Albert Roland Randle

This section of the forum is for any enquires relating the the Second World War covering the dates 1939 to 1946.

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Albert Roland Randle

Postby bailey » Sun Aug 12, 2012 10:35 pm

Hi all , i am trying to find more information about my grandad

Albert Roland Randle 5243814 Sergt.Who was killed in Belgium on the 20/05/1940 he was in the 7th battalion.

I have been told that the company that he was in were sent out to find an earlier patrol that was sent out but failed to return and on there search they came under attack and the company were all killed ,

Any infomation on the days leading up to this or what did happen that day would be a great help

thanks mark
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Joined: Sun Aug 12, 2012 10:11 pm
Location: Birmingham, U.K.

Re: Albert Roland Randle

Postby scully » Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:50 am

Hi Mark,

The 7th Battalion War Diary entry for that day simply shows the following:

20th May 1940 (15.00 hours)
The Commanding Officer, 2 i/c. and Company Commanders went to GALONNE to recce position held by the Warwicks, with a view to relieving them on the following morning. The party was shelled severely while on recce. Battalion ordered to move to GUIGNES. As the Battalion left the transport was heavily shelled, but managed to get away with only a few casualties. The Rifle Companies, while marching across country South of ORCQ. were heavily shelled, "A" and "C" Companies suffering particularly. Lieut. Hingley was killed, and Captain Byrd wounded.

You could try contacting the Regimental Archives who may hold further information. Their is a link ti their contact details on the home page of this website.


Louis (webmaster)
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Re: Albert Roland Randle

Postby scully » Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:52 am

Hi Mark,

You can view the whole war diary. Go to the War Diary section at:

Then click on the 7th Battalion link.


Louis (webmaster)
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Re: Albert Roland Randle

Postby bailey » Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:03 am

thanks for the reply and links have found them helpful

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Joined: Sun Aug 12, 2012 10:11 pm
Location: Birmingham, U.K.

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