2871 Peter Danks

This section of the forum is for any enquires relating the the Boer War in South Africa covers the dates 1900 to 1902.

Moderators: Kevin Lynott, peter, LarsA

2871 Peter Danks

Postby Yvonne » Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:41 pm

My Great grandfather Peter Danks was born in 1870, I believe he joined the 3rd Btn Worcestershire Regiment in March 1891.

During this time according to his Military History Sheet he served time in East Indies 1892-1896 and S.Africa 1900-1902. The medals he received were Witteliergen?, Cape C, Transvaal, with clasps. Is this the 2nd Boar War? as when I have tried to get records from Ancestry for the 2nd Boar war, it cannot find anything more. Is the History sheet in his Military papers be the only record there is? Can anything else be found for him re this?

He later was called up for WW1,and as he was a miner, he went as a Tunneller or Tunnellers assistant in the Royal Engineers, and had changed his name back to his birth name of Peter Hunt and his soldiers number was 102927.
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Re: 2871 Peter Danks

Postby corona » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:55 am

2871 PTE. PETER DANKS was awarded the following medals for the BOER WAR:-
Queen's S.Africa clasps Witterbergen,Cape Colony,Transvaal.
King's S.Africa clasps S.Africa 1901, S.Africa1902.(wrong initial T not P on medal roll)
As 102927 SPR. PETER HUNT ,in addition to his WWI Medal Trio ,he was also awarded a SILVER WAR BADGE.
All the above medal information comes fron ANCESTRY.
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Re: 2871 Peter Danks

Postby Yvonne » Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:57 am

Thanks for this information Corona, will go and take a look.

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat May 19, 2012 4:55 pm

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