley, Wm.; Blood, Wm.
Privates—Brown, Thos.; Grace, Thos.; Lawless, Thos.; Potts, David; Todd, Robert; Wingfield (Wagfield) Henry; Wright, Abraham; Wright, Samuel.

Ensign—Harcourt Vernon; 20 Rank and File.

Shortly after the parting of the "Brunswick" and "Le Vengeur," the latter's fore and main masts fell, and, with her mizen mast only standing, she lay rolling, her lower deck ports, many of which had been torn off or shot away by the " Brunswick " being under water. In this state she soon filled, and, although fast sinking, her colours, which had been re-hoisted, were kept flying. Fortunately for her, at 6.15 p.m., H.M.S. "Alfred," "Colloden," and "Rattler" (cutter) approached, and, observing her state, humanely sent their boats alongside, and by great exertions saved about 400 of her crew.

The "blowing up" of "Le Vengeur" is a favorite subject with French artists, notwithstanding it has been proved to the satisfaction of French investigators that the ship sank in the ordinary way.

The casualties on board H.M.S. "Alfred" (Captain John Bazeley) were 8 wounded, two of them being 29th men.

H.M.S. "Glory" (Captain John Elphinstone) was a very slow-sailing ship. On getting into action, she passed under the stern of "Le Scipion," hauled up, and closely engaged her to leeward. In a little time she had knocked away that ship's three masts, she herself losing her foretopmast, main and mizen top gallant masts; then shooting ahead she engaged the "Sans Pareil," whose fore and mizen masts had just before been shot away by the "Royal George." Although the "Sans Pareil" surrendered, neither of the British ships were in a
condition to take possession of her. The "Glory" and the "Royal George" then together raked "Le Républicain," and compelled her to retreat with her masts in such a tottering state that shortly after her main and mizen masts fell over the side.

There were 13 killed and 39 wounded on board the "Glory." Among the latter were Ensign Patrick Henderson and eight privates of the 29th Foot.

The action had for some time been continued with great fury, when "La Montagne" crowded off, and was followed by most of the French ships which were in a condition to bear sail. The "Ramillies" then made sail for "L'Achille," of which ship she made a prize.

Although on retiring the enemy had left 10 or 12 of their ships behind crippled and dismantled, owing to the disabled condition of the greater part of the British fleet, only six of these were captured.

The casualties on board H.M.S. "Ramillies" were—2 seamen, &c., killed on the 28th and 29th of May; 7 seamen, &c., wounded on the 1st of June. Amongst the latter was Drummer Thos. Dormer, 29th Foot, who died of wounds on the 8th of June.

On board H.M.S. "Alfred," two privates of the 29th Foot were wounded on the 1st of June. No casualties whatever occurred on board H.M.S. "Thunderer. "

Sunday afternoon, and the whole of the 2nd of June, were occupied in adjusting the rigging, shifting sails, removing prisoners from the captured ships, and manning the latter with British sailors and marines. On the 3rd, the fleet with the captured ships in tow, bore away with a fair wind for Portsmouth and Plymouth, where on arrival, they were heartily welcomed by all classes of His Majesty's subjects. In honour of Lord Howe's victory the metropolis was illuminated for three successive nights.

On the arrival in England of the news of Lord Howe's victory, Rear-Admiral Montagu's squadron, which had returned to Plymouth on the 31st of May, was at once reinforced by H.M.S. "Colossus" and "Minotaur" (on board of which were detachments of the 29th Regiment), and ordered to sea in hopes of being able to pick up some of the enemy's stragglers. In this, however, they were not successful.

I have endeavoured in previous pages to record the care taken of the health of the regiment, and the interest shown by its commanding officers, Lord Harrington and Lord Cathcart, in all ranks of it; even the welfare of little children, in these busy times, was not overlooked. An extract from the Will of Captain Saunders, who was killed on the "glorious 1st of June," will, I think, show how Lord Cathcart was looked up to by his subordinates:- 

                                                                       "On board the Brunswick," 29th July, 1793.†
           "Be it known to all concern'd that I, Alexr Saunders, Captn in His Majesty's 29th Regt, do will all that I Die possess'd of to be equally divided between .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  , And I do constitute and appoint (in Hopes that his Lordship will serve me in this Request) the Right Honble Lord Cathcart, Coln of the 29th Regmt my Executor, and do hope and trust that his Lordship, as Father of the Regimt, will provide for my Sons in any way that his Lordship may think best, either in the 29th Regimt or otherwise.

                                                                                                      A. SAUNDERS, Capt.
                                                                                                                            29th Regimt."
"Lord Cathcart, Col.
              29th Regiment."


1795 - 2nd Battn.


On the 12th of March, 1795, an order appeared in the London Gazette for the formation of second battalions to the 2nd, 25th, 29th, and 69th Regiments.

The detachments of those corps then serving on board the fleet were directed to be disembarked, those of the 29th, when landed, to assemble on the Island of Jersey.

The following letters from Major Enys to Lord Cathcart are copies of those made by Captain R. Watson in 1872, when the regiment was in Barbadoes. The originals have since then disappeared from the orderly room, and are supposed to have been destroyed:-

                                                 FROM MAJOR ENYS TO LORD CATHCART.¥
                                                                                              "Plymouth Dock, March 15, 1795.
        "My Lord,
                   I have no doubt that your Lordship has heard of the long reported Second Battalion for the 29th Regiment, which report was so strong just before the Regiment Sailed from hence, owing to the paper No. 4, which I herewith transmit to you, that Lt.-Colonel Dickson applied to Lord George Lennox to know whether he was to embark with the Regiment, or remain for the prospect of the New Battalion, on which subject His Lordship wrote to the War Office, and for answer received a negative. Dickson of course embarked with the Regiment, who on going from hence took every man they could, leaving me only the sick. The 25th have acted quite contrary, having left several Officers, about 25 Non-Commissioned Officers, with their music, &c. In this state things stood until a few days ago, when an order came down to the 25th to say they were to form a Second Battalion without delay, in consequence of which they immediately began to enlist for it, and have procured a few men since that time. But yesterday proved a day of intelligence, as the Gazelle not only announced a Second Battalion to the 25th, but also to the 2nd, 29th, and 69th Rgts, at the same time it brought orders for disembarkation of the men of the 25th who are on board the men-of-war at this port, in consequence of which I have received orders to quit the Barracks we now occupy, and remove to country quarters anywhere in the Western District, but have represented the very great danger and inconvenience such a removal will occasion, and am in hopes of getting some of the detached Barracks near this place for our people until I hear something further on the Subject, either from your Lordship or the War Office, for at present I have no Order or any intimation about the New Battalion, not seeing Dickson's name and my own in the Gazette as appointed to it. I therefore presume the Official Orders are gone to your Lordship, that you may make your arrangements, and send me orders accordingly, in which case you may wish to know the exact state we are in, here, at present. I therefore lose no time in sending you such papers as I conceive may be useful to you in so doing. No. 1 ¶ is a copy of the Weekly State sent to the Adjt General last Friday, with which I sent a letter saying I had received no kind of Orders respecting the Second Battalion I that day heard was in the Gazette, and requesting, if I was expected to do anything in it before I received your Orders, that he would be so good as to point out to me what was to be done, at the same time requesting to know whether our detachments now on board were to be disembarked or remain on their present duty, as it required that very different necessaries should be provided according to circumstances.

No. 2+ is a particular state of my Detachment, mentioning under the different heads how many men were left on board, and how many on shore with me on the 28th Decr when the Regiment first went on board, to which I have added all the Casuals which have happened since that period, by which return you will see in what a very destitute state I am left, and how very little it is in my power to do, having in fact only myself and two sickly Serjeants, Doyle and Spalding, to do anything. It was with difficulty I procured one Corporal to be left, in order to assist me in my accounts, and am in hopes I shall get some others from the Hospital, who may in time be useful, but still we shall be in a total want of Drills, and another useful kind of creature called Tailors. As to the stations of the different ships, I am told that the "Blenheim" is gone to the Mediterranean, and the "Thunderer" and "Orion" to the North Sea, the "Pegasus" is in the Downs, all the rest with the Grand Fleet at Spithead.

No. 3+ contains a list of all the Non-commissioned Officers left me, as well on board as on shore, with the dates of their appointments, together with a list of such Privates as Colonel Campbell and Johnstone seem to think would answer best for Corporals.

I fear your Lordship's absence at this time will put us to very great difficulties in procuring proper persons for the Staff, if you are not already prepared in case of such an event, as the person you expected from the Life Guards∆ came down in time to sail with the regiment, and Perry, our late Sergt Major, is now Ensign and Adjutant of the 91st Regt, so you will have to look out for an entire new list.

No. 4 is a copy of the first paper we received relative to the 2nd Battalion which was never sent officially, nor had it any date to it. On its being shown who had gone on board, they all to a man rejected the proposal. I have now a copy of the order for the 25th Regiment before me, and for fear you may not have gotten the order for Ours, I mention that the Establishment is the same, bearing date from 24th of last month, but the terms of reduction entirely different, a copy of which part I have put upon the back of the former paper, which will no doubt alter the whole of their late determinations, particularly as I am told they are to get their New Commissions gratis: but how their determination is now to be known I cannot tell, unless by application to the Regiment abroad, whose destination we are yet ignorant of, and the Return of Officers is required to be given in to the Duke of York as soon as possible. Thus I have endeavoured to place the whole before your Lordship in as small a compass as possible, and hope I shall either see or hear from you soon on the subject: in the meanwhile if I get any further orders from either the War Office or Adjutant-General, I will acquaint you with them. But most sincerely wish you may be on the spot to assemble the New Corps yourself, as I feel myself unequal to the task, having been for more than three months confined by the Gout, and yet hardly able to walk. The Regiment embarked in health and spirits, but were sickly after they were on board, particularly the "Maria," on board of which was Col. Campbell and most of our men. I received 5 men from them the day they sailed, 4 of whom are since dead.

It is rather remarkable we have not had a man desert from the Regt since the time of embarkation inclusive, and only three men from naval parties, two of whom were taken, and are confined. The "Lively," frigate, Captain Burlton, has taken and brought unto this port, two French frigates, and two other prizes, within these two days, which seems the principal news at this place. Whilst I remain

                                                                  Your Lordships most obedient,
                                                                                            Humble Servant,
                                                                                                              Jn ENYS."

P.S.—I have opened this again, to say it will be necessary for Your Lordship to say whether you mean to have Black Drummers for the 2nd Battalion; you remember we have now two whites on our strength.

The following is a copy of No. 4 paper; a like, with the exception of the last paragraph, was sent to the 25th and 29th Regiments:-
                                                                                                                       "War Office.
        "The King having thought fit to direct that the 2nd or Queen's Regt of Foot, under your command, shall be formed into two battalions, I have the honour to acquaint you herewith, and to send you the annexed state of the regiment, as it is to stand from the 25th inst. It is intended that the Lieut.-Col. and 2nd Major of the regiment shall be transferred to the new battalion, that your companies and second lieutenancies in the new battalion shall be offered to the officers of the regiment, and that the other companies, and lieutenancies in the battalion shall be bestowed on the independent officers now serving therewith. You will in course be allowed the nomination of the staff officers, the surgeon and mate excepted, who are to be recommended by the Army Medical Board. His Majesty, conceiving it very material that the situation of the officers in the event of a reduction of the 2nd Battalion should be clearly understood, is graciously pleased to declare his Royal intention, that notwithstanding from precedent, the commissions in the two battalions shall be made out distinctly for each, and that reduction of the 2nd Battalion shall only effect the officers actually commissioned thereto at the time of reducing the same. The detachments now employed on marine duty are to be relieved and landed without delay, which may enable you (if there should be time) to make any further arrangements in regard to the commissioned and non-commissioned officers that you shall judge necessary, both in regard to that part of the corps which is embarked, and that which will continue in Great Britain; taking care, however, that nothing shall interfere to prevent the former from going on service complete both as officers and men (600 rank and file)."

On the back of this paper Major Enys had written: In case of reduction, the present order runs thus: His Majesty, conceiving it very material that the situation of the officers, in the event of a reduction of the 2nd Battalion, should be clearly understood, is graciously pleased to declare his Royal intention that on a reduction of the 2nd Battalion, the youngest officers of each rank throughout the regiment should be placed on half-pay without respect to the particular battalion in which they may happen to serve, the same rule of reduction having been uniformly observed in all former occasions.






1 Colonel, with a Company   1 Lieut.-Colonel, with a Company
1 Lieut.-Colonel, with a Company   1 Major
1 Major, with a Company   8 Captains
7 Captains   12 Lieutenants (no Capt. Lieut.)
1 Captain and Lieutenant   8 Ensigns
11 Lieutenants   1 Chaplain
8 Ensigns   1 Adjutant
1 Chaplain   1 Qr. Master
1 Qr. Master   1 Surgeon
1 Adjutant   1 Mate
1 Surgeon   32 Serjeants
1 Surgeon's Mate   40 Corporals
32 Serjeants   22 Drummers and Fifers
40 Corporals   760 Privates
22 Drummers and Fifers      
760 Privates      



                                                                                                     "Plymouth Dock, Apl 22nd, 1795.
"My Lord,
In anxious expectation of your arrival, I send this to wait for you in London, to beg you will send me your Orders respecting the New Battalion of the 29th as soon as possible, as I have no authority to make the least alterations until you do, not having received an order of any kind about it, and am told they were all sent to your Lordship to Germany in the beginning of last month, about which time I also sent you a Packet, in which I mentioned everything respecting the Regt I could think of, and although I have been constantly in expectation of your answer, no such thing has yet reached me. I have a few days ago received an Order from the War Office to say that the 1st Battalion of the 29th were to go to Jersey as soon as the parties could be relieved from on board the Men of War, which was ordered to be done without delay. I am sure I need not mention to your Lordship that Jersey is one of the worst places in the world to form a Regiment, provisions being extremely dear, and liquor of all kinds very plentiful and cheap, which, with the large sums of money our men have coming to them, will be enough to ruin the whole Regiment. The 25th have got off from going there, and I believe the 69th also. With Regard to the formation of the New Corps, I told you in my last letter that I could give you no information as to the choice of the Officers, for although they certainly all rejected the first proposal, which was known before they sailed from here, yet I think the present terms so much better, that 1 hardly think they would reject these also.

There are also one or two things respecting the Men which occurs to me; provided the New Establishment is to take place from the 24th of last February, are all the men who were then on our strength to be drafted and transferred to the New Battalion from that day, or are we only to transfer such men as may be on our strength at the time the new arrangements actually took place, as it will make a very material difference, not only from men that have died, but also from a number who have been returned unfit for any service, and are to be discharged by a Board of Officers and Surgeons lately assembled here for that purpose. There is also a report here that the Regiment is gone to Corsica; if this is true, are the men of the Battalion now in the Mediterranean to be esteemed a part of the old or new Battalion, those numbers are, 2 Officers, 2 Serjeants, 1 Drummer, and about 64 or 65 Rank & file. I do not know what arrangements your Lordship may have made with regard to your staff, but Colonel Dickson seems to wish very much for our late Serjt Major Perry, as Adjutant, who is now Adjutant & Ensign in the 91st, at this place, but being very near eldest Ensign, it will not be worth his while to come to us unless he gets a Lieutenancy, for which I believe he will pay the regulation if you think him an object worth gaining at such a price. There are many things more which may be mentioned but I will leave them until I am sure of your being in England; but if it is necessary that I should come to meet you, some Officer must be sent here, as Lord George Lennox does not wish I should go until some other comes in my place, while I am

                                                           Your Lordships most obedient Servant,
                                                                                                              JN ENYS."

In June, Major Enys received orders to proceed from Plymouth with the men under his command, and there join the detachments which had disembarked from the fleet, and assembled at Jersey under the command of Captain Jaques. Accurate returns were now made out, and it was discovered that owing to deaths, and men receiving their discharge, the strength of the battalion was but 567 rank and file. As these were all old soldiers, the regiment was formed of as fine a body of men as any in the army, and fit for any service.

During their stay in Jersey the men received very large sums of prize money, which became due to them whilst serving on board the fleet. "I was rather surprised," wrote Major Enys, "one day to hear that a soldier of my company, named William Davis, one of those who had received prize money, had invited the whole company to sup with him on roast duck and green peas. On enquiry I found it was not only true, but that the same man, on a former payment of prize money, not being able to go ashore at the moment he wished to spend it, had eaten a £20 note ! !"

In the Muster Rolls kept at the Record Office, Chancery Lane, is the following list of officers:-

2ND BATTALION 29TH FOOT. 25TH DEC., 1794-24TH JUNE, 1795.

Colonel William, Lord Cathcart   Serving on the Continent.
Lieut.-Colonel Hugh Dickson 25 Feb., 1795 Serving with 1st Batt. in Grenada.
Major John Enys 25 Feb., 1795 From 1st Batt. 29th Foot.
Captains Francis Wm. Farquhar 16 April, 1795 From 1st Batt. 29th Foot.
William Jacques∞ 17 April, 1795 From 1st Batt. 29th Foot.
James Allen 18 April, 1795 From 1st Batt. 29th Foot.
Robert Harrison 19 April, 1795 From 1st Batt. 29th Foot.
James Monsell 21 April, 1795 From 1st Batt. 29th Foot.
W. S. Bertrand 23 April, 1795 From 1st Batt. 29th Foot.
John M. Doherty 26 April, 1795 From 75th Foot.
Chas. Thos. Grant 27 April, 1795 From 77th Foot.
Lieutenants William Seymour 21 April, 1795 On board H.M.S. "Minotaur."
Geo. Saville Burdett 23 April, 1795 From 1st Batt. 29th Foot.
Edmund Rolleston 6 May, 1795 From 24th Foot.
Henry B. Lynch 6 May, 1795 From 20th Foot.
Ensigns George Tod 16 April, 1795 From The Northern Fencibles.
Nathaniel Forster≠ 20 Aug., 1795  
Adjutant Thomas Comber 16 April, 1795 Serving with 1st Batt. in Grenada.
Quarter Master Richard Nosworthy 3 June, 1795  
Surgeon Saml. Irving 6 May, 1795  
Mate Alexander Hodge    

∞ Signs himself Jaques. ≠ From Acting Surgeon 2nd Batt. 29th Foot.


                                                                    [LETTER 22].

                                                  LADY CATHCART TO LORD CATHCART.
                                                                                                    "Windsor, July 6, 1795.

        "The King asked me several questions about the 29th, and amongst others, where Majors Mallory and Enys were; the official accounts of Major Mallory's death had not arrived. When I told the King, I took the opportunity of saying that the eldest captain of the regiment was your A.D.C., and that he had served all the time with you, and every one who knew him, knew what a remarkable good officer he is ; in short, I said as much as I thought I might venture without doing mischief. The Princesses .   .   .   and .   .   .  have also entered warmly into the business. I have no doubt of success, it needs only to state the pretensions : however such strange things do happen ! I thought in your absence I had better do what I could, knowing that if the vacancy is otherwise filled it will be a mortification and disappointment to you. I shall regret very much if Captn Kirkman is obliged to leave you ; he has been with you so long, I do not know how you can supply his place."

                                                               To LORD CATHCART.◊
                                                                                       "Grouville Bks., Jersey.
                                                                                                         11th August 1795. 
        "My Lord,
                  It is now three months since I did myself the honor of writing to you from Plymouth Dock, and am sorry to say have not yet received any answer. I however hope my letter reached you safe as I find it impossible to enter again, at length, into the various subjects I then wrote upon ; indeed the hurry with which everything now seems to be pressed forward with, seems to preclude me from making a point of dressing the Regiment with that attention I could otherwise wish to do. Our people were not put ashore from the fleet until the 18th of May, long after the other Regiments had been embarked, and some of them are not even yet landed, as you will see by the enclosed card. But that is not all; when they had landed about 350, they sent them to this place, keeping me still at Plymouth with only a few sick men, until the 24th June, by which means I did not join the Regiment until the 1st July, when I immediately set to work arranging the companies, getting their confused accounts settled as well as I could to their satisfaction, and getting our Regimental Books & Returns put as forward as I possibly could. I had not been ten days employed at this work before I received an order for the Battalion to be in readiness to embark on the shortest notice, under which order we still remain without the least idea of our future destination. On our arrival at this place, the arms we had on board ship were found to have been so spoiled on that duty, that most of them were returned into stores of this place before my arrival, in place of which we are now using the 400 stands, sent in Deer last, for the augmentation. I was also fearful for some time that we should have embarked without our clothing, but finding some Breeches cloth in the Stores, I made it all up and procured as many Waistcoats and breeches as I could from St. Heliers, by which we have partly covered our nakedness. Aid, a few days ago, arrived, consisting of about 600 Coats and 850 sets of Half-mounting,§ but no Waistcoats or Breeches with them ; indeed I do not know the reason, but they do not seem to pay the least attention, either to the orders or returns I sent them, nor will they even deign to answer either my letters or those of Mr. Nosworthy, who joined us a short time since, and seems to be attentive to his business, whilst the arrangement of the Corps, and our being under orders, has prevented me from going to London to see things done myself, or to learn how others in the same situation are doing. As to any of the ornamental parts of the Regiment, they are mostly unordered, except when I found we were likely to embark, that I desired the agent to order Colours for us to be ready whenever we sent for them, but my whole view has been to get the arms, clothing, and accounts in as good a state as I can, at which I am constantly employed, so that if from the want of the ornamental parts. we may not be said to be a parade Regiment, I think no one can deny we are as noble a Detachment as ever were seen. I take the opportunity of sending you a Morning State of the Regiment, and a list of the Non-Commissioned Officers as they now stand, and a third, of the Officers now with me at this place; you will see by the State, that we have 62 on the Sick Report, but they are the same set of fellows you always remembered to have been there, with sore legs. sore backs, and Venerial, or I do not think we have what can be called a sick man in the whole place. The large balances due to our men when they landed, with the extreme cheapness of liquor in this Island, has been the cause of some irregularities, which have not yet ceased, but from what I can find no Regiment has been so well liked by the inhabitants for many years, except the 63rd, and I hope, as their cash is now nearly expended, they will improve upon us. Captain Clayey has been so good as to superintend our Drills whilst I am at other things, and the men improve daily from his attention to them; so much for the 2nd Battalion.

Would to God I could send you so good an account of the first, but their melancholy horrors meet us at every line of their letters, but as you may not have heard from them yourself, I think it my duty to inform you of some of the particulars I have learned, although it will give you I am sure as much pain as it has done all here.

The first letter is of the 20th April, from Dickson, in which he says very little more than a detail of the passage, landing at Barbadoes 30th of March, and sailing next day for Grenada, and of their landing, and some of their attacks afterwards; he then says that Mallory was hurt in a struggle with two negroes, who attempted to take him prisoner, and that he and Vernon were gone sick to St. George's; he then says that Sergt Clarke and Corporal Hindmarsh were killed in the first attack; in the second Ensign Bayley was killed, Mr. Comber wounded in the arm, and Dr. Wm. Archer in the head.

The second letter was from Campbell, in which he says Mallory was dead, and refers me to Dickson's letter for the rest.

A third letter, from Dickson, dated 15th May, after some particular details, says death is now making great havoc among them; he then mentions the death of Mrs. Dalgetty, the Sergt Major (that is I presume Comber)« and Serjeant William McLean, and that many others of all ranks were very ill, and that of the 600 who embarked, only about 380 remained fit for duty.

A fourth letter, from Dickson, is worse than all; he says but little of their movements or actions, but that, within the last six weeks, they had lost by Yellow Fever, 5 Officers, 6 Serjeants, and about 80 Rank and file, and adds, that about 120 more were in the Hospitals, very few of which he ever expected to see come out of them.

The names of the officers lost are Captains Allen and Williams, Lieutenants Vernon, French, & Love; of Serjeants, he mentions the Serjeant Major, Mr. McLean (Master of the Band), with two of the Band, Sergt Swopp, the Drum Major, and his wife, with most of the Women, and children who went with them.

To this account I may add from other accounts, the death of Serjts Dalgetty, Clay, Cotton, and Walker who I hear died on the passage, not mentioned by Dickson. But let me finish this dreadful account which it rends my heart to write, as I am sure it will yours to read, and to proceed to another part of my duty, which is, that by Comber's death, we have lost our Adjutant. I beg leave to mention the person who has done duty as Serjeant-Major, Serjeant Owenson, and has been of infinite use to us, all through the formation of the Battalion, as a proper person to succeed to this office. I have every reason to think Captain Clayey means to write to you on the same subject by this day's post, and means to mention Serjt .   .   .  § as a person worthy of attention, which I must also say I think, his having received great assistance from him also. There is also a gentleman here, named Nathaniel Foster,~ who has been acting as Surgeon to us for some time, and who is extremely beloved by every officer present, who wishes to change his line, and if possible get an Ensigncy without purchase, and it is by desire of the Corps in General, that I beg leave to recommend him to you for one of the many vacant Ensigncies in this Battalion. Mr. Nosworthy also requests I would remind your Lordship of your naming him to an Ensigncy. In a letter to Colonel Brownrigg of this, I have told him that I had this day recommended the above gentlemen to your Lordship, and hope they may not be forgotten if they were obliged to fill up the vacancies before an answer came from you on the subject, of which I hope you will approve, as it may be long before we hear from you, and I know not how soon we may embark. Be so good as to make my best compliments to Major Kirkman, to whom I would write if I had time, which I really have not, whilst I am,

                                                                       Your Lordship's most obedt Humble Servant,
                                                                                                                             JOHN ENYS."

You will I presume have heard before this reaches you that Mr. Irving who was appointed Surgeon to the Battalion, has exchanged with Mr. Lenon, who joined us this day, so I can say but very little about him, more than that first appearances are well enough. We have also a person here named Mr. Hodge, who Mr. Irving sent down here as Mate, some time ago, whose assistance I have accepted of, Although I have not heard that your Lordship has given him any Warrant. But as those kind of people are not often to be found" if forced on Service before his Warrant arrives I shall be obliged to answer for you.

                                                                                                              Yours" &c.,  J. E."

From a Morning State¢ of the 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment, dated Grouville, 11th August, 1795, the total strength was 31 serjeants, 39 corporals, 10 drummers, and 513 privates; of these 7 serjeants, 9 corporals, 2 drummers, and 116 privates were "on command."


Major John Enys 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
Captains William Jacques 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
Robert Harrison 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
James Monsell 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
John Doherty 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
Lieutenants Geo. Saville Burdett 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
Blois Lynch 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
Edmund Rolleston 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
Quarter Master R. Nosworthy 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
Surgeon Mr. Turner¤ 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.
Mate Mr. Hodge 2nd Battalion 29th Regiment.


Captains Joseph Clavey
Chas. Bulkeley Egerton
Will Edgell Wyatt
Lieutenants Robert Duddingstone
George Dalmer
Pat Henderson
Lieutenants Northey and Tucker, 1st Battalion, on board H.M.S. "Blenheim" in Mediterranean, with 4 Serjeants, 1 Drummer, 62 rank and file.
Lieutenant Seymour, on board H.M.S. "Minotaur," with 2 Serjeants, 1 Drummer,
61 rank and file.
Not yet Joined. Captain Chas. Thomas Grant  -  2nd Battalion
Ensign George Tod  -  2nd Battalion
Lieut. Samuel Gauntlett  -  1st Battalion
Not yet Appointed. 8 Lieutenants, 7 Ensigns, 1 Chaplain.

¤ Was not gazetted to the Regiment.


In August, Lord Cathcart received notice from the War Office, dated 17th inst.,¦ "that, from the utmost impossibility of procuring recruits to complete the old regiments, as well as from the extreme difficulty of finding officers for this very extensive establishment" it had been judged absolutely necessary to reduce a considerable number of young battalions, transferring the rank and file to the old regiments, but continuing their officers in pay until opportunities were found to provide for them in the corps remaining on the Establishment. In pursuance of this above arrangement, His Majesty was pleased to order that the 2nd Battalion of the 29th Regiment should forthwith embark for Portsmouth, where all rank and file fit for service were to be transferred to some of the regiments in the Southern District, and that the battalion should be discontinued on the Establishment from the 24th of November inclusive."

                             The following paragraph appeared in the Morning Chronicle:— 
                                                                                                       "Jersey, 27 August, 1795.

Eight transports, under convoy of the "Rattler" ship of war, are just arrived to take away the 29th Regiment, commanded by Major Enys. The politeness and urbanity of that gentleman, and of the other officers, and the regularity of the privates, has endeared them to the islanders in general. The good order, and discipline kept among them, were the more remarkable, as every man brought with him £50 prize money, acquired while the regiment served on board the fleet as marines. The farmers, and public-houses about the barracks, will long feel the good effects of the soldierlike propensity of the men, to part with their money. One of the soldiers had yesterday still remaining a bank note of £25, but finding that his comrades had spent all their cash, he determined to swallow the note between two pieces of bread and butter, and by this ingenious expedient avoided the implication of being singular."

Having marched to St. Aubins, the regiment embarked thence on the 28th, and landing at Southampton on the 2nd of September, marched to, and encamped on, Nursling or Nutshalling Common, with the troops there assembling under Major-General Sir Ralph Abercrombie, destined to complete the deliverance of the French West India Islands from the power of the Republican Government, and to reduce to obedience the islands of St. Vincent, and Grenada.

Whilst in this camp, and in conformity with War Office letter of the 17th of August, orders were received for the battalion to be drafted into the 42nd (Royal Highlanders). This, however, does not appear to have been approved by Lord Cathcart, who brought his influence to bear, and before the order could be carried out the Duke of York arrived and countermanded it.

                                                                     [LETTER 23].=
                                                                                "Brinkum" nr Bremen,
                                                                                                August 30th, 1795.

           "I have received a notification of His Majesty's commands for drafting the 2nd Battalion. If I cannot obtain that the 2nd should be drafted into the 1st, the regiment will be utterly ruined for many years to come, as I shall not have a single old serjeant or man left. I have wrote to the War Office, to guard them against the fatal mistake of reducing the troops which were embarked as marines, as the 2nd Battn, whereas they are from every reason the "first," and the West India Battn the 2nd; but if they must go to the West Indies, why not send them to the other battalion, which is already nearly worn out, and make one regiment out of the two battalions?"

The following reply was received with reference to Lord Cathcart's representation to the War Office anent the proposed reduction:—

                                                                                               "Adjutant-General's Office,>
                                                                                                                     16 September, 1795.
          "My dear Lord,
                     I take the first opportunity to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's favor of 28th of last month, and to acquaint you in reply, that the 2nd Battalion of the 29th Regiment, under your Lordship's command, is in conformity to your wishes, to be incorporated into the 1st. Your Lordship's reasoning on the subject is evidently just, and has accordingly been productive of the desired effect. I have the honor to be, with great regard and truth,
                                                                   My dear Lord,
                                             Your Lordship's most faithful, humble Servant,
                                                                                             WM. FAWCETT,
                                                                                                              A. G."

        "Right Honble
              Lord Cathcart,
                      &c., &c., &c.,

Although incorporated with the 1st Battalion then serving in Grenada, and under orders to proceed to the West Indies with Sir Ralph Abercrombie, it was intimated that most likely on its arrival there, it might not be sent to join the regiment, but have to act as a separate corps.

                                                                    [LETTER 24].
                                                LADY CATHCART TO LORD CATHCART.
                                                                                                  "Sept. 28, 1795.

       "I am so happy I don't know how to write. The Duke of York arrived last night. He was at the rooms where we were at tea, drew his chair very kindly by me, and after saying handsome things of you. whispered in my ear a secret! I was almost wild with joy; I ought not to doubt I shall soon see you, after what was so kindly and humanely imparted. God grant me strength to support myself under such happiness .  .  .  [In the middle of a closely-written quarto sheet the Princess Augusta interpolates]: 'I cannot resist having the pleasure of writing a few lines to you, with Kate's permission. I have had a very good account of my dear 29th, my Brother says it really is a very excellent battalion, and I am most happy to hear it. Pray pardon the liberty, and believe me your most sincere well-wisher, A. S.' [Lady C. goes on to say]: "Princess Augusta has been playing
'reels' in my room, and insisted on adding a few lines, which will give you pleasure. It is very true what she has prettily told you. The Duke of York told the King he was surprised and delighted with the 29th, which he had just seen: the men fine and the regiment in good order, notwithstanding they had been so long on board ship. He said they were the original 29th, all the old men, and it would have been a shame to have drafted them into other regiments. I joined in the conversation, and we three talked over both battalions, officers, and men, the losses in the West Indies, and all the losses and hardships, &c. The Duke talked of Major Kirkman in the highest terms, and explained to me how he came not to be major in poor Major Mallory's place, and apologised for it, telling the King what a valuable officer Major Kirkman was, and useful in every situation."

On the 18th of October, the regiment was ordered to embark at Southampton on board the "Sebastiana," "Somerset," and "Sally" transports. As scarcely three hours' notice had been given, this sudden move created a certain amount of surprise amongst the officers, and men; still greater was their astonishment when the following General Order was issued:—

                                                                GENERAL ORDERS.¿
                                                                           "Southampton, October 15, 1795.

        "Major-General Sir R. Abercromby thinks it his duty to make in this pointed manner, his disapprobation of the shameful Desertion which has taken place from the 29th Regiment, which will also render it necessary to bring the Deserters now in confinement to a General Court Martial."

The effect of this order upon the regiment, which had been but shortly before pronounced as in a satisfactory and well-disciplined condition, was, to say the least, somewhat startling. This unpleasant impression, however, was partially relieved the next day, by the issue of another General Order, and Lord Cathcart's letter which follows, explains fully the circumstances of the misunderstanding:-

                                                                 GENERAL ORDER.
                                                                                     "19th October, 1795.

        "Major-General Sir R. Abercromby was induced to mark his disapprobation of the conduct and discipline of the 29th Regiment in the Orders of yesterday, from the inaccuracy, and inattention of the Commanding Officer of that Regiment in camp, on the 17th inst., who returned 42 men deserted in place of four."

                                                                   [LETTER 25].
                                                                                   "Hastedt" Nov. 12, 1795.

        "I have had letters from the 29th. General Abercrombie has been in a passion, and treated them very harshly.

        "Major Enys happened to be at Southampton, looking after the packages of the regiment, and the Weekly State was signed by the officer commanding in camp. There were 42 sick and 4 deserters: by mistake they put down 4 sick and 42 deserters. Without asking a question or thinking of the extraordinary recovery of near 50 men in one week, the Adjutant-General, the General, and all the family, became outrageous against the regiment for desertion, and the most cutting and violent order was given out, attended by orders for the regiment to be instantly embarked as a punishment, and no man to be allowed to land, but under strong checks. The regiment did embark, on three hours' notice, unconscious of having given any offence, with a regularity and marks of loyalty that did them high honour in the eyes of the army. In the evening a new order came out, which explained the blunder, and threw the blame on the officer who signed the return, but without taking off or softening the asperity with which the regiment had been treated. Some people honour, and keep up the pride of a soldier; others perhaps doubt, or forget, that such things exist" but such is the history of the anticipated embarkation of my poor regiment."

The regiments destined for the West Indies having all embarked, the transports, with Major Enys' battalion on board, sailed with the rest of the fleet on the 15th of November. On the 17th, it blew so hard that early in the afternoon signal was made to anchor, but on account of the increased violence of the gale, only a few ships succeeded in so doing. The greater number bore up for St. Helens, where, on arrival, it was discovered that several of the men-of-war had suffered so much that it was necessary either to replace, or repair them. This detained the expedition until the 9th of December, when it again sailed, accompanied by a division of the Royal Navy under Admiral Christian. Again the weather proved unfavourable, for on the 12th, a S.W. wind freshened to a gale, and orders were signalled to bear up for Torbay. 
The storm which ensued compelled each ship to look to its own safety. Some wrecks occurred, but the majority of the transports returned to St. Helens, where (with the exception of the "Sally") those having the 29th on board anchored on the 28th of January. It was a long time before it was ascertained that the "Sally" had made good her passage to the West Indies.

On the 8th of February, Major Enys' battalion was ordered to disembark, and place itself under command of its colonel, Lord Cathcart, who then commanded the troops at Southampton. On account of various delays, Southampton was not reached till the 15th. In March, the battalion marched to Hamble.

                                                     MAJOR ENYS TO LORD CATHCART®
                                                                                   "Hamble, April 3rd, 1796.
        "My Lord,
                 Agreeable to my promise I went to Southampton yesterday in hopes of meeting the 12th and 33rd Regiments, which I expected would be there, in place of which I found only a part of the 90th, from whom nothing was to be gathered.

Mumbler,µ however, purchased two Octave Flutes which he said were wanting, and not part of what were expected from Germany, and he has found one old Oboe, and a Clarionet, the whole purchase of which, I am told" is not much more than 2 guineas .   .   .   .   .   But if I was unfortunate on the subject of the Music I did not wholly lose my labour, having met Champané, and attacked him for the Black they have so long promised us, who, he says, shall be sent as soon as ever we send a White man in his place.

Would your Lordship wish me to send, this years new suit of Cloathes, out with the Recruiting parties.

There are also other things which should be thought of, if we are likely to remain in England, particularly our Camp Equipage as what we now have is only a Collection of what we could collect from the Regiments that were drafted, about the time of our arrival in Nut-shelling Camp. We of course want many things such as Quarter Guard Tent, Camp Colours, &c., &c.   .   .   .   .   I must also observe that all our Serjeants have not got Pikes, for no more were sent than to compleat the Augmentation of one Serjeant per Company; of course many Serjeants who were such in the Second Battalion, and who now remain as such, have never had any such thing, But have been furnished with the Lance part of the old haldberts as far as they would go towards compleating them. I have also in compliance with your desire. made all the inquiry I can for a proper person to succeed to the honourable office of Crimp for the 29th Regiment, in the place of Mr. Hoffard, deceased: in consequence of which I have received the enclosed letter from one of that honourable profession. But having no acquaintance with the 133rd Rgt, or Lt. Col. Simon Fraser, I transmit it to your Lordship who may possibly get Kirkman, or some other person to make the necessary inquiry into his Character whilst I wait your further orders on the subject.   .   .   .   .   .
                        I have the honour to be your Lordships
                                                          Most obedient Servant
                                                                                JNO ENYS."

A disturbance having taken place (on the 28th of April) among the men at work on the canal near Southampton, on the application of the Mayor, a detachment, of 100 men, under command of Captain C. B. Egerton, was sent to assist in preserving order; these, after an absence of three or four days, rejoined their regiment. The thanks of the Mayor and Corporation, together with a sum of money to be divided amongst the men who had been employed on this duty, was afterwards received by the regiment.

The following is a copy of the vote of thanks:—

                                               "SOUTHAMPTON, 11 MAY, 1796.

At a Common Council held at the Audit -House of the Town, and County of Southampton, it was unanimously resolved:
That the thanks of the Mayor and Corporation of this Town, and County, be presented to Major John Enys, commanding the 29th Regiment of Foot, at Hamble, for the readiness with which he complied with the request of the Magistrates, by ordering a detachment of that regiment into the town for the purpose of assisting the civil power, in case it had been necessary at the time of the late disturbance, also to Captain Egerton, the other officers, non-commissioned officers, and privates of the detachment, for the strict discipline they observed, and their very regular behaviour whilst in the town.

        That their resolutions be signed by the Town Clerk, and by him transmitted to Major Enys, requesting that he will be pleased to have them communicated to the detachment.
                                                               By order of the Common Council,
                                                                                         (Signed) THOMAS RIDDING,
                                                                                                                       Town Clerk."

                                                               "Adjutant-General's Office,
                                                                                              4 May, 1796.

        "His Majesty has thought fit to signify His Royal Pleasure, that all Officers without distinction, belonging to the Infantry of the Line, shall in future have the undermentioned articles of their Regimental Dress here specified, made exactly according to the following Regulations, viz.:

A crimson and gold cord round the Hat, with crimson and gold rosettes, or tufts, brought to the edge of the brim.

The Sword to have a brass guard, pommel, and shell, gilt with gold; with the gripe or handle of silver twisted wire.

The blade to be straight, and made to cut, and thrust; to be one inch at least broad at the shoulder, and 32 inches in length, conformable to former orders given in April, 1786.

The Sword Knot to be crimson and gold, in stripes, as required by His Majesty's present regulations.

The Gorget to be gilt with gold, with the King's cypher, and crown over it, engraved in the middle, and to be worn with a riband, and tuft or rosette at each end, of the colour of the facing of the regimental clothing respectively.
                                                                                                WM. FAWCETT,
                                                                                                              Adjt General."

                                                                       [LETTER 26].
                                                                                    "Salisbury, June 27, 1796.

        "The Worcester Militia^ have been marching through this place ever since I have been here, in small divisions, and as they march at 2 in the morning, they keep up an incessant drumming in the middle of the night for two hours, so a stranger would suppose the French had landed. I have recommended to them to practice turning out in silence, as a very useful military operation, but I do not like to forbid the noise because they seem to enjoy it. They are a very fine regiment, and have been at pains to imitate the Worcestershire Regiment of Foot, in dress, and many other things."

About the middle of July, the regiment relieved the 28th Foot at Gosport, but on the 9th of August, marched for Weymouth Camp, where a force was assembled under General Sir William Pitt, K.B.", and one of the brigades of cavalry was commanded by Major-General Lord Cathcart.

                                                                      [LETTER 27].
                                                                                  "Weymouth, Sept. 16th, 1796.

        "At 8 o'clock a.m., received the King. The 2 cavalry brigades exercised much to His Majesty's satisfaction. By 12, the King went to Lord Uxbridge's lines, where there was a most magnificent breakfast in many tents. After breakfast, country dances, &c., after which the line of infantry was reviewed, and made a very good figure. I put myself at the head of the 29th when the King passed them, and also marched past, at their head, but left the exercise to Col. Sneyd. This review also gave great satisfaction, and lasted till half-past 3."

During Their Majesties' stay at Weymouth, the 29th was encamped on a hill (Sutton Camp) overlooking the bay, but on their departure the regiment took up quarters in the town, where, on the 7th of October, it was joined by the remains of the battalion which embarked for Grenada in 1794.

About this time the sword exercise was introduced into the army, and was practiced before His Majesty.

On the 15th of September, it was ordered that, the brigade of Foot Guards, and the Infantry of the Line, in general, are to wear plain hats with white feathers in them, white tufts at the corners, for the brigade of Foot Guards; and white mixed with the colour of the facing of the regiment, for the Line; with a white loop round the button, and the edges bound round with black worsted tape.

The cross-belt plate worn by the officers of the 29th Foot, at this period was an oblong, octangular silver plate, 3 inches long, 2¼ broad.


A wreath of laurels was engraved round this plate, on the centre of which was a raised device, consisting of a Lion crowned statant guardant, encircled by a Garter bearing the motto "Honi Soit," &c., surmounted by a crown. This is the earliest trace I have been able to discover of the Lion Device.


*  Mr. Chas. Dalton, writing on the 3rd of February 1883, said " I send you a notice of a 29th man who possessed both a naval, and military medal. These two medals were bought by me in 1866, in Durham, for a few shillings, and sold in 1878, for over 10 guineas to Mackenzie of Seaforth, who valued them exceedingly, and obtained from the War Office a description of Thos. Robson, 29th Foot. I believe the two medals are now in the collection of Captain Eaton, late Grenadier Guards, who bought Seaforth's collection. The medal for the Peninsular War, was issued in 1849 to the survivors of certain general actions.—Medal with 4 clasps "Albuhera," " Talavera," "Vimiera," "Roleia," (Thos. Robson, 29th Foot).
Naval War Medal, issued 1849, to the survivors of certain general actions between 1793 and 1841, medal with one clasp "1st Tune, 1794" Thos. Robson, &c., &c.
#  Memoranda Papers. Record Office, London.
‡  Vide preceding account of H.M.S. "Thunderer."
†  A true copy of this will is in the possession of Lord Cathcart.
¥  Copied by Captain R. J. Watson from the original, which has since been lost.
¶  This paper is missing.
+  This paper is missing.
∆  Ensign Joseph Bailey from Corporal-Major 1st Life Guards.
±  Captain R. J. Watson's MS.
◊  Captain R. J. Watson's MS.
«  A Half-mounting consisted of—a pair of shoes, a shirt, 2 pairs socks, and a stock.
$  Had been appointed Adjutant 2nd Battalion 29th Foot, 16th April, 1795.
§  Name nearly obliterated, but looks as if it might he "Doyle."
~  Ensign 2nd Battalion 29th Foot, 20th August, 1795.
¢  Captain R. J. Watson's MS.
¦   Captain R. J. Watson's MS.
=  Lord Cathcart to Lady Cathcart.
>  Captain R. J. Watson's MS.
¿   Captain R. J. Watson's MS.
®  Lord Cathcart's MS.
µ  Master of the band.
^  Became in 1881, the 3rd Battalion of the Worcestershire (late 29th) Regiment.
<  Now mounted as the lid of a snuff-box" and in possession of Colonel A. Wyatt Edgell" of Cowley House" Exeter.

Go to Chapter 8